Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Cruelty In Niccolo Machiavelli - 871 Words
Niccolo Machiavelli was once a diplomat over Florence , Italy . Unfortunately, He soon lost his position of power after the Medici family overthrow the monarchy . Machiavelli having lost his title tied to gather a militia to take back to Florence from the Medici family , but his efforts were in vain. He was captured , tortured , and exiled by the Medici family. At this time Machiavelli may have agreed with Fedrick Nietzsche that â€Å"Humans are the cruelest animals†in his bitterness after losing everything. That is until he writes his most well known work ‘The Prince’ to educate the Medici family as to how to hold power over Florence in hopes of gaining power or a title from the family . Machiavelli believed that cruelty is necessary as a†¦show more content†¦Machiavelli may speak about how humans are cattle but he understands that the people hold just as much power as the prince. If faced with too much cruelty the people will began to hate and conspi re to take power from their ruler. For example , In â€Å"Game of Thrones†,by JJ Martin there is a character known as Ramsay Bolton. Ramsay was so cruel that he killed his own father to obtain power over the north , tortured many people , and feed his step mother and newborn half brother to his dogs. Everyone feared him but fewer were loyal to him in the end. Everyone that stood with him was fearful of what he may do to them or because of his family’s name. That’s why its important for a ruler to be calculated with ones cruelty towards his people , instead of simply instilling fear , because if given a way out they will most definitely betrayal you. Then it begs the question is it better to be fear than to be loved. Most would rather be a beloved ruler but Machiavelli believed that fear was where all the power lied. Machiavelli said â€Å"a prince should make himself feared in such a way that, if he is not loved , at least he escapes being hated †( Ma chiavelli 54) . Machiavelli believed that you were suppose to be cruel but not so cruel that your subjects hated you. He spoke about the importance of keeping the peopleShow MoreRelatedNiccolo Machiavelli s The Prince1719 Words  | 7 PagesMachiavelli’s, The Prince, a book written by Niccolà ² Machiavelli, is a read that most people wouldn’t prefer to read as a first option but in defense to Niccolo, it brings out many themes such as Goodwill and Hatred, Free will, and Human Nature. â€Å"It is known from his personal correspondence that The Prince was written during 1513, the year after the Medici took control of Florence, and a few months after Machiavelli s arrest, torture, and banishment by the Medici regime†( The novel wasRead MoreIn the Defense of The Prince1333 Words  | 5 Pagesrelative, versatile nature of morality. If Niccolo Machiavelli were to fortify any ethical absolutism, his system would not work.It should be noted that Machiav ellis philosophy will have morality. 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The Florentine politician, known most famously for his work, The Prince, discusses, among other things, the relationship between morality and political action. However, unlike the vast majority of his European predecessors, who often argued that political power should be in the hands of the morally virtuous ruler, Machiavelli produce s a contrary argument, in which morality plays no role in judging theRead More Cassirer, Nietzsche and Niccolà ² Machiavellis The Prince Essay1154 Words  | 5 PagesCassirer, Nietzsche and Niccolà ² Machiavellis The Prince When the word Renaissance is mentioned, an image of love for antiquity learning and fine arts usually springs to ones mind. Yet this perception, however legitimate it may be in many areas of Renaissance human achievements, shatters in the face of Niccolà ² Machiavellis masterpiece The Prince. 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The novel serves as an abstract manual, addressing the definition of a good/bad ruler by placing emphasis on the required military organization, the character a ruler must posses, and the success that could be attained if a ruler should follow the guide. The scope in which the book is written is that of a scholarly observant. MachiavelliRead More The Powerful Truth of Machiavellis The Prince Essay1490 Words  | 6 Pageskingdom. Machiavelli saw the conventional thought of the time as a fantasy and only applicable in a utopian society. His work The Prince shatters all previous political thought by stating that a ruler must not only use the traditionally accepted means of maintaining power but also be able to use brute force, deceit and even cruelty as the situation requires. In the tumultuous political climate of renaissance Europe his theories were proven valid repeatedly.  Niccolo Machiavelli was bornRead MoreNiccolo Machiavelli and Political Philosophy Essay472 Words  | 2 PagesNiccolo Machiavelli and Political Philosophy Niccolo Machiavelli is revered as the founder of modern political philosophy. He was considered a realist because he concerned himself only with the political situations that actually arose in reality, where as previous philosophers were concerned largely with the theoretical politics of an idealist perfect society. In Machiavellis The Prince, written to the ruler of Florence at the time, Lorenzo de Medici, he analyzes the characteristics
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay on Left Brain vs. the Right Brain - 916 Words
The brain has its own functions and is divided into two hemispheres: the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. Also, has its own way of processing information and each lobe has its specific roles. What happens when damage to the brain occurs? How does it rewire itself to process information or learn new activities?. Damage to each hemisphere of the brain has different effects on the way individuals learn since each hemisphere is in charge of different functions. Furthermore, the brain processes information differently according to a person’s learning style. First, Let us explore on the functions of each hemisphere of the brain and how it works. The left hemisphere is associated with being logical. The right hemisphere of the†¦show more content†¦In the same way that material is being preserved due to continuous access to it, the material that is left untouched after learning it, disappears. â€Å"The process is called pruning because the brain pathways and connections that are used regularly are maintained and hard-wired, while others are eliminated†Willis (2008, p 2). This ability of the brain to adapt and reorganize its paths to newly learned skills is known as neuroplasticity. There are four lobes of the brain and have their specific roles. Frontal lobe is associated with reasoning, planning, parts of speech and movement (motor cortex). Parietal lobe is related with perception of stimuli related to touch, pressure, temperature and pain. Temporal lobe is linked to perception and recognition of auditory stimuli and memory. Occipital lobe is related to many aspects of vision, retrieved from Damage in any of these areas produces rewiring of the brain. Injury to the right hemisphere of the brain leads to cognitive-communication problems, such as impaired memory, attention problems and poor reasoning. In many cases, the person with right brain damage is not aware of the problems that he or she is experiencing, retrieved from On the other hand, damage to the left side of the hemisphere producesShow MoreRelatedleft brain vs right brain1430 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Left Brain vs. Right Brain: Implications of Learning Foundations of Online Learning Abstract A left-brain dominant person’s attributes are different than that of a right-brained person. This difference causes these two groups to have different learning styles. A left-brain dominant tends to be better at spelling and math. This is because this person can see all of the pieces. A right- brain dominant person tends be better at writing, biology, and otherRead MoreLeft Brain vs. Right Brain838 Words  | 4 PagesLeft Brain vs. Right Brain â€Å"According to the theory of left-brain or right-brain dominance, each side of the brain controls different types of thinking.†(Cherry 2012) From books to television programs, youve probably heard the phrase mentioned that people are either right brained or left brained thinkers or perhaps you have gone online to take a test to see which one you are. Psychologist have been researching the brain to try and understand learning capability’s that can help with such thingsRead MoreLeft Brain vs Right Brain950 Words  | 4 Pagesin the world. The brain has a lot to do with our learning. In terms of how we learn and what hemisphere we use the most. The concept of the right and left brain think developed from research in the late 1960s by an American psychologist Roger W Sperry. The correct term for the halves would be hemispheres. Mr. Sperry had discovered that the human brain has two different ways of thinking. The right hemisphere being more visual and the left he misphere being more verbal. The left hemisphere is knownRead More Left Brain vs Right Brain Essay1512 Words  | 7 PagesThe Left Brain vs The Right Brain: How Does This Impact Learning Do you ever hear some people say that, ‘I learn this way, because I’m left or right brain dominant,’ but what is your learning style? Some people go majority of their life, not knowing which learning style works for them. It is good to know what this learning style is so people can respond most effectively to the material being presented. Templeton (2003). The better people know their own learning style, the faster they can developRead MoreThe Left Brain vs. the Right Brain and Its Effect on Learning672 Words  | 3 PagesLeft Brain vs. the Right Brain and it’s Effects on Learning The left side of the brain and the right side of the brain are said to have specific functions relative for each side (Melina, 2011). The left side of the brain is said to be responsible for interpreting language, sound, and speech (Melina, 2011). According to Cherry (2014), the right side of the brain is said to control face recognition, creativity, and emotions conveyed when reading among others. Each student processes and absorbs informationRead MoreLeft Brain vs Right Brain Research Paper947 Words  | 4 PagesLeft brain VS Right brain Matthew Stafford Davenport University 10/25/2012 Right Brain Your brain processes and reacts to certain situations in many different ways. This is directly due to either being left brain or right brain. What is left brain or right brain you ask? People use either side to approach solutions to a variety of problems with different outcomes. People who are left brain tend to approach each problem with an analytical point of view. Right brain thinkers tend toRead MoreLearning: Left-Brain vs. Right Brain Essay1027 Words  | 5 Pagesthis mystery. The brain is divided into two sections. They are known as the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. Individually they have different functionalities but collectively they make up the person as a whole and can give some explanation as to why a person process and learn the way they do. Hopefully, by the end of this read you will better understand this phenomenon and make it work for you. One of the major forces behind research into the mysteries of the human brain is Mr. Roger SperryRead MoreEssay on Left vs. Right Brain1085 Words  | 5 PagesLeft vs. Right Brain The idea that the left and right sides of the brain can control many different aspects of behavior in different categories is an interesting one. Four websites which consider this concept are Neuro Pearls, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association website, Left vs. Right Brain Modes, and SPLITTING THE HUMAN BRAIN. In Left Vs. Right Brain Modes, a direct comparison is presented in several categories. The left hemisphere is described as verbal, analytical, logicalRead MoreLeft Brain vs Right Brain: How Does It Impact Learning1345 Words  | 6 Pages|The left and right hemispheres of our brain process information in different ways. We tend to process information using our dominant side. However, the learning and thinking process is | |enhanced when both side of the brain participate in a balanced manner. This means strengthening our less dominate hemisphere of the brain. In trying to differentiate between the left and | |right brain, My paper will show information processing styles that are characteristically used by our right or left-brainRead MoreLeft Brain vs Right Brain; How It Affects Learning Essay1147 Words  | 5 PagesThe Left Brain vs. The Right Brain: How This Impacts Learning Troy J. Miller COLL100 I059 Sum 12 American Public University System Megan Doyle The Left Brain vs. The Right Brain: How This Impacts Learning Over years there has been extensive research done by different psychologists suggesting that our brain works in two different ways. Some of these researchers also believe that the left and right sides of our brain work hand in hand with each other, and that one cannot function
Monday, December 9, 2019
Management Law and Ethics
