Saturday, May 23, 2020
Information and Communication Management of the Radio Industry - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2297 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Information and Communication Management of Radio Industry EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Information and Communication Management of the Radio Industry" essay for you Create order Executive Summary i Introduction 1.1 Beginning of Radio Broadcasting in New Zealand 4 2.0 Analysis 2.1 Porters 5 Forces Analysis 8 2.2 Turning negative ICTs to Positive 11 2.3 Value Chain of Radio Industry 2.4 ICTs to Connect Linkages 23 3.0 Conclusion and Recommendations 24 4.0 References 25 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Beginning of Radio Broadcasting in New Zealand Radio broadcasting first came about in New Zealand in 1921. The occurrence happened in Wellington with an unlicensed transmission of recordings. Soon after, the first licensed radio broadcast occurred with the transmissions of concerts of a Professor from Otago University (Radio Spectrum Management, 2014). Therefore, it can be said that the first radio broadcastings in New Zealand were all transmitted by random individuals. It was not until 1922, when private radio stations were established with the accompaniment of the government. From then till 1930s, the private radio broadcasting industry flourished in the country. 1.1 Industry description 2.0 ANALYSIS 2.1 Porters 5 Forces In order to determine and achieve the competitive advantage, Michael E. Porter developed five competitive forces in a business environment that has a direct or indirect impact on the organization (Hill Jones, 2007). The fiv e forces Model of Porter divided entities into five groups as Threat of new entrant Competitive rivalry Bargaining power of buyers Bargaining of suppliers Threat of substitutes According to Porter, the higher the impact of the force, the more dangerous it is for the organization. The organization needs to find the negative forces and convert them to positive using strategies and ICT tools. All these forces can be changed, depends on the condition of industry (Hill Jones, 2007). Source Hill Jones, 2007 Porterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s defines an industry as a group of firms producing and marketing products which are close substitutes for each other. In order to achieve an effective strategy, it is imperative to assess the industry. This is done using 10 steps. Identify competitors Identify buyers Identify suppliers Identify substitutes Identify new entrants Understand the relationship between competitors and buyers Understand the relationship between companies and suppliers Rivalry Threat of substitutes Threat of new entrants Using the ten steps mentioned above, we can analyze the radio industry in New Zealand as below: 2.2 Turning Negative ICTs to Positive ICT (Information and Communications Technology) takes a big part in the firm to develop in order to succeed in business. More than half of total expense is invested in ICT strategic planning. Sometimes it is hard to differentiate ICT and IT, but ICT has broader range than IT, it defines all the communication technology in life. All sorts of communication method such as broadcasting, social network, telecommunication and so on, are include in ICT. (Tech term, 2010) To have positive effect, the ICT should lift up profitability of industry. When it is well planned it also brings reducing of company expenses. ICT has an important job to analyze current business and to ensure the goal of the business reaching not only in short term but in long term. While ICT planning, Porterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s five forces model defines market situat ion well, also is a good tool to evaluate competitive position in industry. Among the 5 forces of Porterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s, 4 forces are marked as negative forces and hereinafter suggested how ICT will turns it into positive effect. Rivalry There are many selections on Radio station for customer to choose. One good thing is that it has classified into various genres such as pop music, classic music, childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s, entertainment, news, comedy and so on. Hence the range of rivalry is narrower than all in same genre, yet there are still few selections to select. It needs differentiation to be able to have more attraction from the Radioà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s audience. A strategy that can be adapted in entertainment genre is that famous pop star or movie starà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s invitation. Their voice through Radio would attract the audience a lot also highly competitive compare to other channels that is on air at the same time. Radio channel can make an application which can easily operate in smart phone. The application is not only including the signal of itself, but also chat option for listener to comment. This application will lead more customer loyalty, as the smart phone is essential part in our lives it will make it all easy to connect to channel. More participants of audience will also make customer to stay together with same radio channel. For example, phone connecting between audience and Radio disc jockey. More participants of general people can attract more audience and it is eventually competitiveness. Bargaining power of buyers In Radio industry as well as most of industries, bargaining power of buyers will effect as negative. The buyers are who want to advertise in Radio channels. Top high ranking advertisers always have to find a spot for their advertisement in one of the radio channels. As mentioned in above sector, if the radio channel made an application it can make a positive effect and competitive. Advertiser a lso can make advertisement on the application so that people who connect to Radio through smart-phone can pass through it. Participation of general audience in the broadcasting, the brand can have more opportunity to advertise. For the gift that audience to receive would be the brand and it will announce it by Disc jockey. More of peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s participation event would make more positive effect on this bargaining power of buyer. Bargaining power of suppliers In the Radio station, it requires numbers of expensive equipment to broadcast in New Zealand land-wide. The Supply power is negative to be powerful. To make this into positive, aiming not only for bargaining power of supplier, radio can broadcast simultaneously with video. Watch through video and listen to radio at the same time. Viewing of the whole radio station booth can expose the equipment and system. Threat of Substitutes Negative effect is made with threat of substitutes. The biggest substit utes would be the broadcasting on Television. By visual effect, the audiences are far more attracted in Television than audio effect of Radio. Almost every benefit that Radio offers is also on television. However the Radio has its advantage for people who drives on the road while tripping or elders who stays at home and turn on the Radio habitually. Especially people who travel a lot and spend time a lot in the car, tend to turn on the radio and listen to their favourite channel. It is certain that even if the television is far more loved by people, it can make a difference depending on occasion. And this is why advertiser still has to look into Radio advertising. Simultaneous combined broadcasting by video and audio is helpful to make this sector positive as well. Radio is normally not exposed to listener but this occasion people can view the radio booth that they have listened. With this, it has more powerful competitiveness compare to television and any other substitute. 2. 3 Value Chain of Radio Industry 2.3.1 2.3 ICTs to Connect Linkages The Value Chain analysis would be ineffective if its departments will not have a system to increase its value. In addition, a company or industry that can identify information communication technologies (ICTs) to link and improve each section could further smooth out internal and external operations and thus, increase profits. In the fast-paced changing business environment, we have identified below some ICTs to improve the linkages of the sections. ICT 1: Connecting directly to Mobile devices companies and application developers Connect Marketing/ Sales to After-sales support As industry borders are fast blurring e.g. the camera and mobile phone industries are merging, cars are being developed to fly, etc., the broadcasting industry should be prepared to merge with other technological advancements as well. As such, the New Zealand Radio Broadcast industry, particularly the companies operating in it , should also improve and develop ways to reach their target customers. The radio broadcast industry could possibly make tie ups with leading technology companies like Apple and Samsung to create built-in applications for transmitting radiowave frequencies directly to smart phones. Radio companies could also create exclusive tie-ups with Smartphone application developers like Clear Channel Communications. This company developed an application called iHeartRadio that streamed live radio broadcasts from different radio stations to mobile devices (Pearlson et al., 2013). By doing this, the industry could extend their reach of target customers who prefer to use their mobile devices. Thereby, companies would be also convinced to advertise through live radio streaming in mobile devices. ICT 2: Connecting directly to Telecommunications companies (Telcos) Connect Marketing/ Sales to After-sales support In addition to the previous ICT, radio companies could also employ technologi es that could free-up its dependency on radiowave signals. In short, radio broadcast industry should also look at mobile phone signals if it would be able to transmit live radio through it. Signing up exclusive contracts or partnering with Telecommunications companies like Vodafone, Telecom, etc. could improve its market reach and as such, advertising/ sales could pick up as well. ICT 3: Intranet database for employees and an Online Recruitment process Connect Human Resource activities to all Primary and other support activities An intranet-based data system with employee details could improve the value chain of the industry. By having this system, HR department could fully see the organizational structure of the company. It gives the HR