Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Travel of Sir John Mandeville
The Travel of Sir John Mandeville Mandeville’s travels can be regarded as a pastiche of facts taken from various sources because the author is unlikely to travel east and witness such incredible events. Despite the fact that the narration does not contain any information about the author, it still manages to convey the world reminding of the remarkable journeys of Christopher Columbus, Jonathan Swift, and Sir Thomas More.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Travel of Sir John Mandeville specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The world represented by Mandeville personifies a thoughtful product where the author discovers himself as a tentative, skeptical, and curious person who presents strange and mysterious medieval world. While retelling his stories, the author often conveys mysterious stories about the events that happened to the pilgrims. Specific attention requires journey from Cyprus to Jerusalem, a story in which the author focuses on the marv els happening on their way. At the very beginning, the story starts with the story about Cyprus, a place where red vine becomes white after a year. Although such an example is both strange and attractive for the readers, the interpretation is still based on truthful facts. With regard to the imaginary recollection of the travels, the author resorts to the magic realism as a literary style. Aside from miraculous things that happen to vines from Cyprus, Mandeville accounts on the creatures – â€Å"papyonns†– big dogs that men take with them for hunting. The description of dogs goes beyond real frames because they are compared with lions, leopards, and wild beasts that can hardly remind of typical dogs. So, the animals on Cyprus have been represented as mysterious, even mythological creatures endowed with supernatural powers. Apart from supernatural creatures, Mandeville’s view of Cyprus is closely associated with stereotypical view on Greek culture, where the main emphasis is placed on divine origins of everything that is created in this land. The description of cities is close to the description of divine kingdom.Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is of particular concern to the city of Famagost, the â€Å"principal haven†in which people from all nations arrive. The religious motifs are also presented in accounting on the city of Akon, near which the prophet Elijah lived. Although the story does not respond to the actual reality, the author manages to grasp the peculiarities of culture and traditions of the explored land. In the author’s opinion, the religious marvels cannot be regarded as miracles; neither can natural powers be considered as surreal. In fact, such a description points to the testimonies that nature introduces to the power and grace of the divine will. In general, Cyprus is describ ed as a fabulous, beautiful Island with large cities and incredible nature. It is full of noteworthy places that are linked to saints and religious symbols. Delivering the information received during pilgrimage is important for understanding the perspective from which the author perceives alien cultures. Despite the depiction of supernatural creatures, the author manages to render the accurate distance between cities. In such a manner, the book reflects the mixture of the author’s imagination and his factual knowledge on the Greek culture. What is more important is that the proposed account does not provide a logical and consistent narration and precise guidance. Rather, the veritable intention lies in using the Book as an exciting journey across lands that differ from other culture. Absence of details proves that the author had never travelled to these places.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Different Versions of the Birth of Dionysus
Different Versions of the Birth of Dionysus In Greek mythology, there are often different and conflicting versions of mythological events. The story of the birth of Dionysus is no different, and Dionysus complicates matters by having different names. Here are two versions of the birth of Dionysus and one of the related birth of Zagreus: From a union between Persephone and Zeus in serpent form sprang the horned god Zagreus. Jealous Hera persuaded the Titans to attack the infant god as he looked into a mirror. Not only did they tear him to pieces, but the Titans ate him all but his heart which Athena rescued. From this organ, the rest of the god was resurrected. Semele is impregnated by drinking a preparation made from the heart of Dionysus who had been torn to pieces by the Titans. [Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 167]Most familiar is the story of Semeles impregnation by Zeus but failure to live long enough to give birth to the child. To save the fetus, Zeus sewed him inside himself and gave birth through his leg when the time came.