Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Cruelty In Niccolo Machiavelli - 871 Words
Niccolo Machiavelli was once a diplomat over Florence , Italy . Unfortunately, He soon lost his position of power after the Medici family overthrow the monarchy . Machiavelli having lost his title tied to gather a militia to take back to Florence from the Medici family , but his efforts were in vain. He was captured , tortured , and exiled by the Medici family. At this time Machiavelli may have agreed with Fedrick Nietzsche that â€Å"Humans are the cruelest animals†in his bitterness after losing everything. That is until he writes his most well known work ‘The Prince’ to educate the Medici family as to how to hold power over Florence in hopes of gaining power or a title from the family . Machiavelli believed that cruelty is necessary as a†¦show more content†¦Machiavelli may speak about how humans are cattle but he understands that the people hold just as much power as the prince. If faced with too much cruelty the people will began to hate and conspi re to take power from their ruler. For example , In â€Å"Game of Thrones†,by JJ Martin there is a character known as Ramsay Bolton. Ramsay was so cruel that he killed his own father to obtain power over the north , tortured many people , and feed his step mother and newborn half brother to his dogs. Everyone feared him but fewer were loyal to him in the end. Everyone that stood with him was fearful of what he may do to them or because of his family’s name. That’s why its important for a ruler to be calculated with ones cruelty towards his people , instead of simply instilling fear , because if given a way out they will most definitely betrayal you. Then it begs the question is it better to be fear than to be loved. Most would rather be a beloved ruler but Machiavelli believed that fear was where all the power lied. Machiavelli said â€Å"a prince should make himself feared in such a way that, if he is not loved , at least he escapes being hated †( Ma chiavelli 54) . Machiavelli believed that you were suppose to be cruel but not so cruel that your subjects hated you. He spoke about the importance of keeping the peopleShow MoreRelatedNiccolo Machiavelli s The Prince1719 Words  | 7 PagesMachiavelli’s, The Prince, a book written by Niccolà ² Machiavelli, is a read that most people wouldn’t prefer to read as a first option but in defense to Niccolo, it brings out many themes such as Goodwill and Hatred, Free will, and Human Nature. â€Å"It is known from his personal correspondence that The Prince was written during 1513, the year after the Medici took control of Florence, and a few months after Machiavelli s arrest, torture, and banishment by the Medici regime†( The novel wasRead MoreIn the Defense of The Prince1333 Words  | 5 Pagesrelative, versatile nature of morality. If Niccolo Machiavelli were to fortify any ethical absolutism, his system would not work.It should be noted that Machiav ellis philosophy will have morality. 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The novel serves as an abstract manual, addressing the definition of a good/bad ruler by placing emphasis on the required military organization, the character a ruler must posses, and the success that could be attained if a ruler should follow the guide. The scope in which the book is written is that of a scholarly observant. MachiavelliRead More The Powerful Truth of Machiavellis The Prince Essay1490 Words  | 6 Pageskingdom. Machiavelli saw the conventional thought of the time as a fantasy and only applicable in a utopian society. His work The Prince shatters all previous political thought by stating that a ruler must not only use the traditionally accepted means of maintaining power but also be able to use brute force, deceit and even cruelty as the situation requires. In the tumultuous political climate of renaissance Europe his theories were proven valid repeatedly.  Niccolo Machiavelli was bornRead MoreNiccolo Machiavelli and Political Philosophy Essay472 Words  | 2 PagesNiccolo Machiavelli and Political Philosophy Niccolo Machiavelli is revered as the founder of modern political philosophy. He was considered a realist because he concerned himself only with the political situations that actually arose in reality, where as previous philosophers were concerned largely with the theoretical politics of an idealist perfect society. In Machiavellis The Prince, written to the ruler of Florence at the time, Lorenzo de Medici, he analyzes the characteristics
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay on Left Brain vs. the Right Brain - 916 Words
The brain has its own functions and is divided into two hemispheres: the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. Also, has its own way of processing information and each lobe has its specific roles. What happens when damage to the brain occurs? How does it rewire itself to process information or learn new activities?. Damage to each hemisphere of the brain has different effects on the way individuals learn since each hemisphere is in charge of different functions. Furthermore, the brain processes information differently according to a person’s learning style. First, Let us explore on the functions of each hemisphere of the brain and how it works. The left hemisphere is associated with being logical. The right hemisphere of the†¦show more content†¦In the same way that material is being preserved due to continuous access to it, the material that is left untouched after learning it, disappears. â€Å"The