Question: Discuss about the Management Law and Ethics. Answer: Introduction: The catastrophic failure by the BHP has not only hampered its business and also the environment which puts a strong question mark on the activities of the company especially from the ethical perspective. From the ethical context the company BHP Billiton should have focused on working keeping in mind the ethical code laid down by the Engineers Australia's National Congress which is: Demonstrate Integrity Practise Competently Exercise Leadership Promote Sustainability (Van de Poel Royakkers, 2011). First of all the company has not been able to demonstrate integrity as it was not able to do what is right for the victims in Samarco it is not yet ready to take the blame for the incident. It could be said that the organisation did not calculate all the possibilities of risks and hazard which clearly shows that it failed to demonstrate integrity. In this scenario the company should act honestly and be discerning to do what is right. It is important that the company is able to reassess their activities in the Samarco site and focus on developing the infrastructure effectively in order to be right ethically. On the other hand the company failed to practice competently which has led to this incident and should have been more careful about their knowledge and should have started the work with adequate knowledge which they have failed to do. It is important that the Engineering department of the company develops a strong competent group of workers who are able to gather and practice on t he adequate knowledge established (Van de Poel Goldberg, 2010). The company failed to communicate properly in the Samarco debacle which clearly showed that BHP has failed to exercise leadership effectively in its work and have not been able to reckon the aftermath that goes with mining. In this scenario it is extremely important that the company focuses on establishing and continuously improving leaderships which will help to develop and implement effective ideas even from the ethical perspective. Finally the company has completely failed to promote sustainability with its work. The company was obligated towards the development of the community and the stakeholders where it was working but in Samarco tragedy many people from the local community suffered and also the environment got degraded which is doesnt show the good side of the company and it is extremely important for the company to practice engineering for the development of the health and well being of the people and promote overall health which could be only done with the help of strong planning and implementation as well as by focusing on the public concerns. It is important the company pays compensation to the local people and also try to clean the rivers through effective technological facilities which will act as the compensation done for the damage and from now on the company will have to identify the needs and of the present and future generation from the economic, health, safety and environment perspectives (Hatje, 2016). The catastrophe in the region of Bento Rodrigues is an eye opener for the company in fact for the entire mining industry and hence it is important for the companies to work effectively in order to ensure the security, safety and well being of the people staying in and around the mining regions (Harris et al., 2013). In the recent past there has also been increased concern for the environment and the problem in the state of Minas Gerais only proves the fact that the environmental policies are not being implemented even though they are placed in the environmental books and laws but to see it pragmatically they have never been properly utilised which is a major setback for the organisation (Prno Sloecombe, 2012). After the calamity in Samarco the company BHP Billiton has made a strong environmental research and has also understood the impact that the case has had on the place and its inhabitants. Hence in this scenario it is important for the company BHP Billiton to work out effective measures which will not only helps to act ethically but also helps to act legally as well (Han, 2015). It is important to mention that change in legal policies will have to be used to good effect and hence legal perspectives should be utilised in framing the recommendations (Shum Yam, 2011). The recommendations framed for the development of the organisational activities are discussed below: First of all the company will have to be able to use the evolving standards to good effect in order to develop the mining operations. For instance the suggested legal changes for the company stated by the Ministry of Minas Gerais is to implement geotechnical and structural monitoring which will help the organisation to monitor the condition of the mines and the geographical texture where the operations are being held (Han, 2015). The geotechnical monitoring will help to understand the conditions of thee dams which will help to work accordingly and act ethically to take steps in their repairing which will safeguard the locality and lives and is clearly based on the ethical attribute of practicing competently. Responsible mining could be done with the help of participatory decision making by involving the legal bodies of the place so that the ministry and local legal bodies are kept updated about the position of the place so that quick actions could be taken in order to ensure security and safety for the people living near mines and as per the ethical framework they are sustainable actions. Dam break analysis and contingency planning will help to promote sustainability within the areas as any kind of problems happening could be identified earlier and the company could act early as well (Prno Sloecombe, 2012). The company should also focus on global reporting initiative which would help to keep the legal bodies and even the other stakeholders updated about the movement of the company which legally approved action as well as this helps to show integrity which will largely contribute to the enhancement of the mining operations of BHP Billiton. As per the UN declaration of the indigenous people and their rights (UNDRIP) (2007) the company will focus on promoting sustainability in their operations and work showing diligence regarding the mining operation in different areas and will involve the local and the national legal bodies to ensure the health and well being of thee local people which will help the company to exercise their leadership and also bring about sustainable environmental actions successfully (Harris et al., 2013). The company Better Car Ltd has clearly had all the rules and regulations discussed before they launched their Self driven car in the Australian market. The company has been able to sale quite a few numbers of self driven cars in the country and is planning to sale the cars abroad now in just few months. The company is selling these cars by maintaining legality so that the company does not face any legal problems. The company has made each and every client to sign a documents which apart from having different clauses the company has put in some of the key clauses which clearly state that everyone of the customers will have to be proactive even when the car is self drive mode and should be ready to use the steering wheel in case there is trouble on the road (Cartwright, 2016). This was one of the key clauses that the company had put in. In the agreement it also mentioned that it will bear any liabilities in case of breach of contract which is over the amount of $5000. Unlike the case o f Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co [1893] 1 QB 256 Both the clauses included in the agreement highlights one key thing that is the company has tried to make the consumers aware that even though the car is a self driven one but they have to be conscious about it and hence it could be said that the present agreement is clean (Poole, 2016). It is very unfortunate for Tom to meet the accident but it is extremely important to mention that Tom is equally responsible for the incident that has happened to him and he can no way sue the company for this unfortunate incident. As per the Contract Law in Australia an entity should be able to give all the legal proofs about the damages and for the breach of contract. In brief it could be said that contractors claiming damages for the breach of contract should properly be able to articulate their claims. It is important to mention that the onus will be on Tom to establish compensatory damage claims since it was quite clearly mentioned in the report that one has to be proactive even if the car was on self drive mode (Andrews, 2015). The company clearly stated an exclusion clause regarding the breach of contract for the company and it was clearly signed by the plaintiff Tom which shows that the agreement between them is valid. As stated in the case of La Rosa v Nudrill Pty Ltd [2013] WASCA 18 where the exclusion clause played a huge part and safeguarded the defendant. Unlike in the case mentioned above the plaintiff Tom was clearly aware of the exclusion clause which stated that the company wouldnt be liable to pay money in case of breach of contract. In this case of Thompson v LMS Railway [1930] 1 KB 41 it clearly showed that if the exclusion clause had been put to use effectively this can safeguard the defendant. In that way it could be said that BC should not be sued since the plaintiff understood the clauses and their meaning and since the incident happened for his mistake as well the company cannot be held responsible (Cartwright, 2016). Darlington Futures v Delco Australia is a case which discussed the validity of the exclusion clause and it stated that even though the exclusion clause is constructed it should be done keeping the entirety of the contract in mind and hence it could be said that the company has acted ethically by including the clause stating that in the event of the breach of contract it is liable to pay a maximum of $5000. Hence it could be said that in the present case it is the right of company to reduce it remains partially obligated since there was a technical glitch in self start but it also is important to say that Tom was also responsible for the incident and hence the company is rightful to nullify any claims made by the plaintiff (Poole, 2016). Hence it could be said that in the present case the company upper hand legally which could save it from paying compensation. References Andrews, N., 2015.Contract law. Cambridge University Press. Cartwright, J., 2016.Contract law: An introduction to the English law of contract for the civil lawyer. Bloomsbury Publishing. Han, H., 2015. Virtue ethics, positive psychology, and a new model of science and engineering ethics education.Science and engineering ethics,21(2), pp.441-460. Harris Jr, C.E., Pritchard, M.S., Rabins, M.J., James, R. and Englehardt, E., 2013.Engineering ethics: Concepts and cases. Cengage Learning. Hatje, V., 2016. On Top of a Mining Disaster, Coping with Ethical Issues.Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society,27(7), pp.1137-1138. Poole, J., 2016.Textbook on contract law. Oxford University Press. Prno, J. and Slocombe, D.S., 2012. Exploring the origins of social license to operatein the mining sector: Perspectives from governance and sustainability theories.Resources Policy,37(3), pp.346-357. Shum, P.K. and Yam, S.L., 2011. Ethics and law: Guiding the invisible hand to correct corporate social responsibility externalities.Journal of business ethics,98(4), pp.549-571. Van de Poel, I. and Goldberg, D.E. eds., 2010.Philosophy and engineering: An emerging agenda(Vol. 2). Springer Science Business Media. Van de Poel, I. and Royakkers, L., 2011.Ethics, technology, and engineering: An introduction. John Wiley Sons. Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co [1893] 1 QB 256 La Rosa v Nudrill Pty Ltd [2013] WASCA 18 Thompson v LMS Railway [1930] 1 KB 41 Darlington Futures v Delco Australia
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Thousand Cranes By Yasunari Kawabata Essays