a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“whole and complete pictureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ of the company employees from top to bottom. In addition, vacant positions could also be offered internally first to interested active employees before posting it online. The onlin e recruitment system could essentially speed up the recruitment process. By using an online recruitment system, HR could easily filter applicants who could fit the vacant position. The company could also advertise in online recruitment websites to spread the word about the vacant position. Thus, it would save the company a lot of time and money to recruit the right people for the job. ICT 4: Online system for Radio program schedule Connect Outbound logistics to Marketing/ sales Marketing/ sales would not be able to function well if they would not know the radio program schedule that will be aired. As such, the radio program schedule should be always accessible for marketing/ sales personnel and to do this the outbound logistics has to update the schedules all the time. In so doing, creating an online system to coordinate the radio program schedule between the two departments can increase productivity. As such, marketing/ sales personnel who are out on field work could easil y go to clients and use the online radio program schedule on their client meetings. Better yet, companies could also directly use the online radio program schedule to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“buyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ airtime in radio broadcasting to advertise their products. Inbound logistics - operations - Outbound logistics - mktg/sales - After-sales support stage ICT 5: System to capture audience information Connect Inbound logistics to After-sales support Knowing your target audience is an important part in the radio broadcasting industry. As such, supporting the linkage between Inbound logistics and After-sales support should be cyclical and must be supported with an ICT. Creating a technology that could capture the audience information much like market surveys do will be critical in order for the company to develop the information that the radio company will use for its programming. For example, an online or computer system could be developed to get the listener information such that future programming schedules of radio companies could depend on those information to capture more of the listenerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s wants/ demands. 3.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Industry borders are blurring in this new millennium and companies should exercise full caution and outlook in the future. We have seen that the effects of technology in business today and as such, it is critical for the companies to adapt and change accordingly. By adapting different ICT strategies, the New Zealand Radio Broadcast industry and particularly the radio companies in it, could remain in business well into the future. Utilizing the appropriate ICT and implementing it in a well-developed plan can defend against the other forces in the Porterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Five forces analysis. As such, management should firstly analyze the whole radio broadcast industry to identify the forces that is challenging it. Afterwards, implementing concrete and logical actions i.e. ICTs strategies should negate and change the negative forces into positives that may result in favor of the company. In addition, the ICTs that the company/ industry should implement should be in accordance with the overall business strategy. An ICT plan would be ineffective if it will not be supported by top management specially if it requires a long period of time to implement and needs huge budgeting. The ICT should be planned extensively and should really produce the desired outcomes that are needed to improve the company. In addition, the ICT should not just link the factors in the value chain but improve and create a sustainable growth in it. Otherwise, inappropriate ICT could just result to negative effects i.e. wasted money/investment and time. Managers should be also mindful that these ICTs are à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“changesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ that can impact both internal and external stakeholders. The ICTs should implement organizational change strategies like Lewinà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Calm Wate r Metaphor (Unfreeze, Change Refreeze) to implement the ICTs and make the stakeholders more receptive to the change. With this, radio companies and the whole New Zealand Radio broadcast industry itself could further exist successfully into the future. 4.0 REFERENCES Hill,C.W., Jones,G.R. (2008).Strategic management: An integrated approach. Boston, 8: Houghton Mifflin. Pearlson, K.E. Saunders, C.S. (2013). Managing using information systems: a strategic approach (5th ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley Sons. Radio Spectrum Management. (2014, December 8). New Zealand Radiocommunications History | Radio Spectrum Management. Retrieved from TechTerms. (2010, January 4). ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) Definition. Retrieved from 1 | Page
Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay about Obesity and Fast Food - 1324 Words
Many people in the United States believe that if it weren’t for fast food restaurants, they would not be overweight. People have even sued McDonald’s for their weight problem. While fast food may be one of the contributors to the obesity epidemic, it surely doesn’t stand alone. There are many more reasons why people living in the United States are overweight. Some of these reasons include problems within the school systems, peer pressure, education, and even just where a person lives. It’s clear fast food restaurants are part of the problem; look around and you see that they are everywhere. Just take a short drive down Cypress Avenue in Redding and you will drive past no fewer than eight fast food restaurants and three convenience†¦show more content†¦When a student only has twenty minutes to stand in a long line just to get their lunch and then find a place to eat it, many students will choose to forgo the line and just grab a quick snack and a soda from the vending machines. Debbie Hefner, who oversees nutrition services for Ogden School District in Utah, says, â€Å"we’re not teaching kids to sit, have conversation and enjoy a meal, and pay attention to their nutrition†(qtd. in Nakazawa). Children are learning bad habits at school that they will carry on into adulthood and if their family doesn’t have good dinner habits either, the poor child will never have a chance to even learn what a good meal looks like. An article in The Washington Post comments on the trouble that overweight children face: â€Å"because studies indicate that many will never overcome their overweight – up to 80% of obese teens become obese adults – experts fear an exponential increase in heart disease, strokes, cancer and other health problems as the children move into their twenties and beyond†(Levine and Stein). This is a problem that will only getShow MoreRelatedObesity And Fast Food1444 Words  | 6 PagesStates? In the United States, obesity is one of the public health issues that causes thousand of deaths. When a person’s body mass index shows an extremely high number, he or she is considered having obesity. It is important because it is a serious health problem due to mortality and morbidity. In addition, eating many unhealthy food and lacking exercises lead to dangerous chronic illnesses which then leads to premature death. Lifestyle choices contribute to obesity, in general, and can have adverseRead MoreFast Food And Obesity771 Words  | 4 Pages Is fast food causing people to be obese or is it just a part of the equation? Three hundred thousand people die each year from obesity linked deaths. According to the health care costs of obesity, obese adults spend 42 percent more on direct health care costs than adults who are a healthy weight. Obesity has been an ongoing epidemic for many years not only in America but many other countries. Kids nowadays eat more fast food because it is easy for them to choose this option. Even some schoolsRead MoreFast Food And Obesity : Obesity2432 Words  | 10 PagesKimberly Vang English 1A Andrew Bligh 30 July 2014 Fast Food and Obesity In the Fresno County, a lot of children are becoming overweight and obese. Parents are not doing their proper jobs by looking after or taking care of their children. They are over feeding them; stuffing them with sweets and sodas, and junk foods. Parents aren’t really paying attention until their child is overweight and obese. For example, in Bridget Kelly’s article she showed that 10% of children and over 22 million kidsRead MoreFast Food and Obesity1681 Words  | 7 PagesIs Fast Food Causing Obesity or Are We? Obesity is a growing problem in America that has serious consequences for us and our children. Some would argue this growing predicament is due to the poor choices made by the fast food industries and the unhealthy foods they have available to the public. Others like the Center for Consumer Freedom, would argue that it is not only their choice to eat healthy or unhealthy but also every individuals right as Americans to make that choice without the interferenceRead MoreFast Food and Obesity in Adults990 Words  | 4 Pages2013 Fast Food and Obesity in Adults In Aprils addition of Men’s Health magazine there is a picture of salted golden French fries inside a white cup. This advertisement invokes hunger for unhealthy and cheap fast food to consumers. The fast food industries false advertisements, unhealthy food, and long term effects of consuming fast food all lead to the causes and effects of adulthood obesity in the lives of thousands of Americans today. McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, and other fast food industriesRead MoreFast Food And The Obesity Epidemic933 Words  | 4 PagesFast –food Industries are to be Blame for Obesity Visualize the world somewhere a school-age child can step out of his school and walk into a McDonalds. Fast-food causes an array of problems in your body. The food is often high in sugar, fat, and calories while providing very few nutrients. The obesity epidemic Americans face today is a growing problem that affects more than half of the population with growing body sizes and serious medical problems associated with obesity. It is a problem thatRead