process is called pruning because the brain pathways and connections that are used regularly are maintained and hard-wired, while others are eliminated†Willis (2008, p 2). This ability of the brain to adapt and reorganize its paths to newly learned skills is known as neuroplasticity. There are four lobes of the brain and have their specific roles. Frontal lobe is associated with reasoning, planning, parts of speech and movement (motor cortex). Parietal lobe is related with perception of stimuli related to touch, pressure, temperature and pain. Temporal lobe is linked to perception and recognition of auditory stimuli and memory. Occipital lobe is related to many aspects of vision, retrieved from Damage in any of these areas produces rewiring of the brain. Injury to the right hemisphere of the brain leads to cognitive-communication problems, such as impaired memory, attention problems and poor reasoning. In many cases, the person with right brain damage is not aware of the problems that he or she is experiencing, retrieved from On the other hand, damage to the left side of the hemisphere producesShow MoreRelatedleft brain vs right brain1430 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Left Brain vs. Right Brain: Implications of Learning Foundations of Online Learning Abstract A left-brain dominant person’s attributes are different than that of a right-brained person. This difference causes these two groups to have different learning styles. A left-brain dominant tends to be better at spelling and math. This is because this person can see all of the pieces. A right- brain dominant person tends be better at writing, biology, and otherRead MoreLeft Brain vs. Right Brain838 Words  | 4 PagesLeft Brain vs. Right Brain â€Å"According to the theory of left-brain or right-brain dominance, each side of the brain controls different types of thinking.†(Cherry 2012) From books to television programs, youve probably heard the phrase mentioned that people are either right brained or left brained thinkers or perhaps you have gone online to take a test to see which one you are. Psychologist have been researching the brain to try and understand learning capability’s that can help with such thingsRead MoreLeft Brain vs Right Brain950 Words  | 4 Pagesin the world. The brain has a lot to do with our learning. In terms of how we learn and what hemisphere we use the most. The concept of the right and left brain think developed from research in the late 1960s by an American psychologist Roger W Sperry. The correct term for the halves would be hemispheres. Mr. Sperry had discovered that the human brain has two different ways of thinking. The right hemisphere being more visual and the left he misphere being more verbal. The left hemisphere is knownRead More Left Brain vs Right Brain Essay1512 Words  | 7 PagesThe Left Brain vs The Right Brain: How Does This Impact Learning Do you ever hear some people say that, ‘I learn this way, because I’m left or right brain dominant,’ but what is your learning style? Some people go majority of their life, not knowing which learning style works for them. It is good to know what this learning style is so people can respond most effectively to the material being presented. Templeton (2003). 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What is left brain or right brain you ask? People use either side to approach solutions to a variety of problems with different outcomes. People who are left brain tend to approach each problem with an analytical point of view. Right brain thinkers tend toRead MoreLearning: Left-Brain vs. Right Brain Essay1027 Words  | 5 Pagesthis mystery. The brain is divided into two sections. They are known as the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. Individually they have different functionalities but collectively they make up the person as a whole and can give some explanation as to why a person process and learn the way they do. Hopefully, by the end of this read you will better understand this phenomenon and make it work for you. One of the major forces behind research into the mysteries of the human brain is Mr. Roger SperryRead MoreEssay on Left vs. Right Brain1085 Words  | 5 PagesLeft vs. Right Brain The idea that the left and right sides of the brain can control many different aspects of behavior in different categories is an interesting one. Four websites which consider this concept are Neuro Pearls, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association website, Left vs. Right Brain Modes, and SPLITTING THE HUMAN BRAIN. In Left Vs. Right Brain Modes, a direct comparison is presented in several categories. The left hemisphere is described as verbal, analytical, logicalRead MoreLeft Brain vs Right Brain: How Does It Impact Learning1345 Words  | 6 Pages|The left and right hemispheres of our brain process information in different ways. We tend to process information using our dominant side. However, the learning and thinking process is | |enhanced when both side of the brain participate in a balanced manner. This means strengthening our less dominate hemisphere of the brain. In trying to differentiate between the left and | |right brain, My paper will show information processing styles that are characteristically used by our right or left-brainRead MoreLeft Brain vs Right Brain; How It Affects Learning Essay1147 Words  | 5 PagesThe Left Brain vs. The Right Brain: How This Impacts Learning Troy J. Miller COLL100 I059 Sum 12 American Public University System Megan Doyle The Left Brain vs. The Right Brain: How This Impacts Learning Over years there has been extensive research done by different psychologists suggesting that our brain works in two different ways. Some of these researchers also believe that the left and right sides of our brain work hand in hand with each other, and that one cannot function