Thousand Cranes by Yasunari Kawabata ILLUSTRATE THE ROLE WHICH MRS OTA AND HER DAUGHTER FUMIKO PLAY IN BRINGING ABOUT THE REFORMATION OF KIKUJIS CHARACTER TO COME TO TERMS WITH HIS PAST. IN WHAT WAYS (IF ANY) DOES THIS HELP HIM BECOME A BETTER PERSON? Kawabatas Thousand Cranes is a novel that puts little emphasis on story lines, placing more value on emotions, reflections, symbolism and such. The rather crude (at first sight) plot of this complicated piece of Japanese literature is concentrated on a tangled web of relationships of the past, riddled with jealousy, insecurity and deep mistrust. Kikuji Mitani, the main character, has grown up watching many of these triangular and adulterous ties all unfold before his eyes his father taking the star role. As a result of this, even now, as a young working man the ghosts of the past come to haunt him, threatening to take over his life and make him a replication of his father even though he is now dead. The center of this haunting is in something he witnessed as a boy of eight or nine Chikakos birthmark. This disgusting image has a surprisingly intense effect on Kikuji, in fact so deep- He could sometimes imagine even that his own destinies were enmeshed in it. This is the state of Kikuji at the start of the book, an obsessive, even neurotic, driven character completely confused and angered by life, trying to push the past as far away as possible. His first meeting with Mrs. Ota is a forced one, a meeting he would rather have avoided. He had wanted to meet the Inamura girl later identified as the girl of the thousand cranes who is beautiful and more importantly pure in his eyes- clean against the rankling histories of middle-aged women in sharp contrast to the likes of Mrs. Ota, whose very presence is impure- It seemed wrong to meet the girlhere before Mrs. Ota. The thought of seeing Fumiko for the first time is even less appealing- he was even more repelled at the thought of meeting the daughter today. However his first impressions after four years of Mrs. Ota are- She seemed wholly warm, tender, overcome by pleasure at such an unexpected meeting. But this is quickly ruined by his malicious thought- One can only conclude she was wholly unaware of her place in the assembly and in society (?). From repulsion for both Mrs. Ota and Fumiko, Kikuji reserves his disgust only for Mrs. Ota, leaving sympathy for Fumiko- Was the woman foolish, or shameless? He was overcome with pity for the daughter Fumiko is still an unknown, with nothing revealed about her personality or any past history, but Kikuji does notice as Mrs. Ota is leaving that- There was a look of appeal in the girls eyes. We can conclude from here that Kikuji is very perceptive, noticing details that others may not take note of, although her appeal can be understood in many different ways, maybe an appeal for forgiveness, or an appeal to stay away from her mother. But the point being made here is that Kikuji is observing maybe a little too much about the two women if he has such a deep hatred for them. He should rather be aloof and uninterested in them. There are many other instances throughout the book where he scrutinizes like this, Fumiko and her mother both being characterized by their long, white neck(s)/throat(s). His keen perception of such detail could be used to guess at another aspect of his personality- that he is to some extent like an artist. However Kikujis newfound willingness to deal with his history is displayed when he purposely walks to Mrs. Ota despite his aversion for her- Nevertheless, he walked toward the gate. This is a very impulsive and perhaps dangerous (mentally harmful) decision for Kikuji to make, quite rash, because anything can happen. He seems to have made it quite clear in the pages before that at the moment he believes that his only salvation from his fathers curse (obviously he feels it is a curse) is to keep away from its living components- Mrs. Ota, Chikako and perhaps Fumiko. Now he is not even stopping to think what this new contradictory action will do to his years of resolve, to his determination to
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Travel of Sir John Mandeville
The Travel of Sir John Mandeville Mandeville’s travels can be regarded as a pastiche of facts taken from various sources because the author is unlikely to travel east and witness such incredible events. Despite the fact that the narration does not contain any information about the author, it still manages to convey the world reminding of the remarkable journeys of Christopher Columbus, Jonathan Swift, and Sir Thomas More.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Travel of Sir John Mandeville specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The world represented by Mandeville personifies a thoughtful product where the author discovers himself as a tentative, skeptical, and curious person who presents strange and mysterious medieval world. While retelling his stories, the author often conveys mysterious stories about the events that happened to the pilgrims. Specific attention requires journey from Cyprus to Jerusalem, a story in which the author focuses on the marv els happening on their way. At the very beginning, the story starts with the story about Cyprus, a place where red vine becomes white after a year. Although such an example is both strange and attractive for the readers, the interpretation is still based on truthful facts. With regard to the imaginary recollection of the travels, the author resorts to the magic realism as a literary style. Aside from miraculous things that happen to vines from Cyprus, Mandeville accounts on the creatures – â€Å"papyonns†– big dogs that men take with them for hunting. The description of dogs goes beyond real frames because they are compared with lions, leopards, and wild beasts that can hardly remind of typical dogs. So, the animals on Cyprus have been represented as mysterious, even mythological creatures endowed with supernatural powers. Apart from supernatural creatures, Mandeville’s view of Cyprus is closely associated with stereotypical view on Greek culture, where the main emphasis is placed on divine origins of everything that is created in this land. The description of cities is close to the description of divine kingdom.Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is of particular concern to the city of Famagost, the â€Å"principal haven†in which people from all nations arrive. The religious motifs are also presented in accounting on the city of Akon, near which the prophet Elijah lived. Although the story does not respond to the actual reality, the author manages to grasp the peculiarities of culture and traditions of the explored land. In the author’s opinion, the religious marvels cannot be regarded as miracles; neither can natural powers be considered as surreal. In fact, such a description points to the testimonies that nature introduces to the power and grace of the divine will. In general, Cyprus is describ ed as a fabulous, beautiful Island with large cities and incredible nature. It is full of noteworthy places that are linked to saints and religious symbols. Delivering the information received during pilgrimage is important for understanding the perspective from which the author perceives alien cultures. Despite the depiction of supernatural creatures, the author manages to render the accurate distance between cities. In such a manner, the book reflects the mixture of the author’s imagination and his factual knowledge on the Greek culture. What is more important is that the proposed account does not provide a logical and consistent narration and precise guidance. Rather, the veritable intention lies in using the Book as an exciting journey across lands that differ from other culture. Absence of details proves that the author had never travelled to these places.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Different Versions of the Birth of Dionysus
Different Versions of the Birth of Dionysus In Greek mythology, there are often different and conflicting versions of mythological events. The story of the birth of Dionysus is no different, and Dionysus complicates matters by having different names. Here are two versions of the birth of Dionysus and one of the related birth of Zagreus: From a union between Persephone and Zeus in serpent form sprang the horned god Zagreus. Jealous Hera persuaded the Titans to attack the infant god as he looked into a mirror. Not only did they tear him to pieces, but the Titans ate him all but his heart which Athena rescued. From this organ, the rest of the god was resurrected. Semele is impregnated by drinking a preparation made from the heart of Dionysus who had been torn to pieces by the Titans. [Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 167]Most familiar is the story of Semeles impregnation by Zeus but failure to live long enough to give birth to the child. To save the fetus, Zeus sewed him inside himself and gave birth through his leg when the time came.(ll. 940-942) And Semele, daughter of Cadmus was joined with him in love and bare him a splendid son, joyous Dionysus, a mortal woman an immortal son. And now they both are gods. Hesiod, Theogony (trans. Evelyn-White) Homeric Hymn1 to Dionysus ((LACUNA))(ll. 1-9) For some say, at Dracanum; and some, on windy Icarus; and some, in Naxos, O Heaven-born, Insewn; and others by the deep-eddying river Alpheus that pregnant Semele bare you to Zeus the thunder-lover. And others yet, lord, say you were born in Thebes; but all these lie. The Father of men and gods gave you birth remote from men and secretly from white-armed Hera. There is a certain Nysa, a mountain most high and richly grown with woods, far off in Phoenice, near the streams of Aegyptus.((LACUNA))(ll. 10-12) ...and men will lay up for her many offerings in her shrines. And as these things are three, so shall mortals ever sacrifice perfect hecatombs to you at your feasts each three years.(ll. 13-16) The Son of Cronos spoke and nodded with his dark brows. And the divine locks of the king flowed forward from his immortal head, and he made great Olympus reel. So spake wise Zeus and ordained it with a nod.(ll. 17-21) Be favourable, O Insewn, Inspirer of frenzied women! we singers sing of you as we begin and as we end a strain, and none forgetting you may call holy song to mind. And so, farewell, Dionysus, Insewn, with your mother Semele whom men call Thyone.Source: The Homeric Hymns I. To Dionysus [3.4.3] But Zeus loved Semele and bedded with her unknown to Hera. Now Zeus had agreed to do for her whatever she asked, and deceived by Hera she asked that he would come to her as he came when he was wooing Hera. Unable to refuse, Zeus came to her bridal chamber in a chariot, with lightning and thunderings, and launched a thunderbolt. But Semele expired of fright, and Zeus, snatching the sixth-month abortive child from the fire, sewed it in his thigh. On the death of Semele, the other daughters of Cadmus spread a report that Semele had bedded with a mortal man, and had falsely accused Zeus and that therefore she had been blasted by thunder. But at the proper time, Zeus undid the stitches and gave birth to Dionysus, and entrusted him to Hermes. And he conveyed him to Ino and Athamas, and persuaded them to rear him as a girl.- Apollodorus 3.4.3
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Does Mary have a choice in the matter of her pregnancy Do you agree Essay
Does Mary have a choice in the matter of her pregnancy Do you agree - Essay Example The Christian adherence to the proposition that Jesus, the son of God was conceived of a virgin of virtuous and unique qualities is not unknown to religious beliefs. For example, Buddhists subscribe to a vastly similar theory that Buddha was conceived by Maya, also a virgin of marked uniqueness. (Woodman) Virginity which speaks of purity are not the sole determining factors in these women finding favour with divinity. It is their faith and belief in the wisdom of the divine that dictates that neither woman would question or object to the divine decision to impregnate them with the son of a higher power. Mary too is described as having a close connection with God even as a child, she prayed often and the angels of God often communicated with her. According to the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew, Mary’s destiny was determined by the divine as early as age three. The Gospel documents the following: Israel; and when she was three years old, she walked with a step so mature, she spoke so perfectly, and spent her time so assiduously in the praises of God, that all were astonished at her, and wondered; and she was not reckoned a young infant, but as it were a grown-up person of thirty years old. She was so constant in prayer, and her appearance was so beautiful and In each case, both women are predestined for greatness or at the very least uniqueness. Maya, like Mary are both enamoured with what appears to be divine characteristics that set them apart from ordinary mortals. Mary in both her beauty and her close connection to God and Maya in her beauty and her likeness to a Goddess. In each case the inescapable conclusion is that both women were chosen by the divine for those characteristics that ensured that neither woman would deny their destinies. As such Mary did not have a choice the choice was made by a higher power, one that
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Ancient Iraq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ancient Iraq - Essay Example The development of the sexagesimal numeral system helped in calculations such as the distance moved by the planets. These developments were significant contributions to science. Mesopotamian empires contribution to the governance system has formed the basis of government structures and organization in the modern dispensation. A centralized government system emerged from the demonstration by the Mesopotamian empires. A centralized governance system emerged as a result of better organization of communities and single plans3. Contributions to medicine began in the Mesopotamian empires and the evidence is inscribed within the code of Hammurabi. The code provides evidence of physicians from the Babylonian side who operated patient’s knives4. The physicians were to undergo serious punishments in the event of death of an individual. Diagnosis of various sicknesses and diseases were also introduced. Consequently, there were handbooks for herbal medicines and the various areas of their use. The modern art can be traced from the Mesopotamian empires, especially the ancient art and pottery5. Different forms of art such as mosaic, stone sculptures and megalithic arts inspired the emergence of arts to other parts of the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Evaluating Employees with Ease Essay Example for Free