MoreFast Food And Its Effect On Obesity1655 Words  | 7 PagesKhalid Alebraheem ENG 101 November 25, 2014 Fast Food and Its Effect on Obesity Today, the names of fast food and obesity are synonymous worldwide. Since the 1970s, the number of fast food restaurants in the US has doubled, corresponding to approximately 300,000 new chains (Egger and Boyd 23). Equally, there has been an exponential increase in the number of obese people over the same period, turning obesity into a public health problem in the US and most developed nations (Egger and Boyd 25). HenceRead MoreFast Food Is The Reason For Obesity955 Words  | 4 PagesFast food is the reason to blame for obesity. Food made and prepared in a matter of minutes should certainly raise some flags. ---- Roberto De Vogli states in â€Å"†globesization’: ecological evidence on the relationship between fast food outlets and obesity among 26 advanced economies†that â€Å" the diffusion of ‘fast food restaurants’ resulting from rapid global market integration (Hawkes 2009) and trade liberalization policies (Thow and Hawkes 2009) seems to b e one of the key contributing factors behindRead MoreFast Food Restaurants And Obesity1528 Words  | 7 PagesDo fast food restaurants contribute to obesity in America? One out of every four Americans stop by to eat fast food daily. Many people may not know this, but you would have to walk seven straight hours to burn off a super sized Coke, fry, and Big Mac. Sixty percent of all Americans are either overweight or obese. Did you also know that some fast food restaurants sell more toys than Toys-R-Us? Fast food restaurants contribute to obesity in America by promoting time-saving eating options, using celebritiesRead MoreFast Food Obesity Essay1165 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout the years, fast food is becoming more and more of an outlet for many people that are short on change, in a rush but still need to grab a bite to eat, or even who are just too lazy to cook a meal. Fast food is very cheap, yet when we eat it we don’t necessarily realize the price we pay when we are starting to gain weight. Who is to blame? The person that is addicted to fast food, or the fast food restaurants? I agree fast food is cheap, yet delicious. I understand th at it may get addicting
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Members of the House of Representatives
There are 435 members of the House of Representatives. Federal law, passed on Aug. 8, 1911, determines how many members are in the House of Representatives. That measure raised the number of representatives to 435 from 391 because of population growth in the United States. The first House of Representatives in 1789 had only 65 members. The number of seats in the House was expanded to 105 members after the 1790 Census, and then to 142 members after the 1800 headcount. The law that set the current number of seats at 435 took effect in 1913. But it isnt the reason the number of representatives has been stuck there. Why There Are 435 Members Theres really nothing special about that number. Congress regularly increased the number of seats in the House based on the nations population growth from 1790 to 1913, and 435 is the most recent count. The number of seats in the House has not been increased in more than a century, though, even though every 10 years the census shows the population of the United States grows. Why the Number of House Members Hasnt Changed Since 1913 There are still 435 members of the House of Representatives a century later because of the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929, which set that number in stone. The Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929 was the result of a battle between rural and urban areas of the United States following the 1920 Census. The formula for distributing seats in the House based on population favored urbanized states and penalized smaller rural states at the time, and Congress could not agree on a reapportionment plan. After the 1910 census, when the House grew from 391 members to 433 (two more were added later when Arizona and New Mexico became states), the growth stopped. That’s because the 1920 census indicated that the majority of Americans were concentrating in cities, and nativists, worried about of the power of foreigners, blocked efforts to give them more representatives, wrote Dalton Conley, a professor of sociology, medicine and public policy at New York University, and Jacqueline Stevens, a professor of political science at Northwestern University. So, instead, Congress passed the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929 and sealed the number of House members at the level established after the 1910 census, 435. Number of House Members Per State Unlike the U.S. Senate, which consists of two members from each state, the geographic makeup of the House is determined by the population of each state. The only stipulation spelled out in the U.S. Constitution comes in Article I, Section 2, which guarantees each state, territory or district at least one representative. The Constitution also states that there can be no more than one representative in the House for every 30,000 citizens. The number of representatives each state gets in the House of Representatives is based on population. That process, known as reapportionment, occurs every 10 years after the decennial population count conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. U.S. Rep. William B. Bankhead of Alabama, an opponent of the legislation, called the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929 an abdication and surrender of vital fundamental powers. One of the functions of Congress, which created the census, was to adjust the number of seats in Congress to reflect the number of people living in the United States, he said. Arguments for Expanding the Number of House Members Advocates for increasing the number of seats in the House say such a move would increase the quality of representation by reducing the number of constituents each lawmaker represents. Each House member now represents about 700,000 people. The group argues that the framers of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights never intended for the population of each congressional district to exceed 50,000 or 60,000. The principle of proportionally equitable representation has been abandoned, the group argues. Another argument for increasing the size of the House is that is would diminish the influence of lobbyists. That line of reasoning assumes that lawmakers would be more closely connected to their constituents and therefore less likely to listen to special interests. Arguments Against Expanding the Number of House Members Advocates for shrinking the size of the House of Representatives often argue that the quality of legislating improves because House members would get to know each other on a more personal level. They also cite the cost of paying for salaries, benefits, and travel for not only the lawmakers but their staffs.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Failures of Internet Censorship Essay - 1890 Words
Internet censorship is the use of filters or ‘blocks’ to control what is published, access and viewed across the internet. It is used by parents, organisations such as schools and corporations and governments to restrict what their citizen’s access and post online. Internet censorship has occurred since the early days of the public internet, where governments around the world have attempted to address the issue of illegal material, political propaganda, harmful material or content deemed unsuitable for children. This essay will discuss the instances of internet censorship failing to work, including when governments have attempted to introduce legislation to restrict access to the internet, and the reasons for the failure. Censorship across†¦show more content†¦In this particular instance, internet censorship failed to work to some extent due to the cooperation of combined companies and government. However, other techniques are used in order to restrict se arch engine results. Governments use different techniques to censor and restrict the internet. As stated previously the Great Firewall of China, also known as the Golden Shield Project is considered the advanced Internet censorship regime in the world and the largest in the world. The Chinese Government utilises many techniques in the filtering and restriction of content. The most common techniques are IP Blocking, DNS filtering and redirection, URL filtering, Packet filtering and Connection reset . In light of these filtering and censorship methods, citizens of china have managed to circumvent their government’s censorship by accessing the internet through proxies and VPN’s. A proxy re-routs a users’ request via another server, so that it appears that the request is coming from that server. The website being access sends the data back to the proxy and the proxy forwards it to the user. The proxy will only secure traffic via the internet browser. Unlike a Proxy, a VPN encrypts all tr affic, not just the web browser. Programs like TOR (The Onion Router) are designed to allow users to navigate around the firewall and encrypt their traffic. With programs such as TOR, Ultrasurf and Freegate (just to name a few) residents in China have beenShow MoreRelatedStudies in Contemporary Literature: Free Speech1622 Words  | 7 Pages Censorship is the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined as determined by the government, media outlet, or other controlling bodies (Wikipedia, 1). 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The former view claims that social networks play a key role in shaping debates about protests and in spreading democratic ideas around the globe (especially in the case of Arab Spring).The latter view advocates that the role of internet has been exaggerated in the narratives of these protestsRead MoreInternet Censorship in China Essay1997 Words  | 8 Pagesin the world. At February 11 Egypt president MubÄ rak stepped down from president. Egypt people finally won the competition. The Internet played an import role in the Egypt revolution. The first message was posted on twitter which says â€Å"January 25 is the Police day of Egypt; let’s get to Tahrir Square to express our ideas.†Even though Egypt government shut down the Internet, it did not stop people. Western Companies p rovided services of posting Twitter through telephone. Maybe the Chinese communist
International Business Entry Modes Free Essays
