Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Anime Addiction Essay
Anime had widely spread in the whole world, its positive and negative effects are continuously being debated. 1.What is the history of Anime? 2.What are the reasons Anime Addiction? 3.What are the common positive effects of anime Addiction? 4.What are the common negative effects of anime Addiction? Intoduction A.Background information B.Importance of the paper C.Statement of the problem D.Definition of terms Anime addicton A.Reason of anime addiction 1.manga games 3.movies 4. anime series B. positive effect of anime addiction 1.culture 3.language interaction C.Negative effects of anime addiction 2.immoral activities disposal Conclusion. The rapid rise of anime has seen much controversy in this generation. We are bombarded with the popularity of anime where many people especially teenagers around the world were involved. anime Addiction is actually a very serious problem for it involves many people where only themselves can solve it. The history of anime began at the start of the 20th century, when Japanese filmmakers experimented with the animation techniques that were being explored in the West. The first generation of animators in the late 1910s included Ã…Å'ten Shimokawa, Jun’ichi KÃ… uchi and Seitaro Kitayama, referred to as the â€Å"fathers†of anime.[1] During World War II, propaganda films such as MomotarÃ… no Umiwashi (1943) and MomotarÃ… : Umi no Shinpei (1945) were made, the later being the first anime feature film. During the 1970s, anime developed further, separating itself from its Western roots, and developing distinct genres such as mecha and its Super Robot sub-genre. Typical shows from this period include Lupin III and Mazinger Z. During this period several filmmakers became famous, especially Hayao Miyazaki and Mamoru Oshii. In the 1980s, anime was accepted in the mainstream in Japan, and experienced a boom in production. The rise of Gundam, Macross, Dragon Ball, and the Real Robot and space opera genres set a boom as well. The film Akira set records in 1988 for the production costs of an anime film and went on to become a success worldwide. Later, in 2004, the same creators produced Steamboy, which took over as the most expensive anime film. Space Battleship Yamato and The Super Dimension Fortress Macross also achieved worldwide success after being adapted respectively as Star Blazers and Robotech. First generation Here are the first generation of the history of anime, Few complete animations made during the beginnings of Japanese animation have survived. The reasons vary, but many are of commercial nature. KatsudÃ… Shashin (æ ´ »Ã¥â€¹â€¢Ã¥â€ ™çÅ"Ÿ, Moving Picture), a short which lasts 3 seconds, was possibly produced in 1907. The film was found in Kyoto in July 2005. The undated film consists of fifty frames drawn directly onto a strip of celluloid release. The discoverer, Natsuki Matsumoto, has speculated that it could be â€Å"up to 10 years older†than the previously first known Japanese animation, Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki, released in 1917. However, while a date of circa 1915 is possible, there is no actual basis for this extreme speculation. Ã…Å'ten Shimokawa was a political caricaturist and cartoonist who worked for the magazine Tokyo Puck. He was hired by Tenkatsu to do an animation for them. Due to medical reasons, he was only able to do five movies, including Imokawa Mukuzo Genkanban no Maki (1917), before he returned to his previous work as a cartoonist. Another prominent animator in this period was Jun’ichi KÃ… uchi. He was a caricaturist and painter, who also had studied watercolor painting. In 1912, he also entered the cartoonist sector and was hired for an animation by Kobayashi Shokai later in 1916. He is viewed as the most technically advanced Japanese animator of the 1910s. His works include around 15 movies. Seitaro Kitayama was an early animator who made animations on his own, not hired by larger corporations. He even founded his own animation studio, the Kitayama Eiga Seisakujo, which was later closed due to lack of commercial success. He utilized the chalkboard technique, and later paper animation, with and without pre-printed backgrounds. The works of these two pioneers include Namakura Gatana (An Obtuse Sword, 1917) and a 1918 film Urashima TarÃ… which were discovered together at an antique market in 2007.[3] Anime and manga is not ‘kid stuff,’ and it’s nothing like American cartoons. Most of it is produced for a teenage or adult audience. Anime series change over time; the plot is often intricate, and characters change, grow, and often die. The unpredictibility and emotional depth of anime as opposed to American cartoons is part of the appeal. Many anime series such as ‘Evangelion’ or ‘Battle Angel Alita’ are quite introspective as well as action-packed, and study questions of love, trust, and other deep feelings. To understand anime, it is fairly important to have at least a little understanding of Japanese culture itself. Anime and manga are currently produced for an exclusively Japanese audience–authors are often shocked to hear that they have American or European fans–and are thus based on cultural assumptions and references that Americans find puzzling at best. Some important points: The Japanese view of the universe is that it is inherently amoral, unlike the American view, which is that the universe should be fair (and is, on TV). Therefore, good characters can die pointlessly, and evil can win. Also, people are not divided into good and bad–many anime characters are a complex mix of good and evil. Here are some of the problem statement of this paper; What is the history of anime; What are the reason’s of anime addiction; What are the common positive effect of anime addiction; And lastly what are the common negative effect of anime addiction. Technical words used in the research paper. Anime addiction A.Reason of anime addiction 1.Manga According to NekoChibi-chan Manga is addicting because (for every person) There is always some theme or event or story that people enjoy. No matter who, where, or what you like. If you find the right manga-With the right illustration- You start to like it and you start reading more of it. I think that the drawings and events make a big difference compared to a normal book making it more pleasurable. There is always a manga out there or two out there for everyone! 