Evaluating Employees with Ease Essay Performance evaluations are a critical component of human resource management in any organization. In â€Å"Evaluating Employees with Ease†Sharon LaBuke gives useful tips designed to help nursing employers conduct evaluations that translate into a positive experience for their employees. In LaDuke’s view, the first priority is to strategize the process. A good place to start is the examination of the evaluation document that forms â€Å"a common frame of reference for both manager and employee†(LaDuke, n.d., p. 49). It is noteworthy that the author places cultural issues at the top of the list of priorities, suggesting that employers thoroughly evaluate the culture of their facility to see whether the process is consistent with the culture. Relationships with the people evaluated and finding the right language are also at the top of the list, since these issues help set the right kind of atmosphere for the evaluation process, suggesting that people will feel better if they know the employer has the right kind of attitude. The second set of suggestions involves more organizational aspects. For example, LaDuke suggests that people will feel the evaluation is more objective when they know that they are being evaluated on an ongoing basis, with feedback offered throughout the year. To help make assessments more detailed and grounded in facts, employers can log important events and try to address them in a timely fashion. The creation of a personal plan for improvement is also a useful idea. Created with staff input, this plan can serve as a roadmap for individual development, helping the person to focus on the right areas. Constantly following up on the progress with the plan, the manager can create an ongoing dialogue with the employee concerning personal needs. The author effectively captures the most important points in the evaluation process. It is helpful that the focus is on the personal development of the employee, not on evaluation per se. the nurturing nature of such evaluation clearly has the potential to contribute to the employees’ development and foster adequate atmosphere in the organization. Reference LaDuke, S. (n.d.). Evaluating Employees with Ease.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Comparing Two Advertisements :: Adverts, Compare and Contrast
The two advertisements (adverts) which I have chosen to analyse are:- †¢ Lux Shower gel for women †¢ L’Orà ©al straightening cream for women I chose Lux shower gel advert from my recent cosmopolitan magazine. Already it is clear who the target audience is for this advert. Cosmopolitan is an expensive, designer magazine. Aimed towards glamorous and the higher class women, implying that this product must also be expensive. From my point of view I feel that the target audience for this advert is younger women who want to be more mature, and the older women who want to look younger. My second advert is advertising L’Orà ©al hot straightening cream for women. I also took this advert from the number one magazine for women – Cosmopolitan. This is because this advert is aimed specifically for women, and for the more mature and well off women. And this I feel is the age that this advert is aiming for, though it appears to me that it may also be attractive to the younger age group as the advert comes across to be very girly and focused on the younger audience. This advert is clearly for the more late night, party ladies who enjoy a laugh and some fun unlike the Lux’s adverts audience was the complete opposite to this advert, though they come from the same magazine. The brand name â€Å"Lux†could be an abbreviation of the word luxurious, perfect for the description of this advert. This is also clear from the use of font in this advert. The smooth curve from the letter â€Å"L†to â€Å"x†(LUX) is connected and flows well. It looks smooth, and this comes across in the advert. The product name Lux is written at the top of the advert; we are first drawn to this as it is the largest text on the advert. In gold font colour, with a shadow background it looks as if it is in blocks of letters. We are drawn to this first when looking at this advert. The company for the product â€Å"L’Orà ©al†is a well known cosmetic and
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Heb Own Brands Analysis Essay
Rob Price was recently made vice president of Own Brands, which was the private label of H-E-B. The chairman, Charles Butt, had a real interest in growing the sales of the Own Brand product line. At the time, Own Brand represented 19% of sales while national brands accounted for the rest, which was opposite of 30 years ago when Charles took responsibility for the business. Charles gave Rob a goal to increase the sales of Own Brand’s private label by 11% in the next five years to bring it up to a 30-70 ratio of private and national brands, respectively. The increase needed to be across all product lines, but Rob had a specific assignment regarding the Own Brand’s bottled water under the label Glacia. The problem with the existing Glacia water was that it did not accurately market itself as imported spring water from Canada, which would increase its market share from the French imported water, Evian. There were many things for Rob to consider as his research showed that c onsumers would be more likely to buy Glacia if they knew it was Canadian spring water. With the competitive grocery market at the time, especially with Wal-Mart’s emerging into the grocery scene, Rob needed to make a specific recommendation on how to increase its sales in context of the overall Own Brand strategy. Initially, the problem was an undetected flaw in the marketing and labeling of the product. If consumers do not have something repeatedly pushed in their face, they will not likely remember it when asked. Other problems were caused by Wal-Mart and their huge ability to undercut pricing of most other chains because of their national, even international supply-chain relationships. Wal-Mart had its own brand in Great Value products but, according to the case, was not as high quality as the H-E-B Own Brand products. Great Value compared to the Hill Country Fare tier-3 generic that H-E-B put out. Rob knew that his competition was with Wal-Mart but he wasn’t sure yet how to properly compete. He wanted to keep their pricing model of Every-day Low Price s but the pricing against Wal-Mart was difficult to match because of other national brand’s pricing positions. I think the options that Rob had to decide between were whether to place Glacia in competition with Evian as comparable imported spring water or keep it positioned against Ozarka, which is where it was, and add the Canadian value to help boost sales through points-of-difference? One of the reasons why they should consider a direct market-comparison with Evian is because there isn’t a competitor right now. Evian has far out priced itself among its competitors and Glacia scored equally as high in a double-blinded taste test showing that it didn’t actually need to change the product, just the positioning. Own Brand could significantly increase the pricing to be more related to the pricing of Evian. This would remove Glacia off the shelf next to Ozarka and next to Evian. This could possibly allow Own Brands to create a Hill Country Fare product to compete with Ozarka. However, Evian was a good premium national brand brought in money for procurement revenue. If the new Gl acia began beating out Evian in sales and profit, Evian could pull its product from the H-E-B stores and then they would lose the procurement revenue derived from a national brand. National brands also help bring in consumers who end up buying other Own Brand products in the store. This was a decision bases for the entire Own Brand product line. The options of pricing, promotions, positioning, and the overall corporate strategy were all involved in this first decision regarding Glacia. According to Butt’s target goal to Rob shortly after he became VP, only 30% of a store’s products should be their own, with a 70% mix of national brands. If Rob decided to simply elevate the existing position of the Glacia against Ozarka to increase their market share, they could grow sales and not have to compete with the national brands. I think this would be effective considering the low cost of refining their label and less hassle in re-configuring pricing and moving the product closer to Evian. A third possibility was to reposition Glacia as domestic spring water, which is what Ozarka was. I don’t see the logic behind this because they were already a direct competitor with Ozarka and their only point-of-difference was the source of their water. Why would they go through all the effort and cost of relabeling, promoting, and re-launching to get more of the same? If I were in Rob’s position, I would re-launch Glacia to be a somewhat generic competitor to Evian and create a Hill Country Fare product with purified water to be placed just below Ozarka. Evian needs some competition and according to their profit data in Table B, Glacia could increase their price and profit significantly without changing the product, only the labeling. Also, Evian users indicated preference for the Canadian water over France. I f Evian users began to prefer Glacia water instead, and that’s what H-E-B stores carried, what would be the downside if Evian eventually pulled their product out of H-E-B stores? It wouldn’t be in demand anymore, so the loss would be some procurement revenue, but the profits off the increased price of Glacia would seem to overcompensate for that.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Compare and Contrast Essay Essay
Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis were just two young teenage boys whose lives were taken from this world. The two cases for these two boys have some similarities between each other they were two 17 year-old African-American boys, both boys were unarmed, and the stand your ground law was used for each case. There are also some differences between the cases such as George Zimmerman was found not guilty while Michael Dunn was found guilty, Zimmerman stayed on the scene of the crime while Dunn did not do the same, and last eye witnesses were present to Dunn’s case but Zimmerman had zero eye witness. This is the twenty-first century yet we still have hate towards other races. In February 26, 2012 â€Å"Trayvon Martin a seventeen year old African American boy went to the store for some candy and a soft drink. George Zimmerman a Hispanic man was the neighborhood watch captain for the Retreat at Twin Lakes†( Now in November 23, 2012 Michael Dunn a White man â€Å"leaving a wedding reception for his son pulled into a gas station for wine and chips next to the SUV Jordan Davis†another seventeen year old African American boy â€Å"and three of his friends were in†( Zimmerman was monitoring the neighborhood when he calls 911 to report â€Å"a suspicious person.†He was â€Å"instructed to not get out or approach the person†who was. Martin. Zimmerman â€Å"disregarded the instructions given to him by the police and moments later shot Martin†and unarmed boy ( If he was unarmed walking back to his house how could he have had any intention of being aggressive towards another man? In Dunn case he got into an argument with Davis and his friends about the loud music asking them to turn it down. Dunn said he â€Å"saw Davis reach down in his passenger seat to pull out a 12 or 20 gauge shotgun.†So â€Å"Dunn grabbed his gun an open fired ten bullet, three of which struck Davis.†Later when the car was searched no gun was found in the car ( Davis just like Martin was an unarmed boy. In the presence of both cases Zimmerman and Dunn both found there selves in a self-defense situation in other terms the â€Å"stand your ground law†( The Zimmerman case was considered self-defense but he would not have had to defend himself if he didn’t approach Martin. Also when Martin was unarmed what did Zimmerman need to defend himself of? Dunn on the other hand was not in a calm state of mind he was the â€Å"prosecutor portrayed him as a gunman whose â€Å"blood started to boil†because an armed teenager had disrespected him†( Even though Dunn thought Davis had a gun he should not have fired off ten rounds rapidly. Dunn could not have been defending him and his wife when the teenagers were unarmed. They were no harm to Dunn and his wife. Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch men and was patrolling the street when he saw Martin. There were not one eye witnesses to seeing what happened at the scene besides Zimmerman a nd Martin who was dead. The only thing they had to go off of was the bruises forming and blood running from the back of his head, also the recording of the gun shot from the police recording of Zimmerman’s phone call. In Dunn’s case he was at a gas station with people around including the four men he was talking to about the loud â€Å"rap crap†music as he called it ( Usually when you flee the scene of a crime it means you are guilty. After Zimmerman got out and came up too Martin and defended himself by shooting him. He stayed at the scene was it because no one was around and he already called the cops, and he knew that with his head bloody it was constituted as the â€Å"stand your ground law?†As for Dunn he fled forty miles back to his motel as soon as he shot off ten rounds. There he took â€Å" his dog for a walk, ordered pizza, and drank rum and cola†( Zimmerman was found not guilty after a year and six months went by. The six women jury found George Zimmerman not guilty. The jury had three choices to convict Zimmerman of â€Å"guilty of second degree murder, to find him guilty of the lesser charge manslaughter, or to find him not guilty. The jurors deliberated for more than sixteen hours total, including the thirteen on Saturday alone†( Now for Dunn even though he had pretty similar crimes as Zimmerman he was found guilty. Dunn received â€Å"a minimum of twenty years on one count, another twenty year count, and another minimum of twenty year count†(usatoday). Works Cited Neale, Rick. â€Å"Fla. USA TODAY. Larry Kramer, 16 Feb. 2014. Web. 9 Apr. 2014.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