(ll. 940-942) And Semele, daughter of Cadmus was joined with him in love and bare him a splendid son, joyous Dionysus, a mortal woman an immortal son. And now they both are gods. Hesiod, Theogony (trans. Evelyn-White) Homeric Hymn1 to Dionysus ((LACUNA))(ll. 1-9) For some say, at Dracanum; and some, on windy Icarus; and some, in Naxos, O Heaven-born, Insewn; and others by the deep-eddying river Alpheus that pregnant Semele bare you to Zeus the thunder-lover. And others yet, lord, say you were born in Thebes; but all these lie. The Father of men and gods gave you birth remote from men and secretly from white-armed Hera. There is a certain Nysa, a mountain most high and richly grown with woods, far off in Phoenice, near the streams of Aegyptus.((LACUNA))(ll. 10-12) ...and men will lay up for her many offerings in her shrines. And as these things are three, so shall mortals ever sacrifice perfect hecatombs to you at your feasts each three years.(ll. 13-16) The Son of Cronos spoke and nodded with his dark brows. And the divine locks of the king flowed forward from his immortal head, and he made great Olympus reel. So spake wise Zeus and ordained it with a nod.(ll. 17-21) Be favourable, O Insewn, Inspirer of frenzied women! we singers sing of you as we begin and as we end a strain, and none forgetting you may call holy song to mind. And so, farewell, Dionysus, Insewn, with your mother Semele whom men call Thyone.Source: The Homeric Hymns I. To Dionysus [3.4.3] But Zeus loved Semele and bedded with her unknown to Hera. Now Zeus had agreed to do for her whatever she asked, and deceived by Hera she asked that he would come to her as he came when he was wooing Hera. Unable to refuse, Zeus came to her bridal chamber in a chariot, with lightning and thunderings, and launched a thunderbolt. But Semele expired of fright, and Zeus, snatching the sixth-month abortive child from the fire, sewed it in his thigh. On the death of Semele, the other daughters of Cadmus spread a report that Semele had bedded with a mortal man, and had falsely accused Zeus and that therefore she had been blasted by thunder. But at the proper time, Zeus undid the stitches and gave birth to Dionysus, and entrusted him to Hermes. And he conveyed him to Ino and Athamas, and persuaded them to rear him as a girl.- Apollodorus 3.4.3
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Does Mary have a choice in the matter of her pregnancy Do you agree Essay
Does Mary have a choice in the matter of her pregnancy Do you agree - Essay Example The Christian adherence to the proposition that Jesus, the son of God was conceived of a virgin of virtuous and unique qualities is not unknown to religious beliefs. For example, Buddhists subscribe to a vastly similar theory that Buddha was conceived by Maya, also a virgin of marked uniqueness. (Woodman) Virginity which speaks of purity are not the sole determining factors in these women finding favour with divinity. It is their faith and belief in the wisdom of the divine that dictates that neither woman would question or object to the divine decision to impregnate them with the son of a higher power. Mary too is described as having a close connection with God even as a child, she prayed often and the angels of God often communicated with her. According to the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew, Mary’s destiny was determined by the divine as early as age three. The Gospel documents the following: Israel; and when she was three years old, she walked with a step so mature, she spoke so perfectly, and spent her time so assiduously in the praises of God, that all were astonished at her, and wondered; and she was not reckoned a young infant, but as it were a grown-up person of thirty years old. She was so constant in prayer, and her appearance was so beautiful and In each case, both women are predestined for greatness or at the very least uniqueness. Maya, like Mary are both enamoured with what appears to be divine characteristics that set them apart from ordinary mortals. Mary in both her beauty and her close connection to God and Maya in her beauty and her likeness to a Goddess. In each case the inescapable conclusion is that both women were chosen by the divine for those characteristics that ensured that neither woman would deny their destinies. As such Mary did not have a choice the choice was made by a higher power, one that
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Ancient Iraq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ancient Iraq - Essay Example The development of the sexagesimal numeral system helped in calculations such as the distance moved by the planets. These developments were significant contributions to science. Mesopotamian empires contribution to the governance system has formed the basis of government structures and organization in the modern dispensation. A centralized government system emerged from the demonstration by the Mesopotamian empires. A centralized governance system emerged as a result of better organization of communities and single plans3. Contributions to medicine began in the Mesopotamian empires and the evidence is inscribed within the code of Hammurabi. The code provides evidence of physicians from the Babylonian side who operated patient’s knives4. The physicians were to undergo serious punishments in the event of death of an individual. Diagnosis of various sicknesses and diseases were also introduced. Consequently, there were handbooks for herbal medicines and the various areas of their use. The modern art can be traced from the Mesopotamian empires, especially the ancient art and pottery5. Different forms of art such as mosaic, stone sculptures and megalithic arts inspired the emergence of arts to other parts of the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Evaluating Employees with Ease Essay Example for Free