2.Video games According to asa123 japanese games has a good graphics compared to other’s like western games, and everytime you are playing in an anime games it feel like your’e actually in the game it self as the hero or heroine, and lastly the game player was really well executed for a 3D fighter. 3. Movies and series According to raiken blade of USA as a self-confessed anime addict, I’ll have to say that there are several reasons why anime movies and series is so addicting; Characters The first, and probably the most compelling reason of all, is the sheer beauty by which the makers create their characters. Out of all cartoons in the world, it is only in Japanese anime that I have seen such well rounded and realistic characters that are so distinctly human. Anime does not delude the viewers into thinking that someone can be perfect. The heroes and heroines in anime, beautiful as they may be, have their own flaws and insecurities. They’re not like the princesses in the cartoon fairy tales who are epitomes of grace and goodness, and are thereby incredibly flat and drab. Anime heroes and heroines are human, and their humanity makes them all the more interesting. Also, because they each have their own personalities, we’re sure to find at least one character in every show with whom we can relate with and empathize with. And this is one of the biggest reasons why we get hooked in anime versus American cartoons because we’re always trying to find out what’s going to happen with our favorite characters. Plots The plots in anime are just as much reason to get addicted as the characters themselves. Anime Series are almost always gifted with great plots. The plots are seldom ever watered down to suit the audience, thus never undermining the intelligence of the viewers as some of the other cartoon series do. They anime makers can dish out the most elaborate plots and never worry whether anyone will understand whether they will be understood or not – after all, anime is not simply a franchise, it’s a form of art, and if people don’t understand it today. Then maybe the people of tomorrow will. Anime plots are always suffused with a sufficient amount of suspense, drama, intrigue, politics, and enough twists and turns to leave your jaw hanging. And not only that, they’re usually deep and always have a lesson attached to them. Animation Okay, let’s not deny it. Part of the reason why we watch anime is because it simply looks amazing. Although they are in 2D format, sometimes they are drawn even better then the ones that are created in 3D. Those overly large eyes, those gravity defying hairstyles, those weirder than weird clothes; they’re simply perfect and enough to make anyone keep coming back for more. The artistic amazement is just none stop however you look at it. â€Å"Korean Pop Addiction†Introduction Music is part of everyone’s life; countries around the world are continuously producing songs or music that may rise up, be popular, and could top the international music chart board. One of these country is Korea (Hanguk â€Å"ÕÅ"ê µ †), they are one of the 21st century rising country in the world because of how uniqueness their music is, how they sing the song, dance and produce its music video which captured many fans and became a Korean pop lover or Korean pop addict. Korea has many artists, and these artists are not immature artists, for they are trained very well first before standing in stage and perform in front of many people. Most of these artists have been starting their training at a very young age 15, and as an achievement they can make their debut after 4-5 years just like finishing a course in college, which can be a valid reason why Korean pop invasion is widely spread in the whole world for their artists are very professional. But before we sta rt with the problem or the topic, let us first define what addiction is, addiction is a state of being obsess with something. The rapid rise of Korean pop has seen much controversy in this generation. We are bombarded with the popularity of Korean pop where many people especially teenagers around the world were involved and are very fund of these, by collecting souvenirs and downloading music videos or any videos about Korean pop artists which leads to addiction. Korean pop Addiction is actually a very serious problem for it involves many people that cannot be cured by a physician nor a psychologist but only themselves; people involve; can heal or solve it. Korean pop Addiction is like obesity, for you need to have a proper discipline in order to lose weight, same goes with Korean pop addiction, you need to have proper discipline to minimize or lessen your obsession. Korean pop addiction will not be called a serious problem if there are no side effects. It holds many behavioral nega tive side effects that may affect the patient seriously, like for