An inexperienced nurse looking after a diabetic Essay Example
An inexperienced nurse looking after a diabetic Essay Example An inexperienced nurse looking after a diabetic Essay An inexperienced nurse looking after a diabetic Essay The facts of the inquiry province that the nurse increased the dosage of the patient’s insulin with ‘no prescription from the doctor’ . The first inquiry we must inquire is whether or non Insulin is a prescription merely medicine [ P.O.M. ] ; if it is, it would look that the nurse in inquiry was moving in breach of s58 ( 2 ) ( B ) of the Medicines Act 1968 which provinces, that no individual shall administrate a POM unless he is an appropriate practician or a individual moving in conformity with the waies of an appropriate practician. If we can presume that the drug was administered intravenously, which is the standard method of presenting insulin into a human organic structure ; by virtuousness of the Medicines ( Products Other Than Veterinary Drugs ) ( Prescription Merely ) Amendment Order 1988, Insulin should non be considered a P.O.M. : Article 2 of this Order provinces, â€Å" [ n ] otwithstanding Article 3 ( 1 ) ( vitamin D ) , any readying of insulin for parenteral [ 1 ] disposal to human existences shall non be a prescription merely medical specialty. The nurse in inquiry was therefore non obliged to obtain a written, or verbal, prescription prior to administrating the drug. We must presume, despite the fact that we are told that the nurse is ‘inexperienced’ , that he or she was to the full trained to administrate endovenous medicine ; after all, we are besides told that the nurse was delegated the duty of ‘looking after a diabetic patient with unstable diabetes’ , administrating a ‘dose of insulin [ of ] 12 units per hour’ , connoting that she is to the full qualified to present drugs in this manner ; rule 7 of the NMC ( 2004 ) a provinces, â€Å"a rehearsing accoucheuse shall merely provide and administrate those medical specialties, including anodynes, in regard of which she has received the appropriate preparation as to utilize, dose and methods of administration.†If the nurse did non hold such competency, so irrespective of the fact that he or she had been delegated to this patient, under s1.18 of the NMC ( 2004 ) , the nurse is responsible for informing her higher-ups of her deficiency of equal prepara tion, and merely undertaking pattern and accepting duties for those activities in which he/she is competent. Sing any possible civil jurisprudence claim of carelessness against the nurse: it should be noted foremost, that it is improbable that the patient would of all time convey such an action against the single nurse ; after all, the true purpose of such claims is to retrieve fiscal compensation, compensation which is more likely available from the Health Authority employer of that nurse, who can be held vicariously apt for any carelessness of its staff. Second, if such a claim was to be brought against the nurse, her rawness would non itself provide a defense mechanism, nor a lowering of the criterion of attention which the jurisprudence would anticipate of her ; in the instance of Wilsher v Essex Area Health Authority [ 1987 ] [ 2 ] the bulk of the tribunal rejected the statement that what was expected of an single health care practician was what was moderately to be expected of a individual of his makings andexperience. As Lord Justice Mustill remarked in this instance, to take the pra ctitioner’s subjective experience into history when puting the range of his/her responsibility of attention would imply that â€Å"the criterion of attention which the patient is entitled to demand [ would ] vary harmonizing to the opportunity of enlisting and rostering. [ 3 ] †Therefore, whilst the nurse is improbable to confront a civil jurisprudence claim in the civil wrong of carelessness, if she does, she will be expected to hold acted with the same due attention and diligence that would hold been expected of anyone of her occupation description, irrespective of her existent experience within that place [ 4 ] . Likewise, the nurse is expected to hold a good sense of when it will be necessary to seek more specialist advice from a superior [ 5 ] , and one such method of cognizing his/her competency is by mention to the NMC ( 2004 ) . In our instance, it is implied that the nurse did seek such advice from her higher-ups, for non merely was she ‘pressurised by a nursing co-worker to increase the dosage of insulin’ , but she besides clearly contacted the supervision physician, for ‘he said he [ would ] come to the ward to order [ the insulin ] subsequently when is free’ . In visible radiation of this reading, it is really improbable that the nurse would of all time be considered carelessness at civil jurisprudence, even if her misguided actions so went on tocause[ 6 ] personal hurt to the patient ; â€Å"If [ the practician ] does seek such aid, he will frequently hold satisfied the trial [ of rationality ] , even though he may himself hold made a error. [ 7 ] †Sing possible condemnable liability originating from breach of the Medicines Act 1968 ( as amended ) or the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, as stated earlier, there is nil within the facts of this inquiry which suggest that the nurse acted reprehensively ; she was following the instructions of both a more-experienced nurse and, presumptively, the oversing physician besides, and she administered a drug which is non a P.O.M. There is some counsel provided pertaining to where a nurse has identified an mistake in the dose of medicine NMC ( 2004 ) : where a nurse has identified an mistake in the disposal of a drug to a patient, a 2nd practician should look into any complex drug computations. In our instance, the nurse should hold checked the computations of her co-worker, who pressured her into amending the dose. If the nurse did non execute these collateral computations, so there is small uncertainty that she would be deemed to hold breached the NMC ( 2004 ) guidelines, which might travel some manner towards turn outing carelessness should such a civil action arise. The NMC ( 2004 ) guidelines besides province that a nurse or accoucheuse should non administrate or alter medicine which has been ‘drawn up by another practitioner’ ; in our instance, the nurse might hold altered the physicians dose, but she had informed the physician of her concerns, and he had expressed his consent to such amendments in saying that he would fix a prescription to consequence the alterations in dose. If the nurse is found to be in breach of the professional codifications of behavior in respects to the misadministration of medicine, the fact that she was pressured into such behaviors should supply her with some defense mechanism to any ensuing disciplinary processs: As stated in the NMC ( 2004 ) , ‘where the mistake was the consequence of reckless or unqualified pattern or was concealed, and those that resulted from other causes, such as serious force per unit area of work, and where there was immediate, honest revelation in the patient’s interest’ . Sing any ethical concerns, as contained in the NMC codification of professional behavior of professional behavior: criterions for behavior, public presentation and moralss ( NMC, 2004b ) ; as stated earlier, the nurse is under an ethical responsibility to merely move within her competency, and where he or she knows him/herself to be excessively inexperient, it is his/her ain responsibility to forbear from that activity until advice has been sought and provided by a more experience practician. In this instance, there is non indicant that the nurse was in any manner in breach of her ethical responsibility in these respects. Mentions: Luxmore-May V Messenger May Baverstock [ 1990 ] 1 WLR 1009 Bolam V Friern Hospital Management Committee ( 1957 ) 1 WLR 583 Wilsher V Essex Area Health Authority [ 1987 ] Q.B. 730 The Medicines Act 1968 The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 The Medicines ( Products Other Than Veterinary Drugs ) ( Prescription Merely ) Amendment Order 1988 U.K.C.C. [ 1992 ] Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses, Midwives, and Health Visitors. UKCC, London Steadman, ( 2000 ) . Stedman s Medical Dictionary. Lippincott Williams A ; Wilkins ; 27th edition NMC ( 2004 ) Guidelines for the Administration of medical specialties. Nursing the Obstetrics Council, London. Nursing A ; Midwifery Council ( 2004a ) Midwifes regulations and criterions NMC, London Jackson, Powell and Stewart, ( 2002 ) . Jackson and Powell on Professional Negligence. Sweet and Maxwell Publishing. 19ThursdayDecember 2002. Pyne R, Accountability in rule and in pattern, British Journal of Nursing, Vol 1, No6, 1992, p301 – 304 Nursing A ; Midwifery Council ( 2004b ) NMC codification of professional behavior of professional behavior: criterions for behavior, public presentation and moralss NMC London.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
An Overview of Municipal Waste and Landfills
An Overview of Municipal Waste and Landfills Municipal waste, commonly known as trash or garbage, is a combination of all of a citys solid and semisolid waste. It includes mainly household or domestic waste, but it can also contain commercial and industrial waste with the exception of industrial hazardous waste (waste from industrial practices that causes a threat to human or environmental health). Industrial hazardous waste is excluded from municipal waste because it is typically dealt with separately based on environmental regulations. Five Categories of Municipal Waste The second category of municipal waste is recyclable materials. Paper is also included in this category but non-biodegradable items like glass, plastic bottles, other plastics, metals and aluminum cans fall into this section as well. Inert waste is the third category of municipal waste. For reference, when discussed with municipal waste, inert materials are those that are not necessarily toxic to all species but can be harmful or toxic to humans. Therefore, construction and demolition waste is often categorized as inert waste. Composite waste is the fourth category of municipal waste and includes items that are composed of more than one material. For example, clothing and plastics such as childrens toys are composite waste. Household hazardous waste is the final category of municipal waste. This includes medicines, paint, batteries, light bulbs, fertilizer and pesticide containers and e-waste like old computers, printers, and cellular phones. Household hazardous waste cannot be recycled or disposed of with other waste categories so many cities offer residents other options for hazardous waste disposal. Municipal Waste Disposal and Landfills Today, landfills are engineered to protect the environment and prevent pollutants from entering the soil and possibly polluting ground water in one of two ways. The first of these is with the use of a clay liner to block pollutants from leaving the landfill. These are called sanitary landfills while the second type is called a municipal solid waste landfill. These types of landfills use synthetic liners like plastic to separate the landfills trash from the land below it. Once trash is put into these landfills, it is compacted until the areas is full, at which time the trash is buried. This is done to prevent the trash from contacting the environment but also to keep it dry and out of contact with air so it will not quickly decompose. About 55% of the waste generated in the United States goes to landfills while around 90% of waste created in the United Kingdom is disposed in this manner. In addition to landfills, waste can also be disposed using waste combustors. This involves the burning of municipal waste at extremely high temperatures to reduce waste volume, control bacteria, and sometimes generate electricity. Air pollution from the combustion is sometimes a concern with this type of waste disposal but governments have regulations to reduce pollution. Scrubbers (devices that spray liquids on smoke to reduce pollution) and filters (screens to remove ash and pollutant particles) are commonly used today. Finally, transfer stations are the third type of municipal waste disposal currently in use. These are facilities that where municipal waste is unloaded and sorted to remove recyclables and hazardous materials. The remaining waste is then reloaded onto trucks and taken to landfills while the waste that can be recycled for example, is sent to recycling centers. Municipal Waste Reduction Composting is another way cities can promote municipal waste reduction. This type of waste is comprised solely of biodegradable organic waste like food scraps and yard trimmings. Composting is generally done on the individual level and involves the combination of organic waste with microorganisms like bacteria and fungi that break down the waste and create compost. This can then be recycled and used as a natural and chemical free fertilizer for personal plants. Along with recycling programs and composting, municipal waste can be reduced via source reduction. This involves the reduction of waste through the alteration of manufacturing practices to reduce the creation excess materials which get turned into waste. The Future of Municipal Waste To further reduce waste, some cities are currently promoting policies of zero waste. Zero waste itself means reduced waste generation and the 100% diversion of the remainder of waste from landfills to productive uses via materials reuse, recycling, repair and composting. Zero waste products should also have minimal negative environmental impacts over their lifecycles.