Evaluating Employees with Ease Essay Performance evaluations are a critical component of human resource management in any organization. In â€Å"Evaluating Employees with Ease†Sharon LaBuke gives useful tips designed to help nursing employers conduct evaluations that translate into a positive experience for their employees. In LaDuke’s view, the first priority is to strategize the process. A good place to start is the examination of the evaluation document that forms â€Å"a common frame of reference for both manager and employee†(LaDuke, n.d., p. 49). It is noteworthy that the author places cultural issues at the top of the list of priorities, suggesting that employers thoroughly evaluate the culture of their facility to see whether the process is consistent with the culture. Relationships with the people evaluated and finding the right language are also at the top of the list, since these issues help set the right kind of atmosphere for the evaluation process, suggesting that people will feel better if they know the employer has the right kind of attitude. The second set of suggestions involves more organizational aspects. For example, LaDuke suggests that people will feel the evaluation is more objective when they know that they are being evaluated on an ongoing basis, with feedback offered throughout the year. To help make assessments more detailed and grounded in facts, employers can log important events and try to address them in a timely fashion. The creation of a personal plan for improvement is also a useful idea. Created with staff input, this plan can serve as a roadmap for individual development, helping the person to focus on the right areas. Constantly following up on the progress with the plan, the manager can create an ongoing dialogue with the employee concerning personal needs. The author effectively captures the most important points in the evaluation process. It is helpful that the focus is on the personal development of the employee, not on evaluation per se. the nurturing nature of such evaluation clearly has the potential to contribute to the employees’ development and foster adequate atmosphere in the organization. Reference LaDuke, S. (n.d.). Evaluating Employees with Ease.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Comparing Two Advertisements :: Adverts, Compare and Contrast
The two advertisements (adverts) which I have chosen to analyse are:- †¢ Lux Shower gel for women †¢ L’Orà ©al straightening cream for women I chose Lux shower gel advert from my recent cosmopolitan magazine. Already it is clear who the target audience is for this advert. Cosmopolitan is an expensive, designer magazine. Aimed towards glamorous and the higher class women, implying that this product must also be expensive. From my point of view I feel that the target audience for this advert is younger women who want to be more mature, and the older women who want to look younger. My second advert is advertising L’Orà ©al hot straightening cream for women. I also took this advert from the number one magazine for women – Cosmopolitan. This is because this advert is aimed specifically for women, and for the more mature and well off women. And this I feel is the age that this advert is aiming for, though it appears to me that it may also be attractive to the younger age group as the advert comes across to be very girly and focused on the younger audience. This advert is clearly for the more late night, party ladies who enjoy a laugh and some fun unlike the Lux’s adverts audience was the complete opposite to this advert, though they come from the same magazine. The brand name â€Å"Lux†could be an abbreviation of the word luxurious, perfect for the description of this advert. This is also clear from the use of font in this advert. The smooth curve from the letter â€Å"L†to â€Å"x†(LUX) is connected and flows well. It looks smooth, and this comes across in the advert. The product name Lux is written at the top of the advert; we are first drawn to this as it is the largest text on the advert. In gold font colour, with a shadow background it looks as if it is in blocks of letters. We are drawn to this first when looking at this advert. The company for the product â€Å"L’Orà ©al†is a well known cosmetic and
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Heb Own Brands Analysis Essay