Introduction An international entry mode is an institutional agreement necessary for the entry of a company’s products, technology and human capital into a foreign country or market. The reluctance of firms to change entry modes once they are in place, and the difficulty involved in doing so, make the mode of entry decision a key strategic issue for firms operating in today’s rapidly internationalizing market place. The choice of mode will depend on internal characteristics (eg firm size, international experience) and external characteristics (eg the sociocultural distance between the host country and the home country) as well as the trade-off between desired mode characteristics (risk adverse, control and flexibility). We will write a custom essay sample on International Business Entry Modes or any similar topic only for you Order Now The diagram below conveys 3 broad categories of modes of entry, and their fundamental trade offs. Further to the issues discussed above, no matter which of three of the export modes the manufacturer uses in a market, it is important to think about what level of ‘mindshare’ the manufacturer occupies in the mind of the export partner, as there has been a strong proven correlation between mindshare levels and how willing the export intermediary is to place on company brand in front of another, or how likely the intermediary is to defect. Good mind share will depend on scoring well across the three drivers of commitment and trust, collaboration and mutuality of interest common purpose. Export Modes Baring in mind the factors discussed above we will now review the different types of entry modes, beginning with export modes, as they are typically the modes used in initial entry to international markets, as they require a lower financial investment than other modes and can be viewed as a ‘toe in the water; for in experienced and smaller firms or where there may be risks (eg political, economic environmental) preventing FDI. The three major types of exporting are indirect, direct and cooperative. Indirect export modes are modes in which the exporting manufacturer uses independent organizations located in a producer’s country, they include the use of an export buying agent, a broker, an export house, a trading company, or a piggyback. Indirect export modes may be appropriate for firms with limited- rather than long term- international expansion objectives. For example, if international sales are primarily used as a means of disposing of surplus production. The lack of contact with firms abroad will provide limited information to develop a plan for international expansion. In the use of such modes, there is limited control over the marketing mix (other than product). A direct export mode may be more appropriate in gaining a little more control, in which the manufacturer sells directly to an importer, agent or distributor in the foreign target market. The local party will bring the advantage of existing distribution networks, and will provide good local market knowledge. However, a company must be careful in entering into contracts as they can be difficult and costly to terminate, and can go wrong when there is a conflict in interests (e. . it may sell rivals goods or competing product lines). Similarly, there is a serious disincentive for the agent/distributor in that if it performs well and develops the market, it risks being replaced by a subsidiary of the principal. Intermediate modes As a firm gradually evolves towards more foreign based operations, Intermediate modes will become more suitable modes of entry. This will likely include firms possessi ng some sort of competitive advantage that are unable to exploit this advantage because of resource constraints. Intermediate modes take the form of contract manufacturing, licencing, franchising, a joint venture or a strategic alliance. Contract manufacturing- where manufacturing is contracted to an external foreign partner provides a low risk and potentially low cost mode of entry. Benetton and Ikea are a good example of companies who successfully rely on a contractual network of small overseas manufacturers. Benetton has over 80% of its production outsourced to 450 contractors (located in low cost production countries such as India and China). As a result of the money saved on labour, Benetton can sell products 20% cheaper, helping it to maintain a low cost position in comparison to competitors. Of course, this method may not be appropriate for every company as there is a loss of knowledge and intellectual property rights, and the transaction costs involved must also be considered. Licensing differs from contract manufacturing in that more value chain functions have been transferred to the licensee. In outsourcing production and downstream activities a licensor irm can concentrate on its core competences and therefore will remain technologically superior in its product development- for example Apple licenses its brand to manufacturers of accessory products, and the BBC licenses rights to broadcast TV shows around the world. However a lack of control over licensor operations and therefore quality may lead a company to use franchising (a sub variant of licensing) in which the franchisor gives a right to the franchisee agains t a payment, EG a right to use a total business concept/system, including the use of trademarks/brands, against some agreed royalty. Franchising not only provides a greater degree of control than licensing, but It can also be seen as low cost and low risk as the franchise are the ones investing in the necessary equipment and know-how. This entry mode has been seen to generate great successes for companies such as McDonalds who now franchises 25000 restaurants globally. However, it should be noted that there is still a lack of full control over franchisee’s operations, which can result in problems with cooperation, communications, quality control etc, and a risk of damage to the company’s international reputation if some franchisees underperform (‘’free-riding’’). Another intermediary mode that will allow greater control is a joint venture, in which 2 ‘parent’ companies create a new ‘child’ company. This high degree of control and local knowledge is a clear advantage of such an entry mode. The shared knowledge and resources gained through a JV as compared with wholly owned subsidiaries will bring many advantages such as economies of scale. However of course there is a loss of confidentiality and flexibility, and the use of double management will raise questions about how the company is split- 50/50? If 50/50, it is difficult for the board to make decisions, if at all! Hierarchical modes of entry allow the highest degree of control for a firm, while at the same time, the highest degree of risk as the firm completely owns and controls the foreign entry mode. To have a wholly owned subsidiary a firm can either acquire an existing company (acquisition) or build on its own operations from scratch (greenfield/brownfield investment). An acquisition will provide rapid entry, access to distribution channel, an existing customer base. This may be the only feasible way of establishing a base in the host country in saturated markets, or where there are substantial entry barrier and therefore little room for a new entrant. Of course, as with intermediary modes, there is the issue of contracts, negotiation and the different management styles between companies. If difficulties (eg no appropriate acquisition) are encountered with acquisitions, it may lead firms to prefer to establish greenfield (new facility) and brownfield (existing facilities) operations. Out of the two- greenfield is seen as an advantageous option because the new plant will involve the latest technology and equipment, avoiding the problem of trying to change the traditional practices of an established concern. Although this is a big investment for a company involving slow entry into the foreign market, the returns are long term and the firm has control over the entire operation. Conclusion It cannot be stated categorically which alternative is the best. There are many internal and external conditions which affect this choice and it should be emphasized that a manufacturer wanting to engage in global marketing may use more than one of these methods at the same time (Petersen and Welch, 2002). Such ‘mode packages’ may take the form of a concerted use of several operation modes in an integrated, complementary way. Zara is a good example of this- in markets where the hierarchical model is used, there is high growth potential and relative low sociocultural distance between the home country of Spain and target market. The intermediate modes (usually joint venture and franchising) are mainly used in countries where the sociocultural distance is relatively high. For example in 1999, Zara entered into a 50-50 JV with the German firm OTTO Versand, which had experience in the distribution sector and market knowledge in one of Europe’s largest markets, Germany. Whereas franchising is used by Zara in high risk countries which are socio-culturally distant or have small markets which allow sales forecast such as Andorra, Puerto Rico or the Philippines. How to cite International Business Entry Modes, Essay examples International Business Entry Modes Free Essays Introduction An international entry mode is an institutional agreement necessary for the entry of a company’s products, technology and human capital into a foreign country or market. The reluctance of firms to change entry modes once they are in place, and the difficulty involved in doing so, make the mode of entry decision a key strategic issue for firms operating in today’s rapidly internationalizing market place. The choice of mode will depend on internal characteristics (eg firm size, international experience) and external characteristics (eg the sociocultural distance between the host country and the home country) as well as the trade-off between desired mode characteristics (risk adverse, control and flexibility). We will write a custom essay sample on International Business Entry Modes or any similar topic only for you Order Now The diagram below conveys 3 broad categories of modes of entry, and their fundamental trade offs. Further to the issues discussed above, no matter which of three of the export modes the manufacturer uses in a market, it is important to think about what level of ‘mindshare’ the manufacturer occupies in the mind of the export partner, as there has been a strong proven correlation between mindshare levels and how willing the export intermediary is to place on