Saturday, January 18, 2020

Political And Economic Globalization Essay

Globalization in whichever form has received different view from different people all over the world. It has always portrayed two faces in any field in which it was applied. Generally, globalization has its roots in economic and political concerns. These two areas are key factors which touches the lives of people in any country, hence, globalization in either economic or politics will most if not always affect the ways of life in any given country. The consequences of economic and political globalizations are thus paramount in the induction of particular changes in the cultural ways of these communities. The economic and political globalization has an impact on culture while at the same time the cultures have enormous impacts on the globalization of both. This is because there is an intimate interrelationships and integration of the three human activities which builds the human life. Thus, from the historical view of the three things, they have gone hand in hand for complete human life existence. Globalization of politics and economic are two key factors which are affecting the culture of modern world bringing about cultural homogeneity rather than cultural diversity. In reality, this has made crowds of people to remain perplex on which ways is these economic and political globalizations is driving the culture. (Mudimbe-boyi, 2002) Meanwhile, globalization has also allowed the cultural diversity tpo surface as countries started to accept the globalized views and ways of life. The more global influences get in the culture, the more chance that the community acknowledges the uniqueness of its culture. First and foremost are that many people having experiences obstacles of understanding what is culture and the compositions of culture. Michael Amaladoss gave any efforts of defining culture. He said â€Å"culture is the way of a life of a people through which they humanize and socialize nature. † In his further elaboration, he mentioned that it implies the world-view, a value system and a network of social relationships. There are key areas in which during economics and political globalization, they are obviously affected. The effects are felt when many people changes their values system and the original products which were once used by their forefathers. This phenomenon is not rare in most parts of the world where many people have gone under the transition of economic and political globalization. There are numerous alarming cultural practices which the world’s leaders are now struggling to ban as result of this two globalizes factors. (Cowen, 2002) In some instances however, globalization becomes a driving force for people to realize how cultural affinities are being ignored. As people in different communities strive to adopt into the globalized world, they start to be more keen on its effects in the culture, thus the rise of groups concerned with protecting and/or preserving the cultural heritage. It has also served as the venue for countries to showcase the unique culture to the entire world. Globalization of economy and politics are not bring along with cultural diversity. Generally, each globalization processes are working ways out to have homogeneity of cultures. For instance, in terms of economic globalization in the sectors of agriculture sectors, the world’s organizations which deal with the problems of foods shortages do not address the problem from root cause of the shortages. Their models hardly emphasizes on the available establishment of these local food stuff in the particular countries. Instead, they widely and vast get involved in the use of imports to solve the problems of hungers. Through such means the cultural foods products of the native communities in these states are set into extinction as the local are encouraged to embark on sowing new types of crops. This portrays that there is expansion of the culture from one point of country to another through these aids creating a homogenous cultures. (Adam, 2002) But because of the uniqueness of the cultures of each country, cultural differences will most likely affect how a country reacts to a globalized world, or how a country respond to globalization. Globalization can sometimes tend to be too Westernized that countries from Asia or from other part of the world will find it hard to adopt, thus resulting to further cultural diversity rather than homogeneity. Their global information infrastructures which as come on the ways of technology and industrialization has made trade increases. In addition, to trade many countries have been subjects to comply with unnecessary economic condition. This has especially affected those developing countries where resources and job opportunities are limited. The unfavorable economic environments in those states have created a loophole for the exploitation of the people. The people are being forced by worse survival means to adapts the foreign culture so that they can attain their goals in life. As the adage goes â€Å"power and wealthy and there to conquers and dominates the weak†. (Cowen, 2002) Meanwhile, globalization has also helped developing countries. An example is for developing countries in Asia such as Philippines and India who have become an ideal venue for the support needs of the economies of the US and other countries in Europe. This has paved the way for the booming business processing outsourcing (BPO) industries in these countries due to globalization. The political globalizations are largely affecting the culture of these different communities of the world in the pretence of fighting for human rights. The politics from the westerns and Americans have spreads in all corners of the worlds in which the Americans are fighting to have democratic political area. Political globalists has intervened in issues of marriages and other matters which touches family affairs. Argument such as homosexuals and other related family matters have been widely politicized debates which have been accelerated by political globalization. The consequences of this embarked in the developments countries which are majority pro- globalisms. The final result is that, the continued interaction of the people in the economic dispersions in the trades industries wits such peoples has enables the spreading of the vices to thousands of countries in other continents. Gayism and lesbians are two vices which did not exist in African continents in date of the previous two centuries back. The perpetual globalization on economic and politics has spread this scourge disease to the continent in the last four to five decades. This vividly demonstrates, that the cultures which had rooted values in the continent has been absorbed creating some support of homogeneous culture rather than cultural diversity. (Mudimbe-boyi, 2002) In the same way, the share of culture had also positive effect on other communities. People become more informed of how things are done in the other parts of the world, and thus they are able to establish benchmarks. These will then become a basis of the right way of doing things by using these as models on how to successfully deal with political and economic concerns. Reference: Adam, D. (2002): Community, Culture and Globalization: Rockefeller Foundation Cowen, T. (2002): How Globalization is changing the World’s Culture: Princeton University Press. Greenaway, D. (2005): Adjusting to globalization: University of Nottingham Mudimbe-boyi, E. (2002): Histories, Identities, Cultures, and the Challenge of Globalization: University of New York Press

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