Rob Price was recently made vice president of Own Brands, which was the private label of H-E-B. The chairman, Charles Butt, had a real interest in growing the sales of the Own Brand product line. At the time, Own Brand represented 19% of sales while national brands accounted for the rest, which was opposite of 30 years ago when Charles took responsibility for the business. Charles gave Rob a goal to increase the sales of Own Brand’s private label by 11% in the next five years to bring it up to a 30-70 ratio of private and national brands, respectively. The increase needed to be across all product lines, but Rob had a specific assignment regarding the Own Brand’s bottled water under the label Glacia. The problem with the existing Glacia water was that it did not accurately market itself as imported spring water from Canada, which would increase its market share from the French imported water, Evian. There were many things for Rob to consider as his research showed that c onsumers would be more likely to buy Glacia if they knew it was Canadian spring water. With the competitive grocery market at the time, especially with Wal-Mart’s emerging into the grocery scene, Rob needed to make a specific recommendation on how to increase its sales in context of the overall Own Brand strategy. Initially, the problem was an undetected flaw in the marketing and labeling of the product. If consumers do not have something repeatedly pushed in their face, they will not likely remember it when asked. Other problems were caused by Wal-Mart and their huge ability to undercut pricing of most other chains because of their national, even international supply-chain relationships. Wal-Mart had its own brand in Great Value products but, according to the case, was not as high quality as the H-E-B Own Brand products. Great Value compared to the Hill Country Fare tier-3 generic that H-E-B put out. Rob knew that his competition was with Wal-Mart but he wasn’t sure yet how to properly compete. He wanted to keep their pricing model of Every-day Low Price s but the pricing against Wal-Mart was difficult to match because of other national brand’s pricing positions. I think the options that Rob had to decide between were whether to place Glacia in competition with Evian as comparable imported spring water or keep it positioned against Ozarka, which is where it was, and add the Canadian value to help boost sales through points-of-difference? One of the reasons why they should consider a direct market-comparison with Evian is because there isn’t a competitor right now. Evian has far out priced itself among its competitors and Glacia scored equally as high in a double-blinded taste test showing that it didn’t actually need to change the product, just the positioning. Own Brand could significantly increase the pricing to be more related to the pricing of Evian. This would remove Glacia off the shelf next to Ozarka and next to Evian. This could possibly allow Own Brands to create a Hill Country Fare product to compete with Ozarka. However, Evian was a good premium national brand brought in money for procurement revenue. If the new Gl acia began beating out Evian in sales and profit, Evian could pull its product from the H-E-B stores and then they would lose the procurement revenue derived from a national brand. National brands also help bring in consumers who end up buying other Own Brand products in the store. This was a decision bases for the entire Own Brand product line. The options of pricing, promotions, positioning, and the overall corporate strategy were all involved in this first decision regarding Glacia. According to Butt’s target goal to Rob shortly after he became VP, only 30% of a store’s products should be their own, with a 70% mix of national brands. If Rob decided to simply elevate the existing position of the Glacia against Ozarka to increase their market share, they could grow sales and not have to compete with the national brands. I think this would be effective considering the low cost of refining their label and less hassle in re-configuring pricing and moving the product closer to Evian. A third possibility was to reposition Glacia as domestic spring water, which is what Ozarka was. I don’t see the logic behind this because they were already a direct competitor with Ozarka and their only point-of-difference was the source of their water. Why would they go through all the effort and cost of relabeling, promoting, and re-launching to get more of the same? If I were in Rob’s position, I would re-launch Glacia to be a somewhat generic competitor to Evian and create a Hill Country Fare product with purified water to be placed just below Ozarka. Evian needs some competition and according to their profit data in Table B, Glacia could increase their price and profit significantly without changing the product, only the labeling. Also, Evian users indicated preference for the Canadian water over France. I f Evian users began to prefer Glacia water instead, and that’s what H-E-B stores carried, what would be the downside if Evian eventually pulled their product out of H-E-B stores? It wouldn’t be in demand anymore, so the loss would be some procurement revenue, but the profits off the increased price of Glacia would seem to overcompensate for that.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Compare and Contrast Essay Essay
Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis were just two young teenage boys whose lives were taken from this world. The two cases for these two boys have some similarities between each other they were two 17 year-old African-American boys, both boys were unarmed, and the stand your ground law was used for each case. There are also some differences between the cases such as George Zimmerman was found not guilty while Michael Dunn was found guilty, Zimmerman stayed on the scene of the crime while Dunn did not do the same, and last eye witnesses were present to Dunn’s case but Zimmerman had zero eye witness. This is the twenty-first century yet we still have hate towards other races. In February 26, 2012 â€Å"Trayvon Martin a seventeen year old African American boy went to the store for some candy and a soft drink. George Zimmerman a Hispanic man was the neighborhood watch captain for the Retreat at Twin Lakes†(HLNtv.com). Now in November 23, 2012 Michael Dunn a White man â€Å"leaving a wedding reception for his son pulled into a gas station for wine and chips next to the SUV Jordan Davis†another seventeen year old African American boy â€Å"and three of his friends were in†(CNN.com). Zimmerman was monitoring the neighborhood when he calls 911 to report â€Å"a suspicious person.†He was â€Å"instructed to not get out or approach the person†who was. Martin. Zimmerman â€Å"disregarded the instructions given to him by the police and moments later shot Martin†and unarmed boy (CNN.com). If he was unarmed walking back to his house how could he have had any intention of being aggressive towards another man? In Dunn case he got into an argument with Davis and his friends about the loud music asking them to turn it down. Dunn said he â€Å"saw Davis reach down in his passenger seat to pull out a 12 or 20 gauge shotgun.†So â€Å"Dunn grabbed his gun an open fired ten bullet, three of which struck Davis.†Later when the car was searched no gun was found in the car (usatoday.com). Davis just like Martin was an unarmed boy. In the presence of both cases Zimmerman and Dunn both found there selves in a self-defense situation in other terms the â€Å"stand your ground law†(huffingtonpost.com). The Zimmerman case was considered self-defense but he would not have had to defend himself if he didn’t approach Martin. Also when Martin was unarmed what did Zimmerman need to defend himself of? Dunn on the other hand was not in a calm state of mind he was the â€Å"prosecutor portrayed him as a gunman whose â€Å"blood started to boil†because an armed teenager had disrespected him†(usatoday.com). Even though Dunn thought Davis had a gun he should not have fired off ten rounds rapidly. Dunn could not have been defending him and his wife when the teenagers were unarmed. They were no harm to Dunn and his wife. Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch men and was patrolling the street when he saw Martin. There were not one eye witnesses to seeing what happened at the scene besides Zimmerman a nd Martin who was dead. The only thing they had to go off of was the bruises forming and blood running from the back of his head, also the recording of the gun shot from the police recording of Zimmerman’s phone call. In Dunn’s case he was at a gas station with people around including the four men he was talking to about the loud â€Å"rap crap†music as he called it (CNN.com). Usually when you flee the scene of a crime it means you are guilty. After Zimmerman got out and came up too Martin and defended himself by shooting him. He stayed at the scene was it because no one was around and he already called the cops, and he knew that with his head bloody it was constituted as the â€Å"stand your ground law?†As for Dunn he fled forty miles back to his motel as soon as he shot off ten rounds. There he took â€Å" his dog for a walk, ordered pizza, and drank rum and cola†(CNN.com) Zimmerman was found not guilty after a year and six months went by. The six women jury found George Zimmerman not guilty. The jury had three choices to convict Zimmerman of â€Å"guilty of second degree murder, to find him guilty of the lesser charge manslaughter, or to find him not guilty. The jurors deliberated for more than sixteen hours total, including the thirteen on Saturday alone†(CNN.com). Now for Dunn even though he had pretty similar crimes as Zimmerman he was found guilty. Dunn received â€Å"a minimum of twenty years on one count, another twenty year count, and another minimum of twenty year count†(usatoday). Works Cited Neale, Rick. â€Å"Fla. USA TODAY. Larry Kramer, 16 Feb. 2014. Web. 9 Apr. 2014.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
An inexperienced nurse looking after a diabetic Essay Example
An inexperienced nurse looking after a diabetic Essay Example An inexperienced nurse looking after a diabetic Essay An inexperienced nurse looking after a diabetic Essay The facts of the inquiry province that the nurse increased the dosage of the patient’s insulin with ‘no prescription from the doctor’ . The first inquiry we must inquire is whether or non Insulin is a prescription merely medicine [ P.O.M. ] ; if it is, it would look that the nurse in inquiry was moving in breach of s58 ( 2 ) ( B ) of the Medicines Act 1968 which provinces, that no individual shall administrate a POM unless he is an appropriate practician or a individual moving in conformity with the waies of an appropriate practician. If we can presume that the drug was administered intravenously, which is the standard method of presenting insulin into a human organic structure ; by virtuousness of the Medicines ( Products Other Than Veterinary Drugs ) ( Prescription Merely ) Amendment Order 1988, Insulin should non be considered a P.O.M. : Article 2 of this Order provinces, â€Å" [ n ] otwithstanding Article 3 ( 1 ) ( vitamin D ) , any readying of insulin for parenteral [ 1 ] disposal to human existences shall