company brand in front of another, or how likely the intermediary is to defect. Good mind share will depend on scoring well across the three drivers of commitment and trust, collaboration and mutuality of interest common purpose. Control Key and Word – Text and Graphics. Export Modes Baring in mind the factors discussed above we will now review the different types of entry modes, beginning with export modes, as they are typically the modes used in initial entry to international markets, as they require a lower financial investment than other modes and can be viewed as a ‘toe in the water; for in experienced and smaller firms or where there may be risks (eg political, economic environmental) preventing FDI. The three major types of exporting are indirect, direct and cooperative. Indirect export modes are modes in which the exporting manufacturer uses independent organizations located in a producer’s country, they include the use of an export buying agent, a broker, an export house, a trading company, or a piggyback. Indirect export modes may be appropriate for firms with limited- rather than long term- international expansion objectives. For example, if international sales are primarily used as a means of disposing of surplus production. The lack of contact with firms abroad will provide limited information to develop a plan for international expansion. In the use of such modes, there is limited control over the marketing mix (other than product). A direct export mode may be more appropriate in gaining a little more control, in which the manufacturer sells directly to an importer, agent or distributor in the foreign target market. The local party will bring the advantage of existing distribution networks, and will provide good local market knowledge. However, a company must be careful in entering into contracts as they can be difficult and costly to terminate, and can go wrong when there is a conflict in interests (e. . it may sell rivals goods or competing product lines). Similarly, there is a serious disincentive for the agent/distributor in that if it performs well and develops the market, it risks being replaced by a subsidiary of the principal. Intermediate modes As a firm gradually evolves towards more foreign based operations, Intermediate modes will become more suitable modes of entry. This will likely include firms possessi ng some sort of competitive advantage that are unable to exploit this advantage because of resource constraints. Intermediate modes take the form of contract manufacturing, licencing, franchising, a joint venture or a strategic alliance. Contract manufacturing- where manufacturing is contracted to an external foreign partner provides a low risk and potentially low cost mode of entry. Benetton and Ikea are a good example of companies who successfully rely on a contractual network of small overseas manufacturers. Benetton has over 80% of its production outsourced to 450 contractors (located in low cost production countries such as India and China). As a result of the money saved on labour, Benetton can sell products 20% cheaper, helping it to maintain a low cost position in comparison to competitors. Of course, this method may not be appropriate for every company as there is a loss of knowledge and intellectual property rights, and the transaction costs involved must also be considered. Licensing differs from contract manufacturing in that more value chain functions have been transferred to the licensee. In outsourcing production and downstream activities a licensor irm can concentrate on its core competences and therefore will remain technologically superior in its product development- for example Apple licenses its brand to manufacturers of accessory products, and the BBC licenses rights to broadcast TV shows around the world. However a lack of control over licensor operations and therefore quality may lead a company to use franchising (a sub variant of licensing) in which the franchisor gives a right to the franchisee agains t a payment, EG a right to use a total business concept/system, including the use of trademarks/brands, against some agreed royalty. Franchising not only provides a greater degree of control than licensing, but It can also be seen as low cost and low risk as the franchise are the ones investing in the necessary equipment and know-how. This entry mode has been seen to generate great successes for companies such as McDonalds who now franchises 25000 restaurants globally. However, it should be noted that there is still a lack of full control over franchisee’s operations, which can result in problems with cooperation, communications, quality control etc, and a risk of damage to the company’s international reputation if some franchisees underperform (‘’free-riding’’). Another intermediary mode that will allow greater control is a joint venture, in which 2 ‘parent’ companies create a new ‘child’ company. This high degree of control and local knowledge is a clear advantage of such an entry mode. The shared knowledge and resources gained through a JV as compared with wholly owned subsidiaries will bring many advantages such as economies of scale. However of course there is a loss of confidentiality and flexibility, and the use of double management will raise questions about how the company is split- 50/50? If 50/50, it is difficult for the board to make decisions, if at all! Hierarchical modes of entry allow the highest degree of control for a firm, while at the same time, the highest degree of risk as the firm completely owns and controls the foreign entry mode. To have a wholly owned subsidiary a firm can either acquire an existing company (acquisition) or build on its own operations from scratch (greenfield/brownfield investment). An acquisition will provide rapid entry, access to distribution channel, an existing customer base. This may be the only feasible way of establishing a base in the host country in saturated markets, or where there are substantial entry barrier and therefore little room for a new entrant. Of course, as with intermediary modes, there is the issue of contracts, negotiation and the different management styles between companies. If difficulties (eg no appropriate acquisition) are encountered with acquisitions, it may lead firms to prefer to establish greenfield (new facility) and brownfield (existing facilities) operations. Out of the two- greenfield is seen as an advantageous option because the new plant will involve the latest technology and equipment, avoiding the problem of trying to change the traditional practices of an established concern. Although this is a big investment for a company involving slow entry into the foreign market, the returns are long term and the firm has control over the entire operation. Conclusion It cannot be stated categorically which alternative is the best. There are many internal and external conditions which affect this choice and it should be emphasized that a manufacturer wanting to engage in global marketing may use more than one of these methods at the same time (Petersen and Welch, 2002). Such ‘mode packages’ may take the form of a concerted use of several operation modes in an integrated, complementary way. Zara is a good example of this- in markets where the hierarchical model is used, there is high growth potential and relative low sociocultural distance between the home country of Spain and target market. The intermediate modes (usually joint venture and franchising) are mainly used in countries where the sociocultural distance is relatively high. For example in 1999, Zara entered into a 50-50 JV with the German firm OTTO Versand, which had experience in the distribution sector and market knowledge in one of Europe’s largest markets, Germany. Whereas franchising is used by Zara in high risk countries which are socio-culturally distant or have small markets which allow sales forecast such as Andorra, Puerto Rico or the Philippines. How to cite International Business Entry Modes, Papers
Macau Pension Fund free essay sample
According to the Act 84/89/M, Social Security fund would provide subsidies or assistance for unemployed, sick and retired people. This was the so-call â€Å"the first tier of social security†. At the same time, SSF was positioned as a financially independent fund under the local government. In Macau, Pension fund is included in the SSF, and there is no separation between the management of pension fund and SSF. Instead, pension fund is considered as an expense from the aspect of financial management. All the working people, including non-permanent and permanent residents, are required to contribute to SSF in each month. If they have contributed enough amounts, they can get part of or all the pension fund payment after retirement. Since 1993, the government was gradually enlarging the coverage of pension fund beneficiary. So far, most unemployed or workless people, such as housewife, could join the voluntary contributions program. After certain periods of contribution, those people are also entitled to the pension fund payment from SSF once they are over 60. 2. 0 Current Problems As a financially independent fund, SSF is supposed to maintain the operation with the contribution as its major income. However, government funding has already become the most important income of SSF in recent years. In 2010, government budget and funding from gaming tax accounted for 92% of the total income of SSF (see figure 1). For the pension fund, many people stated that the pension fund payment, maximum MOP 2,000, is not enough under the high-inflation economy. Some academies also claim that the contribution is not enough to maintain the budget balance of SSF. After all, government announced the predictable deficit of SSF since 2014 and bankruptcy in 2020 without government funding, which cause the heated discussion in Macau. 3. 1 Insufficient Contribution According to the SSF regulation, a resident who have contributed to SSF for 30 years is qualified to get MOP 2,000 per month after retirement at 65. Actually the monthly contribution to SSF has been fixed at MOP 45 per person since 1998, which means the total contribution in 30 years would be returned in 9 months after retirement. Figure 1: Income of SSF in 2010 The contribution in 2010 only accounted for 5. 35% of the annual income of SSF and 24. 4% of the pension fund payment. In other words, the contribution is obviously insufficient to support the pension fund payment. The pension fund payment has been increased from MOP 800 in 1995 to MOP 2,000 recently, so as other subsidies and assistances. Therefore, the government kept increasing funding for SSF to prepare for the increasing outcome. Millions (MOP) Figure 3: Social security expenditures by SSF 3. 