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Slic3r vs Skeinforge Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Slic3r vs Skeinforge - Assignment Example It is used in printers to convert 3D model into G-code instructions. Slic3r is a computer tool that is used in printing devices to convert digital 3D instructions into 3D printer (James, Floyd and Patrick 35). It was produced in 2011, and it is unique because is not based in previous. The software is available in packages like Linux, Windows and MacOS X. Our main objective of the study was to determine which software to when performing 3-D printing. Our data was collected using interviews from persons who had an experience with the software’s. Besides that, the software’s were tested in the lab using 3D printers. The data was recorded on table form. On analysis, we found out that the slic3r is the best with 75 % in favor of it. The software has most of i8ts options automated hence simple to use. Skein forge had a dialogue box with so many features that complicates it when using hence not user friendly. Executive Summary In our project, we have compared skein forge and slic3r software’s that are used in printing of 3D objects. With the emergence of new software in the market, it is an ideal moment to get the best software’s for a specific task. It appears that every interest/skill level there is an ideal software package. In software realm, there are software packages for slicing and also software applications for printers. In printing the mostly used packages are skein forge and slic3r. ... Print. 18 Executive Summary In our project, we have compared skein forge and slic3r software’s that are used in printing of 3D objects. With the emergence of new software in the market, it is an ideal moment to get the best software’s for a specific task. It appears that every interest/skill level there is an ideal software package. In software realm, there are software packages for slicing and also software applications for printers. In printing the mostly used packages are skein forge and slic3r. Printer applications utilize the two applications when bidding as they convert files to code. Both skein forge, and slic3r creates code though slight difference in results. The paper highlights the difference between the silc3r and skein forge software and the recommendation of the most appropriate software. The data is analyzed which shows the users of the 2 software, in which Slic3r is mostly used than skein forge. This shows that slic3r has more advantages than skein forge . Our objective was aimed at determining the best software for recommendation especially in business activities. This project is aimed at creating awareness of the difference between skein forge and slic3r software. The project will ensure that the reader can identify the most applicable software. The project will also ensure that business organization can identify the most appropriate software between skein forge and slic3r. Companies, which manage software, will also gain more knowledge about their products. They will be able to explain to customers on how to use the software. The Information technology firms will sell the most appropriate software and attract more customers. Finally, this project helps the student in critical thinking since by discussion of results one gain more knowledge in
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The music of Stravinsky Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The music of Stravinsky - Term Paper Example Due to the University’s closure following a bloody Sunday, he could not take his final exams and could only receive a diploma. As a result he chose to consntrate in music and was taught private lessons on music by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov who almost acted like his second father. Stravisky got married to Katerina Nossenko, his cousin and despite the Orthordox church’s opposition on such marriages, they finaly managed to tie the not on January 23, 1906. Thye gave birth to four kids that is Fyodor born in 1907, Ludmilla born in 1908, Soulima(1910) and Maria Milena(1913) according to Straus (22). By the time he finished hi studies Stravinsky was already a excellent amateur pianist and also could play along with the singer.He was also an expert in Russsian, Italian and French opera. Stravinsky’s best friend was Stephan Mitusov who was a step son of a prince and who helped him advance his career in music. Mitusov would translate French poems and Stravinsky would make mu sic from them. The idea of objectivity is a central theme both in life and in compositions of Stranvinsky.Stranvinsky grew up I environment where he was exposed to music, literature and art given that his father was a known operatic bass.At the age of nine Stravinsky started his piano classes and he studied counterpoint as well as music theory. Rimsky adviced him to compose on his own and gave him composition and orchestra lessons, which helped him, begin his career in music composition. ... The aggressive rythms, abrasive harmonies and the shifting meters he applied in this ballet on ritual pagan sacrifice remained in the memories of many listeners. This became Stravinsky’s first work which permanently placed him at the international repertory. The World War 1 totally disrupted Strvinsky life hence his compositions were disrupted. However, he continued with his compositions but did it smaller scale productions. After the war, he settled in France and his style of composition started to change as now he was inspired by eighteenth century music of Europe. For thirty years he composed using neo-classical style during which he experienced a spiritual transformation which encouraged him to compose liturgical and sacred works. By the time he was in his thirties, Stravinsky found that his music was mostly demanded in the US.At the same period he had lost his mother, daughter and wife in a span of two years. While in Eurpoe, due to condition of war, Stravinsky could not compose held the position of the chairperson of poetry in Harvard. He later married his mistress, Vera de Bosset who he had dated for a long time. They settled in Hollyhood where he started to compose The Rake’s progress. While he was still composing The Rake’s Progress, he came across Robert Craft who later became Stravinsky’s musical aide.This relationship was significant as Craft managed to encourage Stravinsky to create interest in twelve-one techniques which he initially disliked. They also manage to publish co-authored books ewhich explored the musical views of Stranvisky.After completing the Rakes Progress his music compositions took another form which resulted from intergrating the twelve-one techniques in his language of composition. Through this
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Policy and practice in the education of bilingual children Essay - 1
Policy and practice in the education of bilingual children - Essay Example The processing of cognition has consequences that come about due to bilingualism or multilingualism. Therefore, all perennial questions concerning bilingualism revolve around the relationship and connection between two different languages in the same mind. Most tutors tend to wonder whether if multilingualism has two forms of separate systems responsible for language processing or it is a single combined system. Ideally, issues regarding whether one language aids or interferes with the other are not clear but this paper will consider addressing this issue with relevance to cognition. The complexity of the system consisting of two languages may have either losses or benefits on some areas rather than mind. This means that monolinguals and bilinguals may think differently. Evaluation of the competitive views Studies concerning psychology reveal that the term â€Å"cognitive†is becoming a confusing element when discussing this topic. With reference to linguists, linguistics is an arm of cognitive psychology. This is because, it concerns human mind. However, you should be able to note that the faculty of language is entirely different from the rest of the faculties that concern human mind. This reveals that, the faculty of language is distinct from cognition. Furthermore, linguistics differentiates the abstract of knowledge commonly referred to as â€Å"competence†and the process of â€Å"cognition†that facilitates the actual comprehension and production of a speech often termed as the â€Å"performance†. Often, psychologists explore the aspects concerning the relationship between the rest of the human mind (cognition) and language. Interestingly, some models related to language competence such as the parameter setting tend to treat language as a separate kna ck of human mind. Further, these models seek to develop a difference wherein language competence becomes a distinct aspect from language performance (Harris, 2005:385). Fact-findings tell us that the manner in which an individual defines the relationship between cognitive processing and bilingualism depends on the approach and the ideology of the person asking the question. The common general manner in which people ask this question uses the normal approach whereby it is standard for people to be â€Å"monolinguals†(Heaton, Taylor, and Manly, 2003:185). Supposedly, this approach lies on the norm that human beings should only know one language but deviating from a single language comes with a cost. Contrary to this approach is the multilingualism view, which views that human beings have knowledge of more than one language (Lorentz, 2008:77). In this arena, the monolingual approach has deficiencies since it lacks the natural human heritage whereby people know more than a singl e language. What is unclear is the overall level of loss that monolinguals have for having knowledge of only one language as well as in their remaining mental processes (Hammers and Blanc, 2003:101). Evaluation of the competing views of the relationship between bilingualism or multilingualism and cognition show that people who know more than one language, possess deficiencies in knowledge and understand in their second language (Panton, 2003:39). Research findings make it clear that, perhaps, it is blindingly obvious in such cases that, people who use their second language are less efficient in it (Harris, 2005:388). While compared to monolinguals, monolinguals are more critical and efficient in their native languages since their
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Features of Information Technology
Features of Information Technology The Internet also known as the Net and is also a worldwide network of computers. It is made up of thousands of interconnected computer networks (a network is a group of computers connected together). A network in the Internet can be large (consisting of thousands of computers), medium (consisting of hundreds of computers) or small (consisting of just a few computers). Similarly, the computers in the network can be mainframes, minicomputers or microcomputers. All computers in the Internet cooperate and work together to provide a variety of useful services to the users. Computers in the Internet fall into two basic categories: host (servers) and terminals (browser). Users connect to the internet by subscribing to an Internet Service Provider commonly known as an (ISP). An ISP is an organisation that provides bandwidth services at some cost to clients who wish to have internet connections in their homes or offices. NetZero, ATT and Microsoft Network (MSN) are ISPs. Individuals also connect to the Internet through business firms, universities, or research centres that have designated Internet domains. Connection is done by: Traditional telephone lines and modem Broadband services which are provided by Digital subscriber line (DSL), cable satellite connections and T lines. T1 and T3 are international telephone standards for digital communications. They leased dedicated lines suitable for business or government agencies to secure guaranteed service levels. The Internet is based on the TCP/IP networking protocol suite. Every computer on the net is assigned a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address. The Internet also consists of domain naming system which stands for DNS. The (DNS) converts IP addresses to domain names . Features that define the internet The World Wide Web (WWW) EMAIL NEWS TELNET File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Internet Relay Chat (IRC) The World Wide Web (WWW) The World Wide Web Know as WWW is part of the internet that supports hypertext documents allowing users to access and navigate different types of data. It is also a web document that is encoded with HTML tags. These HTML tags allow designers to link contents via hyperlinks. Every web page has an address which is a Uniform Resource