non be a prescription merely medical specialty. The nurse in inquiry was therefore non obliged to obtain a written, or verbal, prescription prior to administrating the drug. We must presume, despite the fact that we are told that the nurse is ‘inexperienced’ , that he or she was to the full trained to administrate endovenous medicine ; after all, we are besides told that the nurse was delegated the duty of ‘looking after a diabetic patient with unstable diabetes’ , administrating a ‘dose of insulin [ of ] 12 units per hour’ , connoting that she is to the full qualified to present drugs in this manner ; rule 7 of the NMC ( 2004 ) a provinces, â€Å"a rehearsing accoucheuse shall merely provide and administrate those medical specialties, including anodynes, in regard of which she has received the appropriate preparation as to utilize, dose and methods of administration.†If the nurse did non hold such competency, so irrespective of the fact that he or she had been delegated to this patient, under s1.18 of the NMC ( 2004 ) , the nurse is responsible for informing her higher-ups of her deficiency of equal prepara tion, and merely undertaking pattern and accepting duties for those activities in which he/she is competent. Sing any possible civil jurisprudence claim of carelessness against the nurse: it should be noted foremost, that it is improbable that the patient would of all time convey such an action against the single nurse ; after all, the true purpose of such claims is to retrieve fiscal compensation, compensation which is more likely available from the Health Authority employer of that nurse, who can be held vicariously apt for any carelessness of its staff. Second, if such a claim was to be brought against the nurse, her rawness would non itself provide a defense mechanism, nor a lowering of the criterion of attention which the jurisprudence would anticipate of her ; in the instance of Wilsher v Essex Area Health Authority [ 1987 ] [ 2 ] the bulk of the tribunal rejected the statement that what was expected of an single health care practician was what was moderately to be expected of a individual of his makings andexperience. As Lord Justice Mustill remarked in this instance, to take the pra ctitioner’s subjective experience into history when puting the range of his/her responsibility of attention would imply that â€Å"the criterion of attention which the patient is entitled to demand [ would ] vary harmonizing to the opportunity of enlisting and rostering. [ 3 ] †Therefore, whilst the nurse is improbable to confront a civil jurisprudence claim in the civil wrong of carelessness, if she does, she will be expected to hold acted with the same due attention and diligence that would hold been expected of anyone of her occupation description, irrespective of her existent experience within that place [ 4 ] . Likewise, the nurse is expected to hold a good sense of when it will be necessary to seek more specialist advice from a superior [ 5 ] , and one such method of cognizing his/her competency is by mention to the NMC ( 2004 ) . In our instance, it is implied that the nurse did seek such advice from her higher-ups, for non merely was she ‘pressurised by a nursing co-worker to increase the dosage of insulin’ , but she besides clearly contacted the supervision physician, for ‘he said he [ would ] come to the ward to order [ the insulin ] subsequently when is free’ . In visible radiation of this reading, it is really improbable that the nurse would of all time be considered carelessness at civil jurisprudence, even if her misguided actions so went on tocause[ 6 ] personal hurt to the patient ; â€Å"If [ the practician ] does seek such aid, he will frequently hold satisfied the trial [ of rationality ] , even though he may himself hold made a error. [ 7 ] †Sing possible condemnable liability originating from breach of the Medicines Act 1968 ( as amended ) or the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, as stated earlier, there is nil within the facts of this inquiry which suggest that the nurse acted reprehensively ; she was following the instructions of both a more-experienced nurse and, presumptively, the oversing physician besides, and she administered a drug which is non a P.O.M. There is some counsel provided pertaining to where a nurse has identified an mistake in the dose of medicine NMC ( 2004 ) : where a nurse has identified an mistake in the disposal of a drug to a patient, a 2nd practician should look into any complex drug computations. In our instance, the nurse should hold checked the computations of her co-worker, who pressured her into amending the dose. If the nurse did non execute these collateral computations, so there is small uncertainty that she would be deemed to hold breached the NMC ( 2004 ) guidelines, which might travel some manner towards turn outing carelessness should such a civil action arise. The NMC ( 2004 ) guidelines besides province that a nurse or accoucheuse should non administrate or alter medicine which has been ‘drawn up by another practitioner’ ; in our instance, the nurse might hold altered the physicians dose, but she had informed the physician of her concerns, and he had expressed his consent to such amendments in saying that he would fix a prescription to consequence