Monday, December 9, 2019
Management Law and Ethics
Question: Discuss about the Management Law and Ethics. Answer: Introduction: The catastrophic failure by the BHP has not only hampered its business and also the environment which puts a strong question mark on the activities of the company especially from the ethical perspective. From the ethical context the company BHP Billiton should have focused on working keeping in mind the ethical code laid down by the Engineers Australia's National Congress which is: Demonstrate Integrity Practise Competently Exercise Leadership Promote Sustainability (Van de Poel Royakkers, 2011). First of all the company has not been able to demonstrate integrity as it was not able to do what is right for the victims in Samarco it is not yet ready to take the blame for the incident. It could be said that the organisation did not calculate all the possibilities of risks and hazard which clearly shows that it failed to demonstrate integrity. In this scenario the company should act honestly and be discerning to do what is right. It is important that the company is able to reassess their activities in the Samarco site and focus on developing the infrastructure effectively in order to be right ethically. On the other hand the company failed to practice competently which has led to this incident and should have been more careful about their knowledge and should have started the work with adequate knowledge which they have failed to do. It is important that the Engineering department of the company develops a strong competent group of workers who are able to gather and practice on t he adequate knowledge established (Van de Poel Goldberg, 2010). The company failed to communicate properly in the Samarco debacle which clearly showed that BHP has failed to exercise leadership effectively in its work and have not been able to reckon the aftermath that goes with mining. In this scenario it is extremely important that the company focuses on establishing and continuously improving leaderships which will help to develop and implement effective ideas even from the ethical perspective. Finally the company has completely failed to promote sustainability with its work. The company was obligated towards the development of the community and the stakeholders where it was working but in Samarco tragedy many people from the local community suffered and also the environment got degraded which is doesnt show the good side of the company and it is extremely important for the company to practice engineering for the development of the health and well being of the people and promote overall health which could be only done with the help of strong planning and implementation as well as by focusing on the public concerns. It is important the company pays compensation to the local people and also try to clean the rivers through effective technological facilities which will act as the compensation done for the damage and from now on the company will have to identify the needs and of the present and future generation from the economic, health, safety and environment perspectives (Hatje, 2016). The catastrophe in the region of Bento Rodrigues is an eye opener for the company in fact for the entire mining industry and hence it is important for the companies to work effectively in order to ensure the security, safety and well being of the people staying in and around the mining regions (Harris et al., 2013). In the recent past there has also been increased concern for the environment and the problem in the state of Minas Gerais only proves the fact that the environmental policies are not being implemented even though they are placed in the environmental books and laws but to see it pragmatically they have never been properly utilised which is a major setback for the organisation (Prno Sloecombe, 2012). After the calamity in Samarco the company BHP Billiton has made a strong environmental research and has also understood the impact that the case has had on the place and its inhabitants. Hence in this scenario it is important for the company BHP Billiton to work out effective measures which will not only helps to act ethically but also helps to act legally as well (Han, 2015). It is important to mention that change in legal policies will have to be used to good effect and hence legal perspectives should be utilised in framing the recommendations (Shum Yam, 2011). The recommendations framed for the development of the organisational activities are discussed below: First of all the company will have to be able to use the evolving standards to good effect in order to develop the mining operations. For instance the suggested legal changes for the company stated by the Ministry of Minas Gerais is to implement geotechnical and structural monitoring which will help the organisation to monitor the condition of the mines and the geographical texture where the operations are being held (Han, 2015). The geotechnical monitoring will help to understand the conditions of thee dams which will help to work accordingly and act ethically to take steps in their repairing which will safeguard the locality and lives and is clearly based on the ethical attribute of practicing competently. Responsible