Locator which stands for (URL). Currently the Web is viewed mainly as a tool for allowing access to a large amount of published information. EMAIL This is also known as Electronic Mail and it is the reason most people stay on the internet. With the inception of the email facility people can create, send and receive email messages to one another around the globe using an email program with an email account on the internet mail server. Email clients usually contain user interfaces to display and edit text. NEWS News is another major feature of the internet. It includes hundreds of newsgroup each newsgroup hosts discussion on a specific topic. A newsgroups name indicates its users special topic of interest such as clothes, shoes, food etc. When participating in a news program you need to have a news reader program that lets you read articles that have been posted on a news server. Articles can be posted for people to read and respond to. is the worlds biggest electronic discussion forum. It provides a way for messages to be sent among computers across the entire Internet. People from all over the world participate in discussions on thousands of specific areas of interest called newsgroups What is Telnet? The Telnet protocol is often thought of as simply providing a facility for remote logins to computer via the Internet. Telnet follows a Client / Server Model. You run a piece of software on your own PC (the client) to use the resources of a distant Server Computer (host computer) Some practical uses of Telnet include: Telnet is a Protocol that lets you use the power of the Internet to connect you to databases, library catalogs, and other information resources around the world. Telnet lets you connect directly to another computer on the Internet and run programs on the computer (provided you have access permission (Username and Password). Theoretically you have a lot of power at your fingertips. Your dumb terminal or very old PC can run programs on the worlds most powerful computers. How is the Internet governed? The Internet is a democratic setup. No single organization owns or manages all the resources in the Internet. Rather, it is collectively owned and managed by thousands of organizations from around the world. Each organization owns and manages its own network, but provides services to other networks as well as receives services from them. There is no master or slave relation in the Net all users have equal standing. The Internet data traffic is carried over transcontinental high-speed backbone networks that operate in a range of 45Mbps to 2.5 Gbps. Trunk lines are owned by long-distance telephone companies called Network Service Providers or by National Government. Local connection lines are owned by regional telephone and cable television companies in the United States that connect retail users in homes and business to internet. The regional networks lease access to Internet Service Providers (ISPs), private companies, and government institutions. Each organisation pays for its own networks and its own local Internet connection services, a part of which is paid to the long-distance trunk line. Individual internet users pays ISPs for using their services and they generally pay a flat subscription fee no matter how much or how little they use the internet. The internet is not owned by any state or organisation and it has no formal management. However the internet policies are established by a number of professional organisations and government bodies including the (IAB) Internet Architecture Board that helps define the overall structure of the NET, the Internet Corporation for assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), assigns IP addresses and the World Wide Web Consortium which sets Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML) and other programming standards for the web. These organisations influence government agencies, network owners, ISPs and software developers with the goal of keeping the Internet operating. The Internet must also conform to the laws of the nation-states in which it operates as well as the technical infrastructure that exist within the nation-states.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Valleyfair Essay -- Personal Narrative Amusement Parks Essays
Valleyfair â€Å"Come on, guys,†I yelled at my family, which consists of my mom Madonna, my father John, and my two sisters Alissa and Kara, as I ran frantically across the jam-packed parking lot to the opening gate that led to a world of adventure. As wide as the world around, my eyes pierced at the doorway to a world of fun. Families, of all sizes, were enjoying all the possibilities of fun. Hearing laughter and frightening screams, warned me of the experience waiting for me within the doorway to everlasting amazement. The sweet baked smell of funnel cakes swarmed into the fresh morning air. Before I knew it, my family and I were ready to enter Valleyfair, an amusement park that offers summertime fun to the maximum. As soon as I passed through the opening gate, all my worries and fears of the world drifted away. At Valleyfair, I was a different person, a person ready to experience extreme adventure. At a steady pace, my family and I began our adventure. Not far from the opening gate, I glanced at the first ride I was going to experience, the Cork Screw. The whole entire family was going to ride on the rollercoaster, even my sister Alissa who is terrified of coasters. As I walked up the narrow path that led to the Cork Screw, I could see that there was a large number of people waiting to get onto the ride. While waiting patiently to board the coaster, I gazed up in awe at the Cork Screw, one of the newer roller coasters, which sparkled high above our heads. Twirling hoops and loops were the main attraction of this roller coaster. Nevertheless, before I knew it, it was our turn to ride the Cork Screw. As soon as I entered onto the platform, I bolted towards the first car seat of the roller coaster. Following me slowl... ...reme adventure. â€Å"See you next year,†I thought to myself. I turned around and followed my family to our car. What a day I had had. Valley Fair offers me a day of no worries. Once I walk into the park, all my worries drift away. Whenever my family goes to Valley Fair, I let myself forget all my worries and fears for a day. I do not care what my future holds, but care only about what I am doing at that point in time. Valley Fair is my haven! As anyone can see, Valley Fair is a great place for families to experience summertime fun to the maximum. With over 75 rides and attractions, there is a ride for everyone to enjoy. Given that adventure comes by the minute at Valley Fair, a full day is needed to enjoy this park of adventure and thrill. So, the next time you are in the Minneapolis area, why not stop and spend a day at Valley Fair. You will not regret it!
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Monitor and Evaluate Workplace Learning and Development Essay
Monitor and evaluate workplace learning and development| 360-degree feedback: This review mechanism consists of performance data generated from a number of sources and almost always includes those staff to whom the individual reports, their peer group, their staff and, in appropriate circumstances, their customers. This approach typically includes a self-assessment using a common process to allow the individual’s own perceptions of their performance to be compared with the other assessing groups. | Performance Development Reviews (PDRs):The process aims to help staff and their managers/supervisors to achieve the best results by: * Identifying the individual work objectives that are most important in achieving the unit’s and the University’s strategic goals * Ensuring a sustainable workload * Setting development goals that meet the staff member’s job and career goals and which help to provide the University with a highly skilled and flexible workforce * Sharing feedback about achievements and problems so that the staff member and their supervisor/manager can * identify and address issues that impede progress Performance appraisal * Performance appraisals are partly evaluation and partly developmental. In traditional performance appraisals the manager and employee evaluate the employee’s strengths and weaknesses. In a 360-degree performance appraisal, feedback is gathered from supervisors, peers, staff, other colleagues and sometimes clients. The results of an appraisal can be used to identify areas for further development of the employee . Have employers/supervisors conduct monthly checks with group managers and discuss current status of groups- information such as behavioural aspects, work quality & efficiency & individual member analysis. We have been assigned to solve the problems and are keen to change the way the company works in order to better the company as a whole. There have been problems in the staff such as low morale, low efficiency and etc. The management of the company is also suffering from poor and out dated leadership techniques. This company’s staff and management has not been reviewed and updated since the 1970s and must be done as soon as possible if this company is to continue to operate. This is a growing concern as the company has entered its first year with a loss in profit. to the 21st century with improved individual skills & team development, & better company performance. The organisation is still living in the past and thus has suffered in the market greatly, staff morale & efficiency are at an all-time low, the majority of staff are well over 50 years old, and are unfamiliar with the new modern technical age. The majority of managers are performing appallingly, which in turn is affecting employee morale, productivity as well as negatively affecting the overall working environment. To counter these problems I will attempt to implement new management/operational methods and improved leadership performance & skills, while tending to each employee individually to improve their skill set & value to the company.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Anime Addiction Essay
Anime had widely spread in the whole world, its positive and negative effects are continuously being debated. 1.What is the history of Anime? 2.What are the reasons Anime Addiction? 3.What are the common positive effects of anime Addiction? 4.What are the common negative effects of anime Addiction? Intoduction A.Background information B.Importance of the paper C.Statement of the problem D.Definition of terms Anime addicton A.Reason of anime addiction 1.manga games 3.movies 4. anime series B. positive effect of anime addiction 1.culture 3.language interaction C.Negative effects of anime addiction 2.immoral activities disposal Conclusion. The rapid rise of anime has seen much controversy in this generation. We are bombarded with the popularity of anime where many people especially teenagers around the world were involved. anime Addiction is actually a very serious problem for it involves many people where only themselves can solve it. The history of anime began at the start of the 20th century, when Japanese filmmakers experimented with the animation techniques that were being explored in the West. The first generation of animators in the late 1910s included Ã…Å'ten Shimokawa, Jun’ichi KÃ… uchi and Seitaro Kitayama, referred to as the â€Å"fathers†of anime.[1] During World War II, propaganda films such as MomotarÃ… no Umiwashi (1943) and MomotarÃ… : Umi no Shinpei (1945) were made, the later being the first anime feature film. During the 1970s, anime developed further, separating itself from its Western roots, and developing distinct genres such as mecha and its Super Robot sub-genre. Typical shows from this period include Lupin III and Mazinger Z. During this period several filmmakers became famous, especially Hayao Miyazaki and Mamoru Oshii. In the 1980s, anime was accepted in the mainstream in Japan, and experienced a boom in production. The rise of Gundam, Macross, Dragon Ball, and the Real Robot and space opera genres set a boom as well. The film Akira set records in 1988 for the production costs of an anime film and went on to become a success worldwide. Later, in 2004, the same creators produced Steamboy, which took over as the most expensive anime film. Space Battleship Yamato and The Super Dimension Fortress Macross also achieved worldwide success after being adapted respectively as Star Blazers and Robotech. First generation Here are the first generation of the history of anime, Few complete animations made during the beginnings of Japanese animation have survived. The reasons vary, but many are of commercial nature. KatsudÃ… Shashin (æ ´ »Ã¥â€¹â€¢Ã¥â€ ™çÅ"Ÿ, Moving Picture), a short which lasts 3 seconds, was possibly produced in 1907. The film was found in Kyoto in July 2005. The undated film consists of fifty frames drawn directly onto a strip of celluloid release. The discoverer, Natsuki Matsumoto, has speculated that it could be â€Å"up to 10 years older†than the previously first known Japanese animation, Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki, released in 1917. However, while a date of circa 1915 is possible, there is no actual basis for this extreme speculation. Ã…Å'ten Shimokawa was a political caricaturist and cartoonist who worked for the magazine Tokyo Puck. He was hired by Tenkatsu to do an animation for them. Due to medical reasons, he was only able to do five movies, including Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki (1917), before he returned to his previous work as a cartoonist. Another prominent animator in this period was Jun’ichi KÃ… uchi. He was a caricaturist and painter, who also had studied watercolor painting. In 1912, he also entered the cartoonist sector and was hired for an animation by Kobayashi Shokai later in 1916. He is viewed as the most technically advanced Japanese animator of the 1910s. His works include around 15 movies. Seitaro Kitayama was an early animator who made animations on his own, not hired by larger corporations. He even founded his own animation studio, the Kitayama Eiga Seisakujo, which was later closed due to lack of commercial success. He utilized the chalkboard technique, and later paper animation, with and without pre-printed backgrounds. The works of these two pioneers include Namakura Gatana (An Obtuse Sword, 1917) and a 1918 film Urashima TarÃ… which were discovered together at an antique market in 2007.