the alterations in dose. If the nurse is found to be in breach of the professional codifications of behavior in respects to the misadministration of medicine, the fact that she was pressured into such behaviors should supply her with some defense mechanism to any ensuing disciplinary processs: As stated in the NMC ( 2004 ) , ‘where the mistake was the consequence of reckless or unqualified pattern or was concealed, and those that resulted from other causes, such as serious force per unit area of work, and where there was immediate, honest revelation in the patient’s interest’ . Sing any ethical concerns, as contained in the NMC codification of professional behavior of professional behavior: criterions for behavior, public presentation and moralss ( NMC, 2004b ) ; as stated earlier, the nurse is under an ethical responsibility to merely move within her competency, and where he or she knows him/herself to be excessively inexperient, it is his/her ain responsibility to forbear from that activity until advice has been sought and provided by a more experience practician. In this instance, there is non indicant that the nurse was in any manner in breach of her ethical responsibility in these respects. Mentions: Luxmore-May V Messenger May Baverstock [ 1990 ] 1 WLR 1009 Bolam V Friern Hospital Management Committee ( 1957 ) 1 WLR 583 Wilsher V Essex Area Health Authority [ 1987 ] Q.B. 730 The Medicines Act 1968 The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 The Medicines ( Products Other Than Veterinary Drugs ) ( Prescription Merely ) Amendment Order 1988 U.K.C.C. [ 1992 ] Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses, Midwives, and Health Visitors. UKCC, London Steadman, ( 2000 ) . Stedman s Medical Dictionary. Lippincott Williams A ; Wilkins ; 27th edition NMC ( 2004 ) Guidelines for the Administration of medical specialties. Nursing the Obstetrics Council, London. Nursing A ; Midwifery Council ( 2004a ) Midwifes regulations and criterions NMC, London Jackson, Powell and Stewart, ( 2002 ) . Jackson and Powell on Professional Negligence. Sweet and Maxwell Publishing. 19ThursdayDecember 2002. Pyne R, Accountability in rule and in pattern, British Journal of Nursing, Vol 1, No6, 1992, p301 – 304 Nursing A ; Midwifery Council ( 2004b ) NMC codification of professional behavior of professional behavior: criterions for behavior, public presentation and moralss NMC London.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
An Overview of Municipal Waste and Landfills
An Overview of Municipal Waste and Landfills Municipal waste, commonly known as trash or garbage, is a combination of all of a citys solid and semisolid waste. It includes mainly household or domestic waste, but it can also contain commercial and industrial waste with the exception of industrial hazardous waste (waste from industrial practices that causes a threat to human or environmental health). Industrial hazardous waste is excluded from municipal waste because it is typically dealt with separately based on environmental regulations. Five Categories of Municipal Waste The second category of municipal waste is recyclable materials. Paper is also included in this category but non-biodegradable items like glass, plastic bottles, other plastics, metals and aluminum cans fall into this section as well. Inert waste is the third category of municipal waste. For reference, when discussed with municipal waste, inert materials are those that are not necessarily toxic to all species but can be harmful or toxic to humans. Therefore, construction and demolition waste is often categorized as inert waste. Composite waste is the fourth category of municipal waste and includes items that are composed of more than one material. For example, clothing and plastics such as childrens toys are composite waste. Household hazardous waste is the final category of municipal waste. This includes medicines, paint, batteries, light bulbs, fertilizer and pesticide containers and e-waste like old computers, printers, and cellular phones. Household hazardous waste cannot be recycled or disposed of with other waste categories so many cities offer residents other options for hazardous waste disposal. Municipal Waste Disposal and Landfills Today, landfills are engineered to protect the environment and prevent pollutants from entering the soil and possibly polluting ground water in one of two ways. The first of these is with the use of a clay liner to block pollutants from leaving the landfill. These are called sanitary landfills while the second type is called a municipal solid waste landfill. These types of landfills use synthetic liners like plastic to separate the landfills trash from the land below it. Once trash is put into these landfills, it is compacted until the areas is full, at which time the trash is buried. This is done to prevent the trash from contacting the environment but also to keep it dry and out of contact with air so it will not quickly decompose. About 55% of the waste generated in the United States goes to landfills while around 90% of waste created in the United Kingdom is disposed in this manner. In addition to landfills, waste can also be disposed using waste combustors. This involves the burning of municipal waste at extremely high temperatures