Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Cruelty In Niccolo Machiavelli - 871 Words

Niccolo Machiavelli was once a diplomat over Florence , Italy . Unfortunately, He soon lost his position of power after the Medici family overthrow the monarchy . Machiavelli having lost his title tied to gather a militia to take back to Florence from the Medici family , but his efforts were in vain. He was captured , tortured , and exiled by the Medici family. At this time Machiavelli may have agreed with Fedrick Nietzsche that â€Å"Humans are the cruelest animals† in his bitterness after losing everything. That is until he writes his most well known work ‘The Prince’ to educate the Medici family as to how to hold power over Florence in hopes of gaining power or a title from the family . Machiavelli believed that cruelty is necessary as a†¦show more content†¦Machiavelli may speak about how humans are cattle but he understands that the people hold just as much power as the prince. If faced with too much cruelty the people will began to hate and conspi re to take power from their ruler. For example , In â€Å"Game of Thrones†,by JJ Martin there is a character known as Ramsay Bolton. Ramsay was so cruel that he killed his own father to obtain power over the north , tortured many people , and feed his step mother and newborn half brother to his dogs. Everyone feared him but fewer were loyal to him in the end. Everyone that stood with him was fearful of what he may do to them or because of his family’s name. That’s why its important for a ruler to be calculated with ones cruelty towards his people , instead of simply instilling fear , because if given a way out they will most definitely betrayal you. Then it begs the question is it better to be fear than to be loved. Most would rather be a beloved ruler but Machiavelli believed that fear was where all the power lied. Machiavelli said â€Å"a prince should make himself feared in such a way that, if he is not loved , at least he escapes being hated † ( Ma chiavelli 54) . Machiavelli believed that you were suppose to be cruel but not so cruel that your subjects hated you. He spoke about the importance of keeping the peopleShow MoreRelatedNiccolo Machiavelli s The Prince1719 Words   |  7 PagesMachiavelli’s, The Prince, a book written by Niccolà ² Machiavelli, is a read that most people wouldn’t prefer to read as a first option but in defense to Niccolo, it brings out many themes such as Goodwill and Hatred, Free will, and Human Nature. â€Å"It is known from his personal correspondence that The Prince was written during 1513, the year after the Medici took control of Florence, and a few months after Machiavelli s arrest, torture, and banishment by the Medici regime† ( The novel wasRead MoreIn the Defense of The Prince1333 Words   |  5 Pagesrelative, versatile nature of morality. 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