2 Insufficient Pension Fund Payment According to the poverty line set up by Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the people with an income level lower than half of median income should be considered as poor people. Referring to 2011 median income published by Macau Statistics and Census Service, people have income lower than MOP 5,000 per month should be classified as needy. However, the maximum amount of pension fund payment is MOP 2,000, only 40% of the poverty line. The payment is even lower than the minimum subsistence index for one-person family, which is MOP 3,000 after the adjustment by Macau government on 1 Apr 2012. In view of this, some communities and organizations have called for further raise of pension fund payment. 3. 3 Inefficient Management Rate of Return Percentage Inflation Rate Figure 2: Investment return of SSF balance and Macau inflation rate Given the enlarging funding from government, the balance of SSF have increased from MOP 1. 5 billion in 2006 to MOP 6. 2 billion in 2010. However, it has been shown in Figure 2 that the investments return of SSF balance is just a bit higher than the inflation. During the financial crisis, there was even a negative return recorded in 2008. By ignoring year 2008, there is still a downward trend of the return. According to the 2010 annual report of SSF, 72. 43% of SSF balance was deposited into local bank, the remaining proportion was entrusted to fund managing company for only low-risk investments. Under the fix-rate hedging between MOP and HKD, the interest rate of Macau is close to interest rate in Hong Kong, which is similar to US interest rate. Since the 2008 financial crisis, Fed has applied the ultra low interest rate and the interest rate is believed to be maintained until 2014. So, a 72. 43% of deposit in an investment portfolio is reasonably considered as inefficient. 3. 4 Irregular government subsidies In 2008 Macau government introduced the â€Å"Wealth Partaking Scheme†. Each permanent resident will receive the cash check issue by government and each non-permanent residents would received 60% of the partaking amount to permanent resident. The aim of the scheme is to share the result of economic development under the high-inflation economy. However, in some people’s view, the scheme has been considered as supplement of social security and thus expected to transfer the scheme into regular subsidies. Beside the partaking scheme, Macau government established the â€Å"Central Saving Plan†– to inject certain capital into individual account of all the permanent attained the age of 22 in the year. The government claimed that the plan is â€Å"the second tier of social security†and the plan will enhance the living security of retired people. Under the government regulation, people could withdraw the saving fund only when they are over 65 or in urgent needs.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Businesss Puma Company Brand Essay Example For Students
Businesss Puma Company Brand Essay Outline1 Puma Company Brand1.1 1. Executive Summary1.2 1.1 Introduction1.3 1.1.2 Macro –environmental factors1.4 1.1.3 Rivalry between rivals1.5 1.1.4 Selling schemes1.6 1.1.5 Strategic group mapping to place rivals1.7 Strategic Group Map on Footwear Mark1.8 2 Puma’s strengths and failing1.9 2.1 Strength1.10 2.1.2 Failing1.11 Poor trade name Image1.12 Luck of clients1.13 2.1.3 Virtuality1.14 2.1.4 Virtuality as strength for cougar1.15 Information sharing1.16 Hi engineering substructure1.17 Virtual warehouse1.18 3 Wining schemes1.19 3.1 Fits the Company’s state of affairs good1.20 Addition in orders1.21 Global branded Gross saless growing1.22 Amalgamate gross revenues1.23 Puma embarked on stage IV1.24 Puma’s stockholders value1.25 Good balance sheet1.26 3.1.2 Competitive advantage1.27 Knowledge and Expertise1.28 3.1.3 Better company public presentation1.29 Selling run1.30 Use of engineering1.31 4. Coup detat1.32 4.1 Strategic benefits1.33 6. Bibliography Puma Company Brand 1. Executive Summary Puma AG is a transnational company that is based in German and industries high athletic and sportswear places both for adult females and work forces, It was founded by Rudolf Dassler after a difference with his brother Adi Dassler with whom they had founded the Dassler Schuhfabrik in 1924. Puma had a really hapless trade name image that show a diminution in its market portion and prompted cougar to alter it strategic determinations to better on its image, this procedure of alteration was led by Jochen Zeitz Puma CEO based on stages one to four of strategic program to alter puma’s image so that it can vie favourable in the market place and within a twosome of old ages Jochen Zeitz had alteration puma’s trade name image into one of the most desirable and sought after trade name of athletic wear and footwear worn both buy famous persons and manner followings all over the word. 1.1 Introduction Puma was founded in Dassler Schuhfabrik, Herzogenaurach, Germany by Rudolf Dassler after a difference with his brother Adi Dassler with whom they had founded the Dassler Schuhfabrik in 1924. Until early 2003 cougar had a really hapless trade name image that show a diminution in its market portion and prompted cougar to alter it strategic determinations to better on its image, this procedure of alteration was led by Jochen Zeitz Puma CEO based on stages one to four of strategic program to alter puma’s image so that it can vie favourable in the market place and within a twosome of old ages Jochen Zeitz had alteration puma’s trade name image into one of the most desirable and sought after trade name of athletic wear and footwear worn both buy famous persons and manner followings all over the word. This study is divided in three parts, Part one presents the factors that influenced cougar to alter it trade name image and it farther goes to depict these factors under Macro-environmental analysis establishing on market tendencies, competition between clients and strategic group function. The 2nd portion presents the puma’s resources and capablenesss in footings of strengths and failing every bit good every bit virtuallity every bit seen as strengthens and the 3rd portion of the study presents puma’s winning schemes establishing on cougar state of affairs that fits the company, sustainable completive advantages and as a better acting company. Harmonizing to instance survey of Puma AG ( in Thompson, A.A. , Strickland, A.J. and Gamble, J. ( 2005 ) Crafting and Executing Strategy ( Fourteenth Edition ) , McGraw-Hill, New York, pages C411- C432 ) , The environmental and competitory factors that influenced Puma’s strategic determination to better its Brand image is identified under Macro- environmental factors, competition between rivals and strategic group function as below. 1.1.2 Macro –environmental factors Lack of societal credence of Puma trade name from the upper category clients who were non willing to have on the trade name because they considered to of hapless quality and were sold â€Å"dirt-cheap†Puma’s trade name was compromised and this a affected it’s value for illustration Rudi’s boy wanted cougar merchandises to make all the clients of all societal back land and this move was seen by the upper category people as some thing below them and they can non be seen have oning the same trade name as people on public assistance receivers. In order for cougar trade name to be accepted as a high quality trade name of value, force cougar to alter and better its trade name so that it can be socially accepted by clients. Change in clients gustatory sensation and manner for illustration there was high demand for supports ware and manner dresss tend that was oriented toward high value and lifestyle merchandises, this alteration in clients demand influenced cougar to alter it’s trade name image to run into the clients turning demand Demographic alteration in association football market for illustration their was a high demand to react to demands of both childs playing on local pitch and subjects soccer squad playing professional at international degree that required high quality trade name and in order for cougar to tap in to these demographic alteration cougar needed to better its trade name image. Market alteration of 1980 when athleticss trade name became more dynamic and consumers taste diversified into new and more exciting high monetary value that make merchandises more desirable this forced cougar to alter its trade name image so that they can bear down high monetary value as clients associate high monetary values with quality of trade name or merchandise and the more extremely charged the more desirable the trade name. Introduction of niches in the market offered attractive growing rates both incumbent and new market participants for illustration skateboarding markets, golf athleticss, athleticss equipments for out door activities made puma alteration its trade name image, for illustration for cougar to bask this attractive growing its trade name has to be of high quality. Unifying of industries to organize one large group for illustration Rosso joined forces with several other industries in northern Italy to organize Genius group this was seen as a menace because this means more resources and strong fiscal base and this led to high disconnected planetary market and for cougar to last in a extremely disconnected market it needed to alter its trade name image Puma’s trade name was disreputable and had lost specailised athleticss traders in its distribution web in order for cougar to derive its distribution web it had to better on its trade name image 1.1.3 Rivalry between rivals Puma greatest competitions are from the undermentioned rivals: Nike Inc Nike is the figure one athleticss trade name in universe over and from the instance survey Based in USA Has got sub trade name like Tiger words and Michael Jordan Adidas Salomon AG Deals on nucleus athleticss ( association football, sports A ; skiing ) Has got stronger fiscal resources Has got it’s selling and design sections in Germany and France Prada Sports Luxury trade name It has entered in to athleticss sections four old ages ago Deals in voguish manner wear of high monetary values Diesel Based in Italy Manner trade name, majoring in dark glassess, footwear Rivals entered the market such as Adidas, Nike, Rebook among others entered the market and made competition for market portion was really high and these rivals had better quality trade name than cougars and among them, they shared 27 % of the market portion, this stiff competition influenced cougar to better on it’s trade name image to last to last in the competitory market Nike was the biggest rival of all and it had the largest market portion for illustration Nike was became the world’s largest athleticss equipment industry in the late 1980 and keep this place since so. Puma was covering in about indistinguishable merchandises like cougar but its trade name was hapless so in order to hold a portion in the market topographic point cougar needed to better on its trade name image. Adidas-Salomon was besides another rival that entered the market as the 2nd world’s largest manufacturer of athleticss equipment industry in universe with about $ 6.5 billion in gross revenues and was present in every state this put cougar in a really hard state of affairs and in order for cougar to hold a favourable portion in the market it needed to alter its trade name Reebok besides entered the market at the clip when cougar trade name was hapless, Reebok was the universe tierce largest participant in the athleticss market, Reebok identified footwear industry as a cardinal market and began to sharply into abroad market this expand was seen as a menace to puma and to last it puma had to alter its trade name image Prada though a luxury bran, it besides started trade in sportswear four old ages ago and this is a menace for Puma and because though the monetary value for Prada trade name is high, it high quality goods do attack client who are willing to pass for illustration super starts, this is a menace to puma because cougar has to non merely with Prada but with Nike, Adidas and Reebok for clients. 1.1.4 Selling schemes Acquisitions of groups for illustration Rosso bought out other spouses and embarked on growing and enlargement this means more competition for market portions as he built a solid and huge distribution platform across five continents describing one-year gross revenues of $ 330 million with luxury trade name merchandising denims for every bit much as $ 100- $ 200 a brace doing it’s trade name more appealing to clients and in order for cougar to last Such a hash market, it needed to alter its trade name image Inventions as a selling scheme for illustration Nike diversified his merchandise portfolio to aim people of ages 20 -30 with enthusiastic athleticss entreaty, Reebok changed its selling scheme and began passage toward football, baseball and association football which Puma was one of puma merchandise line and in order for cougar to pull new clients it has to alter it trade name image for illustration cougar planing and new functionality in new aggregations and launched retro expressions of the 1970s/80s All companies engaged in monolithic advertizement for their trade name a consciousness so that they can vie favourable in the market for illustration in Nike selling scheme, it focused on patronizing immense events and popular events, Reebok besides sponsored popular events and had a licensing understanding with national basket association that increased its trade name consciousness To vie with each other favorability each company outsource production and natural stuffs where their cost was inexpensive and labor was available this enables each company to cut on production cost. Product distinction causes restraints on competition for illustration the is high competition for illustration between Nike, Adidas and Reebok because thought there is high trade name designation in the market they about dealt in similar athleticss equipments which offer client the use. 1.1.5 Strategic group mapping to place rivals Strategic Group Map on Footwear Mark From the strategic group function, the competition between Puma and Nike is really low and puma doesn’t pose a menace because Puma doesn’t adequate market portions as compared to Nike, This is because Puma is a phase where its trade name is hapless and clients are non willing to purchase puma merchandises and this explains why the place of cougar and Nike are far a portion from each The close placement of Nike, Adidas and Reebok are and narrow and about tight because they are viing for about the same size for illustration the competition between Adidas and Reebok are about of the same size in market portion and they have to maintain viing for the market with no laterality from Adidas and Reebok as a prima competition, this is because the cost of production is low and so is the cost of labor The cost of exchanging from one trade name to another is really low for clients the competition houses because clients can freely purchase from another from Nike, Adidas and Reebok particularly where there is no trade name royalty that’s why they are so near together Nike, Adidas and Reebok entered the market about at the same clip when puma’s trade name image needed bettering this cause high competition for the market portions and for clients and this explains why less room for enlargement for Nike, Adidas and Reebok that needs to protect it’s market portion from Puma The cost of production was low between the competition houses as most of had outsourced all production and natural stuff where they were cheap to bring forth, this made the market so unstable and due to high competition for the market portion. 2 Puma’s strengths and failing 2.1 Strength Puma had coaction with some of the celebrated interior decorators from different cultural back land for illustration puma’s new undertakings were developed under the supervisings of trendsetters like Yashuiro Mihara and Jil smoothers which are strongly influenced by kickboxing. This cooperation and coaction opened a new broad market for cougar for illustration where high manner meets sportswear, for illustration this coaction led cougar to produced high quality trade name that suppers starts like Madonna were happy to be spotted wear puma trade name and this made many manner and trade name wearer purchase more of cougar merchandises Puma launched new aggregations which blended with athleticss, life style and manner for illustration cougar curato places, unala cropped woven women’s ware which are really sport stylish and voguish, such causal sportswear became similar really twenty-four hours sort of wear for certain age group for illustration the immature starts who identified themselves with cougar logo and manner, this made it easy for cougar to aim and make the right market as at the right clip as puma knew it’s market and clients good Variable Cost and Unit Selling Price EssayBased on both Barney’s work and the definition in the lexicon, a sustainable competitory Advantage is defined as long term benefit of implementing some alone value-creating scheme non presently being implemented by any known or possible rivals along with the incapableness to double the benefits of this scheme. Factors that have enabled cougars achieve sustainable competitory advantage are identified below Knowledge and Expertise Puma has utilizations expertness in design cognition with major competences in all parts of design and selling for illustration with the acquisition of Puma by PPR group has enabled cougars to utilize PPR big base design squad to bring forth high quality of desirable trade names, this cognition and expertness makes puma completive set a portion from it’s chief rivals. Brand as completive advantage Pumas trade name is so strong and dynamic harmonizing to Zeitz that by 2003 puma’s popularity was so strong that mega starts like Madonna was proud to have on Puma’s, This trade name image and associations of it’s trade name with international starts is of competitory advantage in merchandising of dress and footwear because it brings about promotion for cougar and trade name consciousness and open up locales for other chances for illustration by 2003 cougar marks a trade to be the official provider of dress and footwear to the FIA universe mass meeting title-holder. Expansion into other market Puma has been spread outing its market particularly in China, for illustration cougar has unfastened many shops in Olympic small town in China to showcase new aggregation and run into the demand for Puma’s footwear demand, this enlargement has attacked new clients and cougar has provided support to single athleticss personality for illustration, the CEO of Puma is quoted as â€Å" If we find the right individual we will see partnering with those Chinese athleticss starts†( China daily describe 26,2007 ) Advanced merchandises Puma has a advantage in footwear, dress and accoutrements because it a batch easier for cougar but manner know who with the aid of interior decorators and the CEO of cougar has the apprehension of manner â€Å"the new combination of elements of past†in which when cougar spots a new tendency alternatively of doing a new trade name, puma uses it old trade name to plan and this counted for 10 % of footwear, dress and accoutrements based on the old design and this besides made puma a tendency starting motor. In footwear cougar besides collaborated with sought after interior decorators like Stella McCartney, Alexander McQueen to bring forth new line of women’s and men’s footwear which was launched in the spring of 2006 Broad consumer entreaty Puma offer a really diverse merchandise line for everyone and this histories for the wide client entreaty because there is merchandise for everyone. In the spring aggregation of 2003 did Carter for both male and female for illustration Nuala merchandise line with cropped woven bloomerss and Nuala Nylon coat for adult females every bit good as Kings US Secret Service association football shirts that catered for both work forces and adult females. Puma besides ventured into Action athleticss line for emerging athleticss like BMX skateboarding and downhill mountain bicycling making Pt series offering causal footwear and dress and accoutrements for such events Relational market asserts Puma has got greater bond with its clients this has forged a working relationship work with clients to industries extremely alone and customized trade names for illustration in the instance survey cougar promoted the â€Å"top victor thrift†a aggregation of 510 alone and single places that were created out of recycle fabrics from Jeans and ties, with the purchase of such points, clients allowed to come in puma’s sole community on the web. Supplies to run into the assorted demands of consumers Puma’s major provider was Yue Yuen, the largest provider of footwear, so when the demand for