to reduce waste volume, control bacteria, and sometimes generate electricity. Air pollution from the combustion is sometimes a concern with this type of waste disposal but governments have regulations to reduce pollution. Scrubbers (devices that spray liquids on smoke to reduce pollution) and filters (screens to remove ash and pollutant particles) are commonly used today. Finally, transfer stations are the third type of municipal waste disposal currently in use. These are facilities that where municipal waste is unloaded and sorted to remove recyclables and hazardous materials. The remaining waste is then reloaded onto trucks and taken to landfills while the waste that can be recycled for example, is sent to recycling centers. Municipal Waste Reduction Composting is another way cities can promote municipal waste reduction. This type of waste is comprised solely of biodegradable organic waste like food scraps and yard trimmings. Composting is generally done on the individual level and involves the combination of organic waste with microorganisms like bacteria and fungi that break down the waste and create compost. This can then be recycled and used as a natural and chemical free fertilizer for personal plants. Along with recycling programs and composting, municipal waste can be reduced via source reduction. This involves the reduction of waste through the alteration of manufacturing practices to reduce the creation excess materials which get turned into waste. The Future of Municipal Waste To further reduce waste, some cities are currently promoting policies of zero waste. Zero waste itself means reduced waste generation and the 100% diversion of the remainder of waste from landfills to productive uses via materials reuse, recycling, repair and composting. Zero waste products should also have minimal negative environmental impacts over their lifecycles.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Slic3r vs Skeinforge Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Slic3r vs Skeinforge - Assignment Example It is used in printers to convert 3D model into G-code instructions. Slic3r is a computer tool that is used in printing devices to convert digital 3D instructions into 3D printer (James, Floyd and Patrick 35). It was produced in 2011, and it is unique because is not based in previous. The software is available in packages like Linux, Windows and MacOS X. Our main objective of the study was to determine which software to when performing 3-D printing. Our data was collected using interviews from persons who had an experience with the software’s. Besides that, the software’s were tested in the lab using 3D printers. The data was recorded on table form. On analysis, we found out that the slic3r is the best with 75 % in favor of it. The software has most of i8ts options automated hence simple to use. Skein forge had a dialogue box with so many features that complicates it when using hence not user friendly. Executive Summary In our project, we have compared skein forge and slic3r software’s that are used in printing of 3D objects. With the emergence of new software in the market, it is an ideal moment to get the best software’s for a specific task. It appears that every interest/skill level there is an ideal software package. In software realm, there are software packages for slicing and also software applications for printers. In printing the mostly used packages are skein forge and slic3r. ... Print. 18 Executive Summary In our project, we have compared skein forge and slic3r software’s that are used in printing of 3D objects. With the emergence of new software in the market, it is an ideal moment to get the best software’s for a specific task. It appears that every interest/skill level there is an ideal software package. In software realm, there are software packages for slicing and also software applications for printers. In printing the mostly used packages are skein forge and slic3r. Printer applications utilize the two applications when bidding as they convert files to code. Both skein forge, and slic3r creates code though slight difference in results. The paper highlights the difference between the silc3r and skein forge software and the recommendation of the most appropriate software. The data is analyzed which shows the users of the 2 software, in which Slic3r is mostly used than skein forge. This shows that slic3r has more advantages than skein forge . Our objective was aimed at determining the best software for recommendation especially in business activities. This project is aimed at creating awareness of the difference between skein forge and slic3r software. The project will ensure that the reader can identify the most applicable software. The project will also ensure that business organization can identify the most appropriate software between skein forge and slic3r. Companies, which manage software, will also gain more knowledge about their products. They will be able to explain to customers on how to use the software. The Information technology firms will sell the most appropriate software and attract more customers. Finally, this project helps the student in critical thinking since by discussion of results one gain more knowledge in
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