mining could be done with the help of participatory decision making by involving the legal bodies of the place so that the ministry and local legal bodies are kept updated about the position of the place so that quick actions could be taken in order to ensure security and safety for the people living near mines and as per the ethical framework they are sustainable actions. Dam break analysis and contingency planning will help to promote sustainability within the areas as any kind of problems happening could be identified earlier and the company could act early as well (Prno Sloecombe, 2012). The company should also focus on global reporting initiative which would help to keep the legal bodies and even the other stakeholders updated about the movement of the company which legally approved action as well as this helps to show integrity which will largely contribute to the enhancement of the mining operations of BHP Billiton. As per the UN declaration of the indigenous people and their rights (UNDRIP) (2007) the company will focus on promoting sustainability in their operations and work showing diligence regarding the mining operation in different areas and will involve the local and the national legal bodies to ensure the health and well being of thee local people which will help the company to exercise their leadership and also bring about sustainable environmental actions successfully (Harris et al., 2013). The company Better Car Ltd has clearly had all the rules and regulations discussed before they launched their Self driven car in the Australian market. The company has been able to sale quite a few numbers of self driven cars in the country and is planning to sale the cars abroad now in just few months. The company is selling these cars by maintaining legality so that the company does not face any legal problems. The company has made each and every client to sign a documents which apart from having different clauses the company has put in some of the key clauses which clearly state that everyone of the customers will have to be proactive even when the car is self drive mode and should be ready to use the steering wheel in case there is trouble on the road (Cartwright, 2016). This was one of the key clauses that the company had put in. In the agreement it also mentioned that it will bear any liabilities in case of breach of contract which is over the amount of $5000. Unlike the case o f Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co [1893] 1 QB 256 Both the clauses included in the agreement highlights one key thing that is the company has tried to make the consumers aware that even though the car is a self driven one but they have to be conscious about it and hence it could be said that the present agreement is clean (Poole, 2016). It is very unfortunate for Tom to meet the accident but it is extremely important to mention that Tom is equally responsible for the incident that has happened to him and he can no way sue the company for this unfortunate incident. As per the Contract Law in Australia an entity should be able to give all the legal proofs about the damages and for the breach of contract. In brief it could be said that contractors claiming damages for the breach of contract should properly be able to articulate their claims. It is important to mention that the onus will be on Tom to establish compensatory damage claims since it was quite clearly mentioned in the report that one has to be proactive even if the car was on self drive mode (Andrews, 2015). The company clearly stated an exclusion clause regarding the breach of contract for the company and it was clearly signed by the plaintiff Tom which shows that the agreement between them is valid. As stated in the case of La Rosa v Nudrill Pty Ltd [2013] WASCA 18 where the exclusion clause played a huge part and safeguarded the defendant. Unlike in the case mentioned above the plaintiff Tom was clearly aware of the exclusion clause which stated that the company wouldnt be liable to pay money in case of breach of contract. In this case of Thompson v LMS Railway [1930] 1 KB 41 it clearly showed that if the exclusion clause had been put to use effectively this can safeguard the defendant. In that way it could be said that BC should not be sued since the plaintiff understood the clauses and their meaning and since the incident happened for his mistake as well the company cannot be held responsible (Cartwright, 2016). Darlington Futures v Delco Australia is a case which discussed the validity of the exclusion clause and it stated that even though the exclusion clause is constructed it should be done keeping the entirety of the contract in mind and hence it could be said that the company has acted ethically by including the clause stating that in the event of the breach of contract it is liable to pay a maximum of $5000. Hence it could be said that in the present case it is the right of company to reduce it remains partially obligated since there was a technical glitch in self start but it also is important to say that Tom was also responsible for the incident and hence the company is rightful to nullify any claims made by the plaintiff (Poole, 2016). Hence it could be said that in the present case the company upper hand legally which could save it from paying compensation. References Andrews, N., 2015.Contract law. Cambridge University Press. Cartwright, J., 2016.Contract law: An introduction to the English law of contract for the civil lawyer. Bloomsbury Publishing. Han, H., 2015. Virtue ethics, positive psychology, and a new model of science and engineering ethics education.Science and engineering ethics,21(2), pp.441-460. Harris Jr, C.E., Pritchard, M.S., Rabins, M.J., James, R. and Englehardt, E., 2013.Engineering ethics: Concepts and cases. Cengage Learning. Hatje, V., 2016. On Top of a Mining Disaster, Coping with Ethical Issues.Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society,27(7), pp.1137-1138. Poole, J., 2016.Textbook on contract law. Oxford University Press. Prno, J. and Slocombe, D.S., 2012. Exploring the origins of social license to operatein the mining sector: Perspectives from governance and sustainability theories.Resources Policy,37(3), pp.346-357. Shum, P.K. and Yam, S.L., 2011. Ethics and law: Guiding the invisible hand to correct corporate social responsibility externalities.Journal of business ethics,98(4), pp.549-571. Van de Poel, I. and Goldberg, D.E. eds., 2010.Philosophy and engineering: An emerging agenda(Vol. 2). Springer Science Business Media. Van de Poel, I. and Royakkers, L., 2011.Ethics, technology, and engineering: An introduction. John Wiley Sons. Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co [1893] 1 QB 256 La Rosa v Nudrill Pty Ltd [2013] WASCA 18 Thompson v LMS Railway [1930] 1 KB 41 Darlington Futures v Delco Australia
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Thousand Cranes By Yasunari Kawabata Essays
Thousand Cranes by Yasunari Kawabata ILLUSTRATE THE ROLE WHICH MRS OTA AND HER DAUGHTER FUMIKO PLAY IN BRINGING ABOUT THE REFORMATION OF KIKUJIS CHARACTER TO COME TO TERMS WITH HIS PAST. IN WHAT WAYS (IF ANY) DOES THIS HELP HIM BECOME A BETTER PERSON? Kawabatas Thousand Cranes is a novel that puts little emphasis on story lines, placing more value on emotions, reflections, symbolism and such. The rather crude (at first sight) plot of this complicated piece of Japanese literature is concentrated on a tangled web of relationships of the past, riddled with jealousy, insecurity and deep mistrust. Kikuji Mitani, the main character, has grown up watching many of these triangular and adulterous ties all unfold before his eyes his father taking the star role. As a result of this, even now, as a young working man the ghosts of the past come to haunt him, threatening to take over his life and make him a replication of his father even though he is now dead. The center of this haunting is in something he witnessed as a boy of eight or nine Chikakos birthmark. This disgusting image has a surprisingly intense effect on Kikuji, in fact so deep- He could sometimes imagine even that his own destinies were enmeshed in it. This is the state of Kikuji at the start of the book, an obsessive, even neurotic, driven character completely confused and angered by life, trying to push the past as far away as possible. His first meeting with Mrs. Ota is a forced one, a meeting he would rather have avoided. He had wanted to meet the Inamura girl later identified as the girl of the thousand cranes who is beautiful and more importantly pure in his eyes- clean against the rankling histories of middle-aged women in sharp contrast to the likes of Mrs. Ota, whose very presence is impure- It seemed wrong to meet the girlhere before Mrs. Ota. The thought of seeing Fumiko for the first time is even less appealing- he was even more repelled at the thought of meeting the daughter today. However his first impressions after four years of Mrs. Ota are- She seemed wholly warm, tender, overcome by pleasure at such an unexpected meeting. But this is quickly ruined by his malicious thought- One can only conclude she was wholly unaware of her place in the assembly and in society (?). From repulsion for both Mrs. Ota and Fumiko, Kikuji reserves his disgust only for Mrs. Ota, leaving sympathy for Fumiko- Was the woman foolish, or shameless? He was overcome with pity for the daughter Fumiko is still an unknown, with nothing revealed about her personality or any past history, but Kikuji does notice as Mrs. Ota is leaving that- There was a look of appeal in the girls eyes. We can conclude from here that Kikuji is very perceptive, noticing details that others may not take note of, although her appeal can be understood in many different ways, maybe an appeal for forgiveness, or an appeal to stay away from her mother. But the point being made here is that Kikuji is observing maybe a little too much about the two women if he has such a deep hatred for them. He should rather be aloof and uninterested in them. There are many other instances throughout the book where he scrutinizes like this, Fumiko and her mother both being characterized by their long, white neck(s)/throat(s). His keen perception of such detail could be used to guess at another aspect of his personality- that he is to some extent like an artist. However Kikujis newfound willingness to deal with his history is displayed when he purposely walks to Mrs. Ota despite his aversion for her- Nevertheless, he walked toward the gate. This is a very impulsive and perhaps dangerous (mentally harmful) decision for Kikuji to make, quite rash, because anything can happen. He seems to have made it quite clear in the pages before that at the moment he believes that his only salvation from his fathers curse (obviously he feels it is a curse) is to keep away from its living components- Mrs. Ota, Chikako and perhaps Fumiko. Now he is not even stopping to think what this new contradictory action will do to his years of resolve, to his determination to
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