[3] Anime and manga is not ‘kid stuff,’ and it’s nothing like American cartoons. Most of it is produced for a teenage or adult audience. Anime series change over time; the plot is often intricate, and characters change, grow, and often die. The unpredictibility and emotional depth of anime as opposed to American cartoons is part of the appeal. Many anime series such as ‘Evangelion’ or ‘Battle Angel Alita’ are quite introspective as well as action-packed, and study questions of love, trust, and other deep feelings. To understand anime, it is fairly important to have at least a little understanding of Japanese culture itself. Anime and manga are currently produced for an exclusively Japanese audience–authors are often shocked to hear that they have American or European fans–and are thus based on cultural assumptions and references that Americans find puzzling at best. Some important points: The Japanese view of the universe is that it is inherently amoral, unlike the American view, which is that the universe should be fair (and is, on TV). Therefore, good characters can die pointlessly, and evil can win. Also, people are not divided into good and bad–many anime characters are a complex mix of good and evil. Here are some of the problem statement of this paper; What is the history of anime; What are the reason’s of anime addiction; What are the common positive effect of anime addiction; And lastly what are the common negative effect of anime addiction. Technical words used in the research paper. Anime addiction A.Reason of anime addiction 1.Manga According to NekoChibi-chan Manga is addicting because (for every person) There is always some theme or event or story that people enjoy. No matter who, where, or what you like. If you find the right manga-With the right illustration- You start to like it and you start reading more of it. I think that the drawings and events make a big difference compared to a normal book making it more pleasurable. There is always a manga out there or two out there for everyone! 2.Video games According to asa123 japanese games has a good graphics compared to other’s like western games, and everytime you are playing in an anime games it feel like your’e actually in the game it self as the hero or heroine, and lastly the game player was really well executed for a 3D fighter. 3. Movies and series According to raiken blade of USA as a self-confessed anime addict, I’ll have to say that there are several reasons why anime movies and series is so addicting; Characters The first, and probably the most compelling reason of all, is the sheer beauty by which the makers create their characters. Out of all cartoons in the world, it is only in Japanese anime that I have seen such well rounded and realistic characters that are so distinctly human. Anime does not delude the viewers into thinking that someone can be perfect. The heroes and heroines in anime, beautiful as they may be, have their own flaws and insecurities. They’re not like the princesses in the cartoon fairy tales who are epitomes of grace and goodness, and are thereby incredibly flat and drab. Anime heroes and heroines are human, and their humanity makes them all the more interesting. Also, because they each have their own personalities, we’re sure to find at least one character in every show with whom we can relate with and empathize with. And this is one of the biggest reasons why we get hooked in anime versus American cartoons because we’re always trying to find out what’s going to happen with our favorite characters. Plots The plots in anime are just as much reason to get addicted as the characters themselves. Anime Series are almost always gifted with great plots. The plots are seldom ever watered down to suit the audience, thus never undermining the intelligence of the viewers as some of the other cartoon series do. They anime makers can dish out the most elaborate plots and never worry whether anyone will understand whether they will be understood or not – after all, anime is not simply a franchise, it’s a form of art, and if people don’t understand it today. Then maybe the people of tomorrow will. Anime plots are always suffused with a sufficient amount of suspense, drama, intrigue, politics, and enough twists and turns to leave your jaw hanging. And not only that, they’re usually deep and always have a lesson attached to them. Animation Okay, let’s not deny it. Part of the reason why we watch anime is because it simply looks amazing. Although they are in 2D format, sometimes they are drawn even better then the ones that are created in 3D. Those overly large eyes, those gravity defying hairstyles, those weirder than weird clothes; they’re simply perfect and enough to make anyone keep coming back for more. The artistic amazement is just none stop however you look at it. â€Å"Korean Pop Addiction†Introduction Music is part of everyone’s life; countries around the world are continuously producing songs or music that may rise up, be popular, and could top the international music chart board. One of these country is Korea (Hanguk â€Å"ÕÅ"ê µ †), they are one of the 21st century rising country in the world because of how uniqueness their music is, how they sing the song, dance and produce its music video which captured many fans and became a Korean pop lover or Korean pop addict. Korea has many artists, and these artists are not immature artists, for they are trained very well first before standing in stage and perform in front of many people. Most of these artists have been starting their training at a very young age 15, and as an achievement they can make their debut after 4-5 years just like finishing a course in college, which can be a valid reason why Korean pop invasion is widely spread in the whole world for their artists are very professional. But before we sta rt with the problem or the topic, let us first define what addiction is, addiction is a state of being obsess with something. The rapid rise of Korean pop has seen much controversy in this generation. We are bombarded with the popularity of Korean pop where many people especially teenagers around the world were involved and are very fund of these, by collecting souvenirs and downloading music videos or any videos about Korean pop artists which leads to addiction. Korean pop Addiction is actually a very serious problem for it involves many people that cannot be cured by a physician nor a psychologist but only themselves; people involve; can heal or solve it. Korean pop Addiction is like obesity, for you need to have a proper discipline in order to lose weight, same goes with Korean pop addiction, you need to have proper discipline to minimize or lessen your obsession. Korean pop addiction will not be called a serious problem if there are no side effects. It holds many behavioral nega tive side effects that may affect the patient seriously, like for example, attempting murder. Many obsess fans had been doing this, and they are usually called the anti-fans. Aside from it having behavioral negative effects, it also holds positive effects that affect the person positively in the improvement of their life. One source of Korean pop addiction is the electronic communication network or simply what we call internet, where all information that a fan need can be found. History of Kpop or Korean pop. I. History of Kpop or Korean Pop Every word or thing exist in this world has its own history or background which tells us how that certain word or thing started to exist. The study of the history of Kpop or Korean Pop shows details how they started, who influence them and how they became popular or rise up. A.20th Century the history of Korean Popular music can be traced back to the 20th century when an American missionary started teaching an American and British folk songs at the school which were called changga (ì ° ¬Ãª °â‚¬) in Korean and were typically based on a popular western melody sung with Korean lyrics. 1.1940s-1960s According to Wikipedia, this is the year of the arrival of the Western culture. After the partition of Korean Peninsula, Western cultures was introduced into South Korea on a small scale with a few Western style bars and clubs playing Western music and were accepted by a wider crowd of young adults. Because of this, the United Service Organization made it possible for several prominent figures of American entertainment to visit the soldiers stationed in Korea which prompted attention from the Korean public. American music started influencing Korean music; Improvements in the recording systems encouraged the production in this year, which led to the pursuit of diverse voice tones. Korean musicians and singers formerly only performing at American clubs started opening up to wider audiences (â€Å"K-Pop†). 2.1970s According to Wikipedia, at the end of the 1960s and beginning of the 1970s Korean pop music underwent another transformation, a year of Korean hippie folk pop. Musicians now tended to university students and graduates and made music fun and self entertaining unlike the earlier generations. These young musicians were heavily influenced by American culture and lifestyle, unlike their predecessors who had to experience war and Japanese oppression. This generational conflict was well reflected in the reception of the folk pop music of the †²70s. The audience consisted mostly of students following the American hippie style in fashion and music alike, with guitars and jeans becoming a symbol of youth. Hippie folk pop remained popular among the youth so much so that the local television channel MBC(Music Bank Core) organized a music contest for university students which consequently led to the foundation of several modern music festivals. In this year, DJs also started to become pop ular, deeply impacting teenage culture (â€Å"K-Pop†). 3.1980s According to Wikipedia, this year is called the era of the ballads, in which Korean entertainment started singing and liking the tune of the ballad music (â€Å"K-Pop†). 4.1990s According to Wikipedia, the turning point happens in this year, where ballads were changed into different kind of styles like rap, rock and techno music. This turning point also led to the emergence of so-called idol bands composing of young boys and girls in one group (â€Å"K-Pop†). B.21st Century According to Wikipedia, towards the turn of this century, the K-pop genre began spreading out to other regions of the world as part of the global Korean wave. Many idols bands or groups debuted with different styles. Each are being classified as a boy band/group, girl band/group or a coed band/group which is a mixture of a boy and girl member (â€Å"K-Pop†). II.Kinds of Kpop or Korean Pop Fans If there’s one thing anybody notices about Korean Pop fans, it’s probably the fact that Korean Pop fans have one of the most unique subcultures of fandom ever created by any type of music in the world. Due to the rapid rise of Korean pop industries, and within the fandom of a group lie a whole bunch of different types of fans.And each fans falls into at least one category fans that defines what type or kind of fan a certain person is and how less or worse their addiction or obsession is. A. Anti-Fans According to Christopher NG, they are probably the weirdest product of Korean pop but anti-fans are the exact opposite of fans. The only goal of an anti-fan is to hate a specific group. They do this by trying to dig up all kinds of information about the past of the idol singer in hopes of creating a scandal and making the idols life miserable. They’ve also been known to start rumors that have become full blown scandals. Anti-fans are usually created out of jealousy. When their favorite idol starts dating or is even just rumored to be dating another idol, they automatically become anti-fans of that other idol. Some have even gone so far as to try and physically assault the Korean pop idols they hate (â€Å"The K-Pop Fandom Family Tree†11). B.Babies According to Christopher NG, Korean pop babies are those who are relatively new to the Korean pop scene and usually focus on just one group, their fandom. This is the most critical time for a Korean pop fan because it can make or break interest in Korean pop as a whole. If a Korean pop baby is unable to find enough material such as music videos, variety show guestings and interviews of their favorite idols, chances are their liking of Korean pop will not take root and it will be very short lived (â€Å"The K-Pop Fandom Family Tree†10).
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