peculiar footwear goes up cougar is more readily meets the demand from changeless supply of branded merchandises from YueYuen. Intellectual market asserts Puma has great in deepness cognition sing clients demands and penchants for illustration cougar has gained cognition and credibleness in athletic wear and equipment, this was a consequences of many old ages of trading on the same merchandise line and which made it really easy to hold competitory advantage over others manner industry, this cognition made it easy for cougar to re-launch merchandises that clients most prefer to hold. 3.1.3 Better company public presentation Selling run Puma participated in assorted selling runs to originate client trade name consciousness for illustration it sponsored large events, chose music telecasting channel which was known for its immature audience who tired to distinguish themselves and targeted them with cougar adverts, this has resulted in o better public presentation because it improved trade name consciousness which in bends led to high gross revenues public presentation. Out sourced production Puma outsourced all productions and natural stuff procurances in European were to expensive and natural Martial were inexpensive in Asians states, this allow cougar to cut down it’s working capital and let cougar to shorten the production and enable full quality control of input factors, this consequences in a better company public presentation because it enables cougars to run into the market needs efficaciously and salvage a batch of money from holding its production and stuff from a inexpensive beginning Use of engineering Puma invention of the â€Å"cell technology†which introduced the froth –free midsole where alone designs were made by single designs and athleticss work forces were convinced to have on pumas merchandises for illustration cougar introduced the All-In-One ‘UniQT’ for the Cameroon football squad at the 2004 African Cup of Nations. The new ‘UniQT’ is the replacement of the sleeveless shirt worn by the Cameroon squad in the 2002 African Cup of Nations, this has resulted in to break company public presentation because with the alone manners of athleticss wear more and more promotion was being done for cougar and doing the trade name more known hence doing puma merchandise line good known and increasing gross revenues Harmonizing to ( Carty, Victoria 2001, 34-66 ) â€Å"Almost all administrations of any sensible size have some sort of strategic planning†and strategic planning direction was/is a chief portion of cougar schemes of a better public presentation company for illustration cougar knew that rhythm for each athletics differ from athletics to feature and establishing on the general regulation of thrum that a rhythm lasts for 12 to15 old ages with 5 to 8 old ages of a merchandise popularity and that it’s demand lowers, this indicates that investings in new merchandise line demand to be planned good in progresss and this is what cougar did for illustration in 2003 cougar entered the cricket market get downing in Austria, South Africa and Africa where cricket going trendy and was expected to be grow in popularity. Planing and clocking market trends This planning and timing scheme makes Puma a better acting company because it’s easier for cougar to come in other subjects markets fast as its presence in the market is good known and every bit good as the trade name which in bend led to increase in gross revenues of footwear, accoutrements and dress. Collaborations with other spouses Collaborations with other spouses with athletic trade names for cougar for illustration the coaction with McQueen, this coaction brought the footwear, accoutrements and dress closer to the universe of high manner by for illustration this coaction lead to Puma opening up a shop in New York ace hip meatpacking territory a long side Alexander McQueen’s flagship shop. This aggregation was unveiled in September 2007 gross revenues growing and enlargements Puma direction confirmed addition in gross revenues on of footwear, dress and accoutrements for based on the fiscal consequences for the first one-fourth of 2008 this has come as a consequence of cougar outsourcing production and stuff to developing states where labor is inexpensive every bit good as cost of production, together with monolithic advertizement and selling, cougar gross revenues in all the three key markets saw high gross revenues growing. Puma has continued to open and spread out more in retail and retail- now how for illustration in 2007 cougar opened up 25 shops making more involvement in the shops and spread outing its customer’s base and determining the place of retail stores that aids to bring forth more growing and trade names quality. 4. Coup detat Take over is dealing that takes topographic point between two or more companies where one company lose it’s control to another company for illustration Puma relinquished all it control to Pinault Printemps Redoute, this return over come finalised by July ( Daily News, Record, 2006 111-123 ) Puma and Pinault Printemps Redoute will strategically profit from this move as discussed below 4.1 Strategic benefits PPR Economies of graduated tables Puma and Pinault Printemps Redoute will profit both from economic systems of graduated tables by uniting production and bring forthing big volume of footwear/luxury goods, the return over enables to both companies to bring forth goods economically by to the full using the works machineries during production clip for illustration by jointly bring forthing and new design save cost and by utilizing both engineerings the companies improve on development clip doing new designs to make clients on clip. Puma’s Economies of graduated table Puma uses the expertness and design cognition of PPR group this has enable Puma to bring forth high trade names enabling cougar to put it self as category apart from it’s rivals Synergies Synergies between cougar and Pinault Printemps Redoute is much greater than cougar or Pinault Printemps Redoute runing entirely, strategically puma will profit more because it will be given opportunity to broaden it merchandise line so that it has market for each sections in the market for illustration in the footwear, accoutrements, dress, snowboarding and skating and Pinault Printemps Redoute will go on bring forthing its luxury merchandise scope, this trade name distinction by cougar and Pinault Printemps Redoute will enable the houses fair good in the oligopoly markets. PPR group Growth Pinault Printemps Redoute has strategically benefit from growing in two ways, this can be internal or external, the return over will enable the company to turn fast and quickly for illustration to the Pinault Printemps Redoute web site, Puma’s 2007 part to PPR group amounted to ˆ1,718 million, that’s a rise of 3.6 % as compared to 2006 before the return over, in 2007 cougar contributed runing income of ˆ236 million to PPR group that’s operating net income at 13.8 % gt ; after take over at 27.1 % control of cougar, Pinault Printemps Redoute increased in interest to 62.1 % on completion of the offer but this growing can besides attributes to sale residuary interest in France Printemps to RREEF and the Borletti Group every bit good as the acquisition by Redcats USA of united Retail Group Puma’s enlargement and Growth Puma benefited from this move through enlargement shiping on Phase IV of its strategic programs which included broade ning the merchandise line into non puma trade name every bit good as enlargement onto other parts. For illustration Puma benefitted from this move by spread outing to china markets where it opened up new shops to run into the footwear demand by showcasing it’s new aggregation in Olympic small town in readying for 2008 Olympics Reduce competition Strategically both Puma and Pinault Printemps Redoute will cut down competition between themselves and increase their market power to vie with other houses such as Nike and Adidas for illustration with a combine market, both companies will hold equal portion of market size which will be able to kill of competition from other trade names such as Adidas, Nike and Reebok which has strong competition with Puma for market portions for athletic wear and athleticss equipments Increased liquidness of ownership portions of the company Pinault Printemps Redoute has benefited from the return over by having a commanding interest in by selling monetary value portion of ˆ330 which raised tonss of liquid hard currency money for PPR and it commanding interest made PPR major determination doing refering cougar. High portion monetary value Puma benefited from the return over through portions sold at a monetary value of ˆ330 tot some of puma portion holders this besides made puma stockholder who bought portion in PPR it’s portion holder who benefits financially if PPR trades good on the stock market Stronger Financial base Until early 1980- 1990, Puma had a really hapless trade name image that show a diminution in its market portion and prompted cougar to alter it strategic determinations to better on its image, this procedure of alteration was led by Jochen Zeitz Puma CEO based on stages one to four of strategic program to alter puma’s image so that it can vie favourable in the market place and within a twosome of old ages Jochen Zeitz had alteration puma’s trade name image into one of the most desirable and sought after trade name of athletic wear and footwear worn both buy famous persons and manner followings all over the word. Puma is invariably introducing utilizing engineering, growing and trade name run consciousness. Puma’s hereafter is bright with a healthy. hypertext transfer protocol: // 6. Bibliography hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed on 19/07/08 ) hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed on 19/07/08 ) Case 23 Puma AG, Lutz Kaufmann, The WHU Otto Beisheim Graduate School of Management ( Accessed on 12/05/08 ) hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed on 26/06/08 ) Bharadwaj, Varandaraj and Fay ( 1993 ) Stainable Competitive Advantage in Conceptual Model and Research Proposition Alderson ( 1965 ) The Search for Deferential Advantages Hall ( 1980 ) Survival Strategies in hostile Environments Henderson ( 1983 ) The Anatomy of Competition Porter ( 1985 ) Competitive Advantage: Creating and prolonging Superior public presentation Barney ( 1991 ) Firm Resources and Sustained Comparative Advantage hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 26/07/08 )
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