example, attempting murder. Many obsess fans had been doing this, and they are usually called the anti-fans. Aside from it having behavioral negative effects, it also holds positive effects that affect the person positively in the improvement of their life. One source of Korean pop addiction is the electronic communication network or simply what we call internet, where all information that a fan need can be found. History of Kpop or Korean pop. I. History of Kpop or Korean Pop Every word or thing exist in this world has its own history or background which tells us how that certain word or thing started to exist. The study of the history of Kpop or Korean Pop shows details how they started, who influence them and how they became popular or rise up. A.20th Century the history of Korean Popular music can be traced back to the 20th century when an American missionary started teaching an American and British folk songs at the school which were called changga (ì ° ¬Ãª °â‚¬) in Korean and were typically based on a popular western melody sung with Korean lyrics. 1.1940s-1960s According to Wikipedia, this is the year of the arrival of the Western culture. After the partition of Korean Peninsula, Western cultures was introduced into South Korea on a small scale with a few Western style bars and clubs playing Western music and were accepted by a wider crowd of young adults. Because of this, the United Service Organization made it possible for several prominent figures of American entertainment to visit the soldiers stationed in Korea which prompted attention from the Korean public. American music started influencing Korean music; Improvements in the recording systems encouraged the production in this year, which led to the pursuit of diverse voice tones. Korean musicians and singers formerly only performing at American clubs started opening up to wider audiences (â€Å"K-Pop†). 2.1970s According to Wikipedia, at the end of the 1960s and beginning of the 1970s Korean pop music underwent another transformation, a year of Korean hippie folk pop. Musicians now tended to university students and graduates and made music fun and self entertaining unlike the earlier generations. These young musicians were heavily influenced by American culture and lifestyle, unlike their predecessors who had to experience war and Japanese oppression. This generational conflict was well reflected in the reception of the folk pop music of the †²70s. The audience consisted mostly of students following the American hippie style in fashion and music alike, with guitars and jeans becoming a symbol of youth. Hippie folk pop remained popular among the youth so much so that the local television channel MBC(Music Bank Core) organized a music contest for university students which consequently led to the foundation of several modern music festivals. In this year, DJs also started to become pop ular, deeply impacting teenage culture (â€Å"K-Pop†). 3.1980s According to Wikipedia, this year is called the era of the ballads, in which Korean entertainment started singing and liking the tune of the ballad music (â€Å"K-Pop†). 4.1990s According to Wikipedia, the turning point happens in this year, where ballads were changed into different kind of styles like rap, rock and techno music. This turning point also led to the emergence of so-called idol bands composing of young boys and girls in one group (â€Å"K-Pop†). B.21st Century According to Wikipedia, towards the turn of this century, the K-pop genre began spreading out to other regions of the world as part of the global Korean wave. Many idols bands or groups debuted with different styles. Each are being classified as a boy band/group, girl band/group or a coed band/group which is a mixture of a boy and girl member (â€Å"K-Pop†). II.Kinds of Kpop or Korean Pop Fans If there’s one thing anybody notices about Korean Pop fans, it’s probably the fact that Korean Pop fans have one of the most unique subcultures of fandom ever created by any type of music in the world. Due to the rapid rise of Korean pop industries, and within the fandom of a group lie a whole bunch of different types of fans.And each fans falls into at least one category fans that defines what type or kind of fan a certain person is and how less or worse their addiction or obsession is. A. Anti-Fans According to Christopher NG, they are probably the weirdest product of Korean pop but anti-fans are the exact opposite of fans. The only goal of an anti-fan is to hate a specific group. They do this by trying to dig up all kinds of information about the past of the idol singer in hopes of creating a scandal and making the idols life miserable. They’ve also been known to start rumors that have become full blown scandals. Anti-fans are usually created out of jealousy. When their favorite idol starts dating or is even just rumored to be dating another idol, they automatically become anti-fans of that other idol. Some have even gone so far as to try and physically assault the Korean pop idols they hate (â€Å"The K-Pop Fandom Family Tree†11). B.Babies According to Christopher NG, Korean pop babies are those who are relatively new to the Korean pop scene and usually focus on just one group, their fandom. This is the most critical time for a Korean pop fan because it can make or break interest in Korean pop as a whole. If a Korean pop baby is unable to find enough material such as music videos, variety show guestings and interviews of their favorite idols, chances are their liking of Korean pop will not take root and it will be very short lived (â€Å"The K